Here is a list of voicescarry's favourite diary entries by other members:
Grace by voicescarry comment:   "If there's no reality and there's no truth, how do you win? You don't. You just keep going and pray for grace." #1938 forces of nature by swimmmer72 comment:   "maybe my inner demons need some turmoil to feel alive; maybe it's just recognition of the forces of nature at work. i've never taken the time to think that thought through." There you go with hope again by voicescarry comment:   "The smoke glowed against the indigo darkness and took the shape of the wind. Outlines of trees stood like skeletons observing. It was ghostly, spooky. Gorgeous." i eat words for breakfast by bumpercar comment:   Fall of my sophomore year. retrace by bumpercar comment:   "I want to ask questions more than i want to know facts." - by waltzingyeti comment:   Amen, sister. moon ride by softblossoms comment:   i twirl the pedal of my bike and i add grease. i add myself. the squeak disappears and it is a quiet ride. - by monday-night comment:   How I felt about Musclecar in many less words. white-blonde by vocalfern comment:   How I felt coming home from my first year at college. history by waltzingyeti comment:   Someday, the ache will be gone. Someday. post stamped snow by bumpercar comment:   Something I would write, but I could never be this poetic Awe by diamondsky comment:   Awww...I mean...AWE! i am just saying by waltzingyeti comment:   Let's add this to the story of my life. Facts by diamondsky comment:   I feel the same way. I wonder if she was writing about me? i'm happy either way. by youeachtime comment:   I've never done this, but I feel like I need to start. sixty eight by amazinfuckup comment:   Amen Country cruising by voicescarry comment:   Red threads and summer. Wounded by voicescarry comment:   "And tonight, she said, 'I think about you a lot,' and my voice gets quiet, and she says, 'I still love you no matter what,' and you can barely hear me. She says, 'Merry Christmas,' and I hang up.I want to make it better but it's just too hard. mirror mirror by bumpercar comment:   My senior year of high school. every time you tell me by waltzingyeti comment:   The true definition of loneliness. i did everything for you by vocalfern comment:   "your name to me is what you are: a little regret." sometimes when they sensed a storm was coming, they would hold a smoking pussy willow branch towards the storm and try to ward it off by waltzingyeti comment:   "you might be busy, a storm might be coming" in light of our impending weather by waltzingyeti comment:   we were experts at dizzying ourselves, repeating our failing motions, unable to stop. A Reply by voicescarry comment:   Entries like this give me hope. I wrote it, too. #671 PUZZLES by swimmmer72 comment:   "so much of my life's puzzle is already on the table..." #649 MY LAST DAY by swimmmer72 comment:   Does anyone really know what their future holds? I like this because he was doing what he'd always wanted to do, and realized that it wasn't for him. I respect that. Listen by mattferrara comment:   I wish I were a poet The eyes have it all by diamondsky comment:   Incredible. I almost cried. i was bare-breasted & riding on the back of a bull by vocalfern comment:   I wish I could describe fireworks like this. has it really only been 4 years? by kissmyargyle comment:   Ditto. bittersweet symphony by kissmyargyle comment:   I know!
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voicescarry has 5 entries listed by voicescarry as favourites voicescarry has 1 entries listed by swimmmer72 as favourites voicescarry has 4 entries listed by diamondsky as favourites
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