messages to a-votolato:
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from waterwings :
i totally hear cat stevens in a flaming lips song--its that father and son song right?
from knord :
Hi there, I just joined this website and I stumbled across your diary while looking through diaries of people with great taste in music because I believe that you can tell a lot about a person by their musical taste. Just wanted to tell you that you must be ultra cool judging from your taste and your diary. I, too, find it difficult to balance being a parent and partner, at times. Also, to restrain myself from killing annoying people who listen to rap music. ha ha just kidding! email me sometime [email protected]
from karinamae :
hi lady! yea that you started a diary. it's not to tough - looks like you've got it down just fine. my only word of advice - name it as you write it if you ever want to reference anything. this whole thing is both very cool and very wierd - hope you like it! i love your diary allready. love, K

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