messages to artega:
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from ddrboy :
Ooh...Thanks so much! You just know how to make a boy smile!
from kiripanda :
I know your birthday is comming up soon, but for the lover of me, I cannot remember the exact date. In any case I want to wish you a happy birthday. :-)
from kiripanda :
Oh, thank you for the birthday wish. It's very much appriciated. :-) I'm trying really hard not to be as sappy as I have been, but you know, it's a bit hard when I'm idle. But who knows, maybe it'll change?
from asrael :
Hey thanks for not ranting in my guestbook. You should see some of the entries I've had to delete! Some people have no sense of humor...
from ddrboy :
Why thank you so kindly sir for saying that I write well. Thanks!
from artega :
If I figure out how to make it easier to link this part I will. --Merv
from kiripanda :
You know, you should make it easier to get here. :-) Anyway I wanted to let you know that I've been reading. :-)

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