messages to amanda-anne:
(click here to add new message):

from msjessica :
Timing - you just happened to show up in 'Recent public entries' when I logged in here (which isn't overly often anymore). xxx
from avantbedroc :
yr baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!
from msjessica :
so twice in two days, you popped up in the "users online right now" box. hi. nice to see you back x
from tragedyme :
Your writing is beautiful. It reminds me a little of my poetry.
from msjessica :
xxx hope you're smiling. or at least still alive.
from msjessica :
oh beautiful girl if you're over it, over the monotomy it means a city and all that it has to offer is what you need. i'm high. honey....what has been created? i feel like strands of cotton on an old cardigan that have been worn out by overuse and too much love. strange days....
from raven72d :
Wonderful enigmatic entries...
from snow666white :
Hey :) I have locked up my diary if you are still interested please send me a note with your email address and i will mail you my password. Or if you wouldn't mind emailing me [email protected] and i will reply with the details. Thank you, I hope you are well...
from isjoskan :
You know what comes now.
from ejaculated :
love it.
from msjessica :
oh my goodness. i can't believe you're blowing me off again?
from snow666white :
thanks for the adding. I shall add this account to mine :) hope you are well xx
from msjessica :
mm.....hello. i see girls everywhere who remind me of you. "the amanda" as you're known. a dream of some sort, some stoned mirage. girls with similar eyes, feet, mannerisms mostly, a way about them. they're everywhere you know, you may be surprised...reminding me of you but not quite like you. i know so very little about you, so very little and being the non stoned, a little less messed up girl that i am these days almost forgot what it was we used to talk about...i think too much? and..........i don't know. i think about you at least 3 times a week. no doubt i don't get the same attention but that doesn't matter. so yeah....hi. i hope you're...joyous. and nowhere near feeling pathetic. come to sydney for a weekend. you're 18, i almost have a house and no doubt we're both 2 very different people....we could have fun. say hi to jack. x
from msjessica :
Magdalena Christina (Lany) KAYLOR was born on 29 July 1865 in Holmes County, Ohio. She married Henry Springer. She died on 24 December 1929 in Paulding County, Ohio, USA. I had no idea you were so old...and dead. I miss you, i think...not that i really know whom i'm missing but all the same...i miss something. monday? saturday (tomorrow) even..

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