Here is a list of hamakosan's favourite diary entries by other members:
march 2nd - amorette by b-w-p comment:   amorette 20 Questions by cornnugget comment:   "In honor of the quiz, I will create one of my own and you can learn astounding facts about Holly that you never knew you wanted to know!" Dude. The cat is pissed. by thatmarygirl comment:   Lion WEDDING MAN by drexell comment:   Weddings LOSERSTER by drexell comment:   This is what happens when friends let friends use Friendster. um yeah. nine by mattloaf1 comment:   . �Stay-Hard? Yeah, right. by timdangerous comment:   . Stupid static electricity. Stupid cold weather. Stupid winter. Stupid EVERYTHING. by idiot-milk comment:   It's Electrifyin'! ILL by loungeact333 comment:   . PERSISTENCE by loungeact333 comment:   . GIRLFRIENEMIES by loungeact333 comment:   . scraped knees by discothekid comment:   i'm speechless. Sharks by girls-suck comment:   . How to get girls to tell you the truth by girls-suck comment:   . It never really scrubs clean. by girls-suck comment:   Kwar! nag, nag, nag by savecraig comment:   . christian chat by savecraig comment:   it was so funny, i cried. Joanie loves Chachi by fellbehind comment:   note to self: you need to try this. van Gogh by fellbehind comment:   so true.. <sob sob> so "cool" by savecraig comment:   Thrift Store Groupies
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by hamakosan as a favourite:
hamakosan has 1 entries listed by selfbiased as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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