letters from the ether

chipping at the path

My favorite diaries:

selfbiased profile - diary
comments: "all, with a mere kiss"
silencein433 profile - diary
comments: "Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.Only I will remain"
bornearly profile - diary
comments: "how irreplaceable the moment is, how important it is to pay attention -- certainly for the humor value, but no less for the marrow-sucking quality of each event."
madrigle profile - diary
comments: "I can't wait to be naked in the studio, with paint in places where the sun don't shine"
zuzus-petals profile - diary
comments: "Here we stand on yet another precipice, clinging like magical creatures to the rock when what we should be doing is practicing letting go".
chaosdaily profile - diary
comments: chocolate and chaos
fightn4life profile - diary
comments: "Sitting on star dust"
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: "Well, of course I am, you great galumphing galah. It's all about me, after all."
breakthedark profile - diary
comments: "I want to read you, divulge your thick, dry pages...Pull the juicy darkness from your story, and close my eyes. Remaining suspended, between words and meanings."
greentealeaf profile - diary
comments: sometimes i wish i had somebody i could follow trustingly, so i wouldn't get lost. even without a compass. even without the right instincts. even without eyes or guts
candoor profile - diary
comments: "Music is the fluid carrying my spirit through my soul and words are the cells forming the bodies of my dreams."
smashthegas profile - diary
comments: tootsie roll hard candy outside with a soft center........"But I say fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. If you're gonna swim against the tide, might as well do it with some style..."
h2ophobic profile - diary
comments: "Oh Crap! You're going to try and cheer me up, aren't you?"
xat profile - diary
comments: "Don't fucking raise my expectations. Tell me the truth, and respect my right to make an informed decision."
smedindy profile - diary
comments: family man, witty, charming, musical, delightful
batten profile - diary
comments: a passionate sailor
swimmmer72 profile - diary
comments: a photographer, a writer, a hiker and all in a very nice package.
aliannmil profile - diary
comments: "I wish you Peace"
boxx9000 profile - diary
comments: "TRUST that somehow it all turns out OK in the end"
bindyree profile - diary
comments: she can hear the ocean
sunpowered profile - diary
comments: "spiritual sister .....she talks to angels"
caleb profile - diary
comments: the oldest
nicim profile - diary
vibinghigh profile - diary
straysparrow profile - diary
xinpheldspbx profile - diary
betholindo profile - diary
nixtress profile - diary
essaywriter profile - diary

My favorite music:

fleetwood mac
comments: landslide.. .. im tired of listening to them .. but this song always seems to appear at critical mass in my life.. why is that?
comments: he plays his guitar like a woman wants to be played
sarah mclachlan
comments: calms me... either her or carly simon
comments: after having seen him in concert..... im truly amazed ..... a favorite song is Rubina. i was misty hearing it live.... his guitar work is exceptional and brillant.

My favorite movies:

blade runner
comments: The light that burns twice as bright burns for half as long and you have burned so very, very brightly Roy.
what dreams may come
comments: What's true in our minds is true, whether some people know it or not.
as good as it gets
comments: To hell with sex! It was better than sex! We held each other! What I needed, he gave me great.
comments: ripley... need i say more..You know Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!
the postman
comments: Wouldn't it be great if wars could be fought by the same assholes who started them?

My favorite authors:

comments: his series of books with the charactor lazarus long... i want to marry lazarus - live among that group. im quite monogamous but he makes me wish for more...... acceptance without question. loyalty without measure. devotion without jealousy
comments: who could not love hobbits and long epic tales of solitary bravery.
robert bly
comments: poet /writer translates some of the greatest poems ever written.
comments: symphony of ages series .. i loved this story of mixed breeds and half alien humans. a bold yet fragile woman hero.. something about that i like a lot.. and the trees beautiful trees.
comments: what is man........would love to read his comments were he alive today.

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last updated: 2009-07-17 17:21:03
this user's total entries: 297
user since: 2005-08-21

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