messages to babymagic10:
(click here to add new message):

from laurelote :
Ahoy! Thanks for joining my Will Turner diaryring, mate!
from glennz-bitch :
ur so lucky to have a horse :P
from glennz-bitch :
ur a gold member? holy hell how much did summin like that cost?
from silverelite :
I know how you feel about the lack of courage thing...when I first got my mare, I would freak and lose my courage if she acted up on the, if you need someone to talk to about it, I'm here for ya. I might can give ya some tips on how to keep calm and keep your courage. Take care. And give Players a carrot for me!!! He's one handsome boy!
from glennz-bitch :
lol ok sara. i'll add ya babe. i'm julie if that matters 2 u lol. hey...u have my sister's name. :-D
from glennz-bitch :
awwwww! thank you! *hugs* but can i have ur name? it bothers me when i read someone's diary and i dunno their name.....
from glennz-bitch :
hey, i was wondering if we could add eachother to our buddy lists. leave me a note!
from soandsotgs :
hey i found this link and thought it was funny.... since you are a member of the homestar diaryring i thought you mmight enjoy it too tell me what you think
from saladwhore :
Thanks for joining the Seabiscuit ring - your layout ROCKS! :-D
from sketchedpony :
That's realy cool that you have finished the book. I'm sorry that I haven't been noting, but I have been reading.
from doktoronline :
Hey! Thanks for leaving me a note! Yes, horses are my life, got to love the animals <3. I visited your diary, I love your layout! I will definitely be back!
from laurelote :
Hi! Thanks for joining my (Captain) Jack Sparrow diaryring! :-D
from poppyfish :
Why, thank you for joining the Jack Sparrow diaryring, pumpkin! Yo ho and all that!
from poppyfish :
Well, seeing as you're a Johnny fan, and a fan of Pirates in general, perhaps this diaryring might interest you a little bit? By the way, very peaceful layout. I love it!
from wildesgrl23 :
ahh! its so great that u think Johnnys a good actor...i was beginning to think he wouldn't get any credit. but ur right, Orlando didnt do to well. :'(!
from rainbow888 :
Your a gem, sweetie! I'm British, by the way. I like the way you said British people make you laff. You are kewl. Leave a note 4 me. Love you, Rianna x x x
from nova225 :
Hey, I love your diary! I also love your lj, which has an awesome layout (Seabiscuit looks like it's going to be a great movie!). I read your book/movie list that you had on your lj and noticed that you said that you wanted to see Schindler's List. I saw this movie a couple months ago, and what a movie it is. If you like the holocaust (which I see you do, lol) then you'll love Schindler's List. However, it's very sad and graphic. The only movie I ever cried and had to cover my eyes with actually... I definatly recommend it however! Ooo and you like Adrien Brody and The Pianist too! So cool! Phew, that was a long note, lol.
from wildesgrl23 :
Pirates of the Carribbean, tomorrow! I know your an Orlando fan, and I'm a huge Johnny fan, so we'll both definintly enjoy! Have you seen all the hype thats been going around? This is going to be a huge movie!!! Yay!
from laboheme532 :
adrien is the perfect man to play sirius!! :D
from wildesgrl23 :
Oh my Adrien! I totally agree..i was thinking the exact thing, Adrien should play sirius. wouldnt he be perfect? sirius should definintly be hott, and who else is hotter than adrien??
from wildesgrl23 :
goodness gracious! i came back once more, and had my breath taken away...your layout is awesome!!!!! Adrien Brody is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!
from wildesgrl23 :
Hey chickie! You left a note and I decided to leave a note as well. U rock! Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Pianist, AND Megan McCafferty? Ur a girl who knows her stuff! LOL I absolutely love your diary. I hope you get Harry Potter, enjoy! ::In Terminator voice:: I will be back...
from narami :
Hello. I just finished reading Harry Potter the Order of the Pheonix, and ended a little sad because I though Hermione (my favorite character) was going to end up with Harry. I came across your diary and saw you are a big fan, it seems. Who did you think Hermione was going to end up with? It was not an expected end, for me, and instead of being �whoohoo! I finished the 5th part!� I�m �dang that�s the 5th part�. I want to be whoohoo!, that�s all. So I though maybe another fan could give me some pointers and help me ease my trauma. Please note me if you can. :) Thanks.
from laboheme532 :
only one more day!! one more day!! i didnt preorder my OOTP... oops. i guess i'll just have to risk my life at the harry-potter fan mobbed barnes & noble and try to grab the last copy on the shelf before some little kid takes it before me. you have a very nice diary; i came across it somehow... and i love horses!! i've never taken lessons though... and i've only ridden a horse a grand total of three times. you have a really great diary though... plus... you are on an adrien brody ring AND an orlando bloom ring!! *swoons again* very nice taste!!
from kathiec :
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you had a great day... heck, have a great year! Love and birthday hugs, Kathie
from lilchrissi :
Happy belated birthday!
from elliorange :
Happy, Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your special day!
from elvenstar979 :
Awww! Players is beautiful!
from keno1012 :
Hey:) You posted a note saying you were going to a dresage show..Thast way cool tell me how you did:)
from wllybere :
CONGRATULATIONS on making the forensics team! I'm sure you're going to make new friends very easily!
from machogirl7 :
Your design is awesome! I came across your diary and had to add you to my faves because I love horses too. Your diary is awesome!
from mangofarmer :
Thanks for taking my survey. You totally rock! Great diary, by the way. I can't believe you're only 14! Keep up the good work. :)
from manchichi :
HELLO and welcome to the viggo diaryring!
from drowning- :
Don't worry about GPAs. I got mostly C's last year and my GPA from that year was a 3.58. This year I'm doing about the same, but I'll probably drop because last year I had 2 A's and this year I only have 1. So hopefully my GPA stay a 3.0 or above so that I can get into the college i want to get it.
from aardbei :
i loooooooooooooooooooved life is beautifull. i cried my eyes out!!!!
from mika215 :
hey yo . you don't know me , but all i want to ask is who is that boy in your diary? 1
from stats01 :
thanks for adding me to your faves! i will have to check back from time to time so that i can put you on mine!
from averagegurl :
heyn i loveeeee the giorgia nicholson series woooo!1
from charmedhindu :
hey sara, this is sweta, HI HI HI!! lolz ciao

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