A Long Gone Day

the seasons of a man, and an unknown destination.

there's little truth to what i have to say. i am biased, jaded, and tempered from dancing the waltz of life, and now's my chance to bite back.

My favorite diaries:

oceans-depth profile - diary
comments: moving poetry. so true and sublime...
loathe profile - diary
comments: a self-described "contemptuous misanthrope," he is something more.
radiogurl profile - diary
comments: a partner in crime of sorts.
bangetsavoha profile - diary
comments: a faux kid sister, and the best any i could ask for.
itchymicchi profile - diary
comments: miss linkmeister.
boann7 profile - diary
comments: poet laureat, polytubbie
thearchivist profile - diary
comments: [a place of fiction]
she-shines profile - diary
comments: virlomi, v2.0
jammybastard profile - diary
comments: persona non gratifacatu
brightopal profile - diary
comments: something from the ashes.
o-twinkle-o profile - diary
comments: returned.
lo-ghm profile - diary
comments: Types Like This.
virginistic profile - diary
comments: [comment forthcoming]

My favorite music:

comments: No Hope = No Fear
comments: I'm not the only one, who walks between the rain, there are many.
Nine Inch Nails
comments: and when the day arrives, I'll become the sky, and I'll become the sea, and the sea will come to kiss me for i am going home. nothing can stop me now.
comments: Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen, Hier kommt die Sonne.
David Bowie
comments: Stop Freecloud, they won't think to cut me down!

My favorite movies:

The Mummy
comments: brilliant special effects, and a story more or less true to the original. i wouldn't mind seeing Fraiser's character pan out into other, Indiana Jones type stuff.
Sling Blade
comments: mm hmm. you got any of them french fried potaters?
the Labrynth
comments: david bowie, jennifer connelly, and the jim henson creature shop. where can you go wrong?
Pirates of the Carribean
comments: it's like they made a movie out of the secret of monkey island. orlando bloom even looks like guybrush threepwood!

My favorite authors:

Terry Pratchett
comments: Zany, fun, and altogether enrapturing fantasy.
Larry Niven
comments: quite possibly the greatest sci-fi author this side of Asimov.
Issac Asimov
comments: the king of sci-fi. stories written fifty years ago are still relavant today.

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last updated: 2017-12-17 22:34:17
this user's total entries: 657
user since: 2002-09-28

AOL IM name: selfbiased
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MSN Messenger name: selfbiased

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