Here is a list of takexmyxhand's favourite diary entries by other members:
bruises by she-lied comment:   //So Fucking Lovely I'm alive by girlsmad comment:   //There's hope for you,prettygirl i found her hand under the blankets and slipped my fingers in with hers by usb-port comment:   //Makes me want to hold yr hand, beautiful boy sex by silentsophie comment:   /"/let's fall in love & not in lust" [& like the pictures] LOVE STORY by neon-nation comment:   //Yr something wonderful whoever invented the phone was a genius. by plastik03 comment:   //He really is beautiful FUCK U DAD, ur not going to take her from me. by thrasher246 comment:   //I love this boy so fucking much the motherland by loathe comment:   //The last line is directed towards me and it makes me smile. You ARE lovely life is but a dream by girlsmad comment:   //Nobody wake me, this is a dream I want to finish 9:40 by she-lied comment:   //There's really no reason to smile until i hear his voice through the static cuz i'm still slipping by justanother- comment:   //i need a goddamn revolution. yeah, so do i fuck waiting for you by justanother- comment:   //i don't want to be sitting here, listening to static on the radio & waiting for you to call me. 4 years ago by bitterhatred comment:   //this boy's got a head on his shoulders. coffee for diner. by jadedfreedom comment:   //And this is what young love feels like. Beautifully written. touch her by usb-port comment:   //Wow i love alli by bitterhatred comment:   //Change myself for you
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by takexmyxhand as a favourite:
takexmyxhand has 1 entries listed by hidden-chaos as favourites takexmyxhand has 1 entries listed by breathe-salt as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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