Here is a list of irisheyes70's favourite diary entries by other members:
The secret chord by harri3tspy comment:   Reverie. Something I'd like to read again and again. I can�t remember the last time I saw you laughing by spritopias comment:   Politics as it should be. THE STORY by politics101 comment:   Oh my gosh! I thought Amityville Horror was scary... Well, I used to live sort of close to Amityville and this was still pretty durn freaky. That June is a brave woman! ampersand project: sex = happiness by in-my-life comment:   A very open entry about sex and self esteem. For Rebecca L B by unsentletter comment:   I wish I could say... What a writer brings by herworship comment:   What a writer brings... This entry made me think a lot about my writing and how to make it better. Herworship always has that affect on me when I read what she has to say on the subject. Ode to Billy Jo by trinity63 comment:   A story of first love.
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by irisheyes70 as a favourite:
irisheyes70 has 1 entries listed by yankee-chick as favourites irisheyes70 has 1 entries listed by trinity63 as favourites irisheyes70 has 1 entries listed by neurotic-one as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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