messages to awnery:
(click here to add new message):

from vicunja :
June 21st, 2010 - How lovely hearing from you! I'm sorry life isn't great out at the moment. I believe it will get better - you're a strong an capable woman and you can make what you want of your life - of that I am certain! Can't believe your little babies are so big, now! I know I'm just a random, but I've been here for nearly 10 years now, and I'm not twittering nor facebooking with you, so I'd love it is you'd still update here - if only once in a blue moon! Hugs.
from gofigure :
Arkansas? Wow. Okay, let's think positively here. Much lower cost of living, close enough to New Orleans to drive to Mardi Gras, kinda close to Gulf beaches with warm water and lots of pretty shells... I'd be freaking out too, but sometimes big changes are blessings in disguise. It just might be the best thing that's ever happened to you. xo
from blondeness :
I'm so sorry for your loss. ((HUG))
from justagal :
You are such a sweet, sweet woman. I think you said all the right things to your Grandpa. I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. You are in my thoughts.
from cambio :
I know I'm not around much, but I just wanted to send some {{{{{hugs}}}} your way.
from thecrankyone :
hey. Sorry I didn't answer your email from a while back. I did get it, I've just really lax about a lot of things lately. I'm actually doing pretty good, in most areasa I just realized I never got the password when you locked up. How's things in your end of the world??
from blondeness :
I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. My heart goes out to you so much. And your poor mom found my dad dead in bed too, in the middle of the afternoon. He had went to lie down because he wasn't feeling well. She didn't know how long he was gone by time she decided to check on him. And the paperwork reminds me so much of when we were going through my Dad's things....learning so much we never knew or appreciated about him....the history there....the family history...((HUGS)) to you.
from justagal :
I'm sorry for the loss of your Aunt.
from justagal :
I just read your email about the text at 5:30 this morning. I am so, so sad for you. The hardest thing to say in 25 words or less is goodbye. I hope your heart heals quickly.
from blondeness :
Merry Christmas!!!
from blondeness :
could I have your password? Do you still have my email? Thanks!
from blondeness :
Ok this sucks! I got your email, but it was in my junkmail inbox. I clicked, "Not junk" and it said it would add you to the "safe list" but it deleted the email without asking me if I was sure and without even sending it to my trash can. I thought it would send it to the inbox, where I would then open it and respond with your password. Let's try this again, shall we? Sorry...:( Just email me again and I promise to get you the password as soon as I can! You are not missing a whole lot. I haven't done that many entries since I've locked it!
from blondeness :
I tried emailing you your password, and it got bounced back to *me*! Is it [email protected] without any dots between moon and bunny? Try me again. I'm at [email protected]
from blondeness :
Just wanted to wish you a happy mom's day.:)
from bonkrood :
Aww Awnery I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. For real--Happy Birthday and know your friend in Montana is thinking of you.
from acornotravez :
Hey, just seeing if you're doing OK...
from ncss :
Feb 13/06 Thanks! I'm happy to be back :)
from acornotravez :
Hi Awnery, thanks so much for your comment - it really meant a lot. <3
from gumluverxoxo :
Hi, I'm gumluverxoxo and I'm new
from sknnybmbntch :
Thanks for the note. I keep getting the same advice and I'm telling my manager in the morning. The thing is that tomorrow is their anniversary so how suck is that!?! Poor girl but I respect her and I do NOT want anyone turning this around on me. Screw that! This totally feels like some cheap made for tv Lifetime movie :\
from iwanttotell :
I'm flattered, but I can't understand why anyone would voluntarily spend that much time reading about me! Have a great weekend.
from acornotravez :
Hey, thanks for adding me as a fave. I, too, am 30. Makes you feel just fabulous, right? Peace.
from omnipre5ence :
from coralsandzz :
Hi from another 30 something year old. Not many on this site.
from trishtastic :
What a cool cache adventure that guy is on! I wish he were coming here!
from soccer-mom- :
oh goodness that is so funny.
from myexodus :
Thought I'd leave a note. My words ended at the neurotic one and I have since moved.
from bitch-haven :
Feelin Bitchy lately??? Then come to Bitch-Haven and tell us all about it!!!
from thecrankyone :
It could be early. I wore my first bra at ten, and had my first period three weeks after my 11th birthday. Way too early for my tastes..
from dreamer5190 :
Aww, that is so sweet what you gave your son on his birthday. Awww - your note made me feel all warm and happy inside. Aww, I know I can't stop saying it!! :) You are such a good mom! Anyway, what DID you use to get the soap scum off your glass shower walls??
from dreamer5190 :
Hi. I tried to leave a message in your guestbook and it wouldn't let me! But, I've been away because of VERY limited web access - kind of a pain, but also a pleasure to live more life than talking about it even if it is stressful, I guess. :) Now, I need to go out and get me a pair of boots like the ones you got...
from enitsirk :
I've been reading about your life. You seem so energetic and fearless. I wish I had your ability to grab hold and LIVE like you do. One suggestion (none of my business, but here goes) If you are sleeping with someone else's husband, it leaves less room in your life for you to find someone right for you. I think it leaves you feeling bad about yourself and you punish yourself with it. Again, none of my business so don't be offended.
from livlee :
i just stumbled across your diary and ive been reading, ... i'm sorry he cheated on you.. whoever 'he' may be. if you get the chance i'd love it if you could check out my diary and let me know what you think Luv Liv xo
from timedodger :
To Awnery The destruction of Sept. 11/01 was meant to disrupt America. And it did. But as your leader says, You must as an individual fight back against these foe by Saying to them, you did disrupt me, BUT I am back on my feet and standing tall with my fellow countrymen(women). Think of all the people who are fighting back right now. law enforcement, Firemen, aidworkers, nurses, doctors and residents of NewYork and Washington. Fight back Awnery and let them know you are standing tall with your fellow Americans.

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