Xinpheld's Soapbox

stream-of-consiousness time...

crazy. geek. bear. ex-smoker. empathic. listener. ignorant. anxious. angry. funny. preposterous. family. wife. stepchildren. askew. philisophical. undereducated. skeptical. unreligious. spiritual. Oh, and my name is James.

My favorite diaries:

manchmal profile - diary
comments: This chick's right up my psychotic alley. In a good way.
sabinebyrne profile - diary
comments: ...hormones... raging... must... kiss... everyone...
smoog profile - diary
comments: [this spot reserved for witty descriptive comment]
piehole profile - diary
comments: She reminds me of my friend Amy. Oh, and she's damn funny.
porktornado profile - diary
comments: FInally, a guy I can read. Damn funny.
mistresslink profile - diary
comments: [this spot reserved for witty descriptive comment]
smartypants profile - diary
comments: [this spot reserved for witty descriptive comment]
boann7 profile - diary
comments: [this spot reserved for witty descriptive comment]
dinosaurorgy profile - diary
comments: a new reader, I think

My favorite music:

They Might Be Giants
comments: I like them enough that I want to go see 'Gigantic'. 'Flood' is my make-me-happy-no-matter-how-bad-off-I-am album.
comments: Anything before 1981. 'Invisible Touch' and up may as well not exist. Not that I don't have them.
Badly Drawn Boy
comments: A new discovery; I like him. Peppy quirky British pop (doo dah, doo dah).
comments: Strap on the headphones and dive into The Soul Cages, I dare you. I hope I get to see when Sting evolves into a being of light and moves on to the next dimension.

My favorite movies:

Thinking Flicks
comments: Mindwalk, Waking Life, Adaptation, Closetland, Pi, Monster in a Box (bye, Spauld.)
comments: LoTR, The Matrix (et al), The Princess Bride, Aliens, Conan the Barbarian, The Fifth Element, Willow, Time Bandits, The Adventures of Baron Munchousen
Art Films
comments: Am�lie, The Red Violin, The Ice Storm
Sinful Pleasures
comments: Dude, Where's My Car?, The Beastmaster, Ice Pirates, The Last Starfighter, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
Films That Can Bite Me
comments: Armageddon (or pretty much any Bruckheimer and/or Bay film), Straight-to-Video Disney flicks (Mr. Eisner must die!)...more to come

My favorite authors:

Robert Pirsig
comments: 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'; one of my formative books
George R. R. Martin
comments: 'Song of Ice and Fire' series. If you like fantasy, this is the stuff. Robert Jordan and Terry Goodkind should be fanning him and feeding him grapes.
Carl Sagan
comments: 'Contact'. It's much, much better than the movie. Like I need to say that.
John Steinbeck
comments: "East of Eden' had a strong effect on me.
Bill Bryson
comments: "A Short History of Nearly Everything" is one of my new favorites. It's like 30 episodes of Nova that you can carry with you.

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last updated: 2008-02-19 16:15:04
this user's total entries: 315
user since: 2003-06-03

AOL IM name: jadamsmith
ICQ number: 1020219
Yahoo Messenger name: xinpheld
MSN Messenger name: xinpheld

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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