messages to anne-surly:
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from fifidellabon :
So how's it going?
from fifidellabon :
All right, first off, no, you are deffo not an idiot. And believe me, I deffo know idiots. You? No. Not idiot. Now, I am SOOOO glad to hear from you! You know that you are a wonderful and brave woman, correct? Hang on to that. Not getting divorced does not make you an idiot. I worry that that the man will drink himself to death. Know that I am in your corner, whatever it is worth. LOTS of love, XOFifi
from cocoabean :
Hey anne, how you doing? Let us know you are ok, drkchoclover AT
from fifidellabon :
Hallo, just me, Fifi checking in. I hope that you are keeping well. XOFifi
from zenayda :
Just wanted to let you know I've added your diary to my list, if that's okay.
from fifidellabon :
Oh, Ms. Surly, I have to say, I am thrilled for you! Validation is such a wonderful, freeing, "a-HA!" sort of thing. Knowing that you are correct for so long and finally somebody else sees it as well, that must be like a wonderful, wonderful gift. And no one can ever take it away. It sounds you have been making some sensible decisions even before he had to go to treatment and I see it that you are on your way to a much better life already. I am going to keep you tucked away right here in my heart and be always hoping for the best to come to you and cheering like a madwoman! XOFifi Pee Ess I adore sea turtles and I shall be seeing some (deffo ) at the end of next month. I pray for all of the sea creatures in the Gulf. And the Gulf itself, as I adore it as well. XO!
from cocoabean :
I know so well how you feel! They tell you so often how you feel and what to do and how to think that it's amazing to realize you can do all that yourself! It almost felt to me like waking up from a long dream, or hypnosis or something. Mind control... lol
from cocoabean :
You had some good thoughts in your last post. Just tell the truth about how you feel. His drinking is not your fault.
from fifidellabon :
OH, it was so nice to hear from you! I am wishing you good luck on the visit. I know that you will remember that you are YOU, not him, and I feel quite certain that you will maintain your individuality, and that you will also know that you cannot be what derails him, if something in fact does. He is in charge of whether he derails or not. He is the only one who is. XOFifi
from fifidellabon :
Dear Ms. S, If I might be so bold, I would suggest to remember that if you are in the meeting and you feel "ganged up" on, then it is more than reasonable to state calmly that you are not comfortable with this exercise and that you will end it now. No one has the right to ambush another and blame then for their own problems without repercussions. Strength to you! XOFifi Pee Ess The poundage will fall right off when you get more peace.
from cocoabean :
For me, the turning point was realizing I didn't care anymore...
from fifidellabon :
Please, don't hate yourself. It would be wrong. If anything, you deserve to be made into a saint. Beanie is really good to talk to. She is an incredible role model. Best of luck to you! XOFifi
from cocoabean :
Yes, he does need honesty. Lots of it!
from cocoabean :
I think you need to tell him exactly how you feel, that this is his last chance. I think it's better for him to hear it now, while he's in treatment, than later when he's out. NOW he has people who can help him deal with it... you are right though, when he's out, it will just be a good excuse to go back to drinking, if indeed he quits. I'm not telling you what you should do, because you have to decide what's right for you. It's just my opinion....
from cocoabean :
making that decision was hard for me, too, but I also felt a great weight had been lifted. At some point, even alcoholics have to take responsibility for themselves.
from cocoabean :
Glad he's going to rehab, either way he will be sober when he gets out. Drinking does make a person think only of themselves. They just assume everyone else loves them and everything they do. They don't see a problem even though it's there staring them in the face. Enjoy your vacation!
from fifidellabon :
Sending good thoughts your way, Ms. Surly. xoFifi
from pandionna :
Howdy! I've been lurking along not sure what to say, but I just wanted you to know you have another fan out here who is hoping things work out for you.
from for-tart :
Thanks for writing this journal. I've learned a lesson the easy way. Best of luck with D.
from cocoabean :
I've been there... and I've said the same things you have.
from fifidellabon :
Oh, that is horrible! I am so sorry about that. xoFifi
from foxy-316 :
It sounds to me like you need to get out of the situation. I know it's hard, but I think you should tell him that you're gone until he is sober. You can't live your life around his addiction. Best of luck!!
from fifidellabon :
Hallo, Fifi here, I just wanted to let you know that I was the one who read all of your journal. Just so that you don't worry. I added you to my list as well. I hope that things change in a good way for you. /Fifi
from opposure :
Hello. After reading your journal entries, I felt compelled to leave you a message. I know that a strange, anonymous person with bizarre problems of his own is probably not the person you want to hear this from, but I just want to say that I feel for you and your situation and I honestly hope things get better for you and your family. I apologize if this seems intrusive or creepy. I won't trouble you again.

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