messages to amitoopunk08:
(click here to add new message):

from apocalipx :
A phrase that seems to simply state the obvious but actually implies helplessness.
from xxxvalentine :
text... as in text message? if so, then yeah. Hehe, that's cool, a lot of it is really good ^-^
from xxxvalentine :
;] Someone got lucky this weekend haha. And verizon is the shit, man ^-^ I love it
from xxxvalentine :
U like it too? x3 It is the most amazing genre of music I've had the luck to stumble upon lol What's your favorite band?
from xxxvalentine :
Yeah, I know >< It's kinda messed up like that XD Oh, my msn is [email protected] ... haven't gotten around to changing it yet heh I like your slideshows! It looks like you had a lot of fun ^-^
from yurmistake :
well, my foot itches when I'm, we're in the same boat. lol. trust me, your not alone.
from xxxvalentine :
Good to hear you had a nice weekend :]
from yurmistake :
a real friend. *tear, tear*. thanks. lol. but i thought that a considerate d-land note would be appreciated...been MONTHS since my last. anyway, im rambling, but you know where to find me. :^}.
from xxxvalentine :
Hey, thanks ^-^ I'll add yours too :]
from yurmistake :
hey katy. its paperthin01. this is the NEWEST diary of mine, so check it out when you can. you havent been on yahoo lately.
from paperthin01 :
this feels back to normal. lol. dont be a strange, you.
from amylee1fan :
Hey Katy, I know we haven't talked in a really long while,but I just wanted to say that since I never update my d-land diary anymore if you have a myspace page you can add me on my private page.(I have,here's the link to it well ttyl hopefully.bye!!! ♥ ♥Lin♥
from amylee1fan :
Happy Halloween Katy!!! &heatrs;Lindsay
from velvet-box :
It's been awhile since we last talked. :( How have you been? School starts in a week for us and I see yours starts tomorrow. That sucks. Well hopefully I ttyl! ♥
from liltessiepoo :
Hey when you decide to hear my side and not block me because what YOU said hurt me, unblock me and we'll talk.
from rubygem106 :
hey!! could you give me your password thing to your diary so i can put you on my profile?? kiss kiss!!
from rubygem106 :
yup. those are the ones. i want them soooo bad!!! theyre AWESOME!!!
from rubygem106 :
actually my REAL name is kathryn. but whatever. i have some songs imy diary. could you read them and ell me what u think?? please please please??? bye!!
from rubygem106 :
hey. is ur name really spelled like that?!?!? mine is too!!! wow thats soooo cool!! ive never met (not really met but whatever) anyone whos spells their name the same way i do. do u like avril lavigne??
from cheapdisease :
doop doop doop.. so i changed my password cause my old one didn't work anymore so send me a note with your email if you want the pass. k <3331236487
from guttercunt :
hey kat the brat. I got a new more vomit ♥ letting you know
from vomit- :
your probably too good for tyler.
from amylee1fan :
Ya have a really cool diary.You also seem like ya have ALOT in common wit me. You're 14? Well I am too.Ya said people call ya a bitch.Well...reading you're diary ya don't really seem like one.Hey if ya want to ever leave me a note or anythang...My screen name is amyLee1Fan Or ya can E-Mail Me at:[email protected]?!!!
from bhfool :
hey, i like your layout. can you leave me a note or something that says where you found it. and how you do it? ill give you a cookie if you do.... id appreciate it. thanks.
from vomit- :
do you like avril?
from liltessiepoo :
love ya like a sista!

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