messages to anamlabodis:
(click here to add new message):

from arizabif :
Hello! Where is your new diary? I would love to still keep up with you. Send me an email with the info!
from bluecharis :
Hi there! Please email me the information I need to locate your new place. Thanks in advance! Wouldn't want to miss any baby photos... Have a lovely Sunday, love, Charis :-))
from soverycherry :
Re: 11.12.03 entry (your guestbook doesn't like me!!): That is disgusting. What is wrong with people??? To read about people like that who are involved in a CHURCH behaving in such a manner? What a pathetic loser. I'm so sorry your father was sucked in by such a delusional freak. That's heratbreaking. :(
from amblus :
Hi, thanks for reading! I appreciate the nice note. Also, I noticed that Robert Fulghum is on your authors list. I met him once and he was about as great as you can imagine.
from amberfalls :
Hello. Thanks for leaving such a nice note in my guestbook and adding me to your favorites. I like your layout too. I read your entry about the magazines and I have to agree. One of the reasons I wrote my entry about body image is that I read so many women's diaries and they all talk about the same thing. Re: going vegan. I did it this year and it was easier than I thought it would be. Tofu is your friend. Just about anything you make with chicken you can substitute tofu and it will be delicious.
from omeara :
Hi - I just wanted to let you know I've been reading your journal for quite a while (originally I linked off of diaryreviews) and I really enjoy it. You're an excellent, engaging writer. :)
from anamlabodis :
Hey, in case anyone checks back here, I'm not gone... Just in the middle of a layout remodeling thingie. Hopefully be back up soon! Thx! :)
from randomsnark :
Hey, go wish my sister, Soverycherry, a Happy Birthday! Tomorrow is her 23rd. So old.
from ramanda :
I can't see your page! You've updated twice, but when I go to your diary it's just a big white, blank space. What's up?
from jc144 :
Hey there. Just thought I'd let you know that when I tried to load your diary today is was just white space. Would've left a note in the guestbook, but when I tried that URL it dumped me at Hope things are going well.
from jc144 :
Congratulation!. Wouldn't mind getting your login info if you're okay with it. [email protected]. At any rate, it was good to hear from you, and to see the little man.
from fluency :
Ohmygawd!! he's gorgeous! yay, michelle!! congrats to you and ian! look at that tiny face! and good job, lady! 10 hours of natural labor? you are superwoman. can't wait to hear more...xoxox
from tick-my-tock :
I tried to post before in your Guestbook and I don't know if it ended up posting or not but there were problems so I will try this again: CONGRATULATIONS MICHELLE!!! Ewan David is a wonderful name- such a beautiful baby! I'm very excited for you!
from tick-my-tock :
Me again! (Look below.) I can't find your address... would you be able to send me your password? I'd really appreciate it: [email protected] . Thanks!
from tick-my-tock :
Hi! Thanks so much for the reply! Actually, now that I think of it, I DID receive an e-mail from you... now I remember seeing an e-mail entitled something to do with a password but the name from the sender did not match anyone I knew so I deleted it. But yes, now that I think of it, your name is Michelle, isn't it? Or something very similar to that name? And I know it was an "M" name that appeared as the sender of that e-mail. So now I feel like a big dum-dum because I deleted it... but I guess I'm just so used to deleting e-mails because so much junk gets sent to my address. Anyway, thanks for sending it to me! So sorry I deleted it like a big dope the first time. I can't find your e-mail address... am I looking in the wrong spot? I'll look some more right now and if I can't find it, I'll give you mine. Thanks so much!
from narcissa :
oh.. lockup. i hope you're healthy and happy, and that everything's all right. take care. ~narcissa
from tick-my-tock :
Hey! I've read your diary since the first week I joined-up with Diaryland. I unfortunately haven't had tons of time in the last couple of months to update my diary and read my favourites, but you are one of my favourites and in my absence these last couple of days, I missed your latest updates. In any of those posts, did you mention why you were locking your diary? I just read the Diaryland news and I was wondering if your diary was being harrassed? I hope not. I'm sorry you've locked your diary but I don't blame you because I'm sure you have important reasons. Good luck with the baby! Cheers.
from momydu :
I hope you are ok. If you are able to, I would love to get your password : )
from libbyo :
Hey, I see you locked up the diary. I would love to keep up with you, if that is okay... email your pass to [email protected] HOpe everything is okay!
from jc144 :
Lockdown, eh? I just wanted to drop a note to let you know that I was thinking of you and your family. I hope things went well at McMaster, and that you're okay. If you get a chance, send even a blank email, then I know that you've seen this, and that you're alive.
from momydu :
Hi there, did you lock your diary? I hope everything is ok.
from wrthlss :
A baby. How delicious. Keep healthy.
from tick-my-tock :
Thank you so much for the sweet, adorable note! I've been following your diary for quite a few weeks (I'm still very new at diaryland) and it only took a few entries for me to know yours would always be one of my favourites. Your diary is so sweet and calming, but also fun. It's hard to describe! I check it out every day but I didn't really know if I should leave you notes or guestbook messages. This is my first try at leaving you a note... which do you check more? The guestbook or the note page? I'd like to know so I can leave you more in the future! Thanks again, sweetie.
from jenistar :
Hi! Thanks for filling out the survey--dinner sounds yummy! Looking forward to reading some more of your diary :)
from sheherazade :
thanks for the gbook message. :-)<br>i'm on my way, i think...
from dura-luxe :
Hello and thanks! I am glad that you enjoyed reading my spewings. The photo in your diary is so pretty!
from recurrent :
from recurrent :
alaska quite possibly. or not.
from sheherazade :
i love reading entries like your last one. they remind me so much of me, with the to-do list. (except i don't do my to-dos) ;-)
from recurrent :
from recurrent :
my name is julie and you seem nice. + goo goo dolls = <3. i feel like a dork.
from sheherazade :
yes, yay for being through with school!
reading about your drawing on mirrors made me crave to do the same! (i do it to my sister using lipliner, but to leave her insulting messages, haha) but very cute, i must say :-)
and as for wanting to do nothing, i'm with you. it's the best.
from sheherazade :
centipede!? i found one in my bathroom last week! it was traumatizing! and i recently woke up with about 8 bites all over me... i certainly hope it wasn't a centipede, that never entered my mind.

ooh, thanks for the lower age limit tip, by the way! it works really well! but i find that with age, it becomes a little more extreme (e.g. a 60 year old female with a 37 year old male.)... not that i'm planning to consistently seek younger males, but, well, i have a curious mind. ;-)

from unemployed :
hey this is unemployed and opiuminjars. we just wanted to say hi just because. and stuff.
from mistreated :
thank you very much. i quite like it myself. but then i would probably not put something up that i didn't like... anyway. i was going to tell you, when you got the template you have now, that it suits you much better. i like the colors. anyway. staying up late and not feeling bad, and in good company... that seems like too much to ask for. stay safe.
from amandabean :
i finally sunk to a new low. i'm sorry i had to lock my diary after over two years of ... of well, being myself. but things are getting really bad on this end. do me a favor and email me right-quickly at [email protected] (i'm so high maintenence, i really am sorry about this), and i'll send you the visitor password. i'm sorry i had to do this. hopefully it is very, very temporary.
from aquietboy :
thank you so much. you are quite the writer yourself.....
from unemployed :
someone else mentioned that too! how! how could he date her? why can't he date ME? we have a history together.
from missmacabre :
What a beautiful photo and layout you have! I absolutely love the colors and what I've read of your entries so far. Just wanted to send along the compliments.

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