messages to blink-ink:
(click here to add new message):

from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite} On behalf of the circle, I would like to invite you the our writer's group. We are in the middle of a reform, to rebuild our group. I have noticed your displayed interest in poetry &/or writing, please visit our site. If you're interested, leave a note to this account. -Circle Council
from fallen-elf :
hiya! i emailed you about the password to eliant, and i was wondering if you got it? i emailed it to supersmiley101@aol, was that the right addy? thnx! :) -ashley-
from sillyhobbit :
Wow...that IS a pretty song...
from sillyhobbit :
OMG I know! Yeah, I remember you talking about that. I just kind of smiled and nodded. lol. But like, I think I'm going to do 50 pages a day. That should be sufficiant to finish it. Gosh! I can't WAIT TO!
from sillyhobbit :
oh, and I'm supposed to tell you that it's your turn to update "plotting" *smiles big*
from sillyhobbit :
*laughs* Well that's good to hear! I started RotK today, and my goal is to get to book VI by next week sometime, now that we are on the topic of goals, *smiles big*
from sillyhobbit :
*does happy dance* Oh yeah! So how far is that? Half way? Ahhh! I can't WAIT to start ROTK! I'm starting it tomorrow, eeep!
from pornoviolent :
me too dude... ME TOO!
from oceansoul14 :
OMG I told my mom about it and you have to hear this, its like she think she knows everything. Tell ya all about it at the party.
from eruannath :
Ahhh... Boromir=<3 The other day (well, actually about a month ago :P) I saw FoTR too, but the regular edition. And I also got his feeling of "new love" towards Boromir. I've always loved the character, but this time I really connected with him. And all his lines touched me deeply. Especially when he's dying... "I would have followed you my brother, my captain... my king" *tear* I cried. And Aragorn's words "I do not know what strength..." I cried too. DAMMIT! Why is FoTR such a good movie??!?! I want to see it again now!! :'( Maybe I will... PS: FoTR is my absolute fave of the three, RoTK being in second place ;)
from oceansoul14 :
Does god have a plan to give you all this medical conditions? You have to do a lot of stuff. Can't he ever give you a break. I am so sorry to hear that, I mean is right after you just had your wisdom teeth pulled and that is a nasty process.
from lostpony :
Sorry about your back x_x I have scoliosis too. I wore a brace, had the surgery, bleh. I thought I'd never get through it, but challenging situations have a funny way of forcing you to be stronger than you think you are =P I apologize for all these random comments, but if you have any questions about scoliosis junk I can answer em.
from lostpony :
Glad you had fun ^^ I've been to Dorney before and I've always been scared to go on the Skyscraper ride. And Hangtime. I've been on Steel Force and it's scary xD I love Talon though.. heh, I'm sort of a wimp when it comes to rides..
from all4clay :
Shannon I need the new password for your other diary!!! Email it to [email protected]. Please!! Thanx!! *hugs* Glad to hear you're feeling better too!!!
from sillyhobbit :
(a bit behind) AWWWWW! OMG! That is NOT good! Stupid oral surgeons! ARRG...(now) Ah...Well! I'm glad to hear that you are doing well! Always good to know!
from dreamer2003 :
I'm so glad that you're ok now. :) I was worried about you. I'm also glad that you had fun at the mall. Have a great time at Dorney Park and have a great week. <3
from lostpony :
Yikes >_< Hope all is well..
from eruannath :
EEEK!!! That is indeed worthy of not only one panic attack but several. I hope everything's okay and it heals quickly.
from dreamer2003 :
Holy moly. :( I hope you'll be alright!!
from oceansoul14 :
OMG, hope that heals fast :)
from eruannath :
Yes! It is very weird indeed. And the fact that I've dreamed with it not once, but many times makes it weirder o_O The good thing is that nothing bad has happened after dreaming it... but still...
from eruannath :
Wow. That dream you had, I've had dreams very similar. I used (and sometimes still do) to dream with this VERY MASSIVE airplane that is taking off. I usualy just see it in the sky. And it goes veeery slowwwly across the sky and it looks as it can't sustain itself in the air. Then suddenly the plane starts to fall, as slowly as it flies. And usually I get all terrified because of this. I try to escape with whomever I'm with but, of course, can't. Then the plane crashes almost always conveniently very near our location and there is this HUGE explosion, almost nuclear like, that covers us all. Luckily no one is EVER hurt or injured. It's just the panic and terror of the inminent crash. I don't know why I dream this so often. It's part of my "scary-dream" repertoire, apparently :\
from lostpony :
That's a lot of drinking.. o-o Someone's gonna have a headache in the morning xD Sorry, couldn't resist. Ahem. Anyways, thanks for replying Shannon! That'd be cool if I could see your new diary. I still feel like crap about what I said x_X Alright, I'm not going to bore you anymore..
from cdghost :
enjoyed reading your words, take care--thecdghost
from sillyhobbit :
I drink to that!
from lostpony :
Oh dear. I did say that. Sigh.
from lostpony :
Hello. I just want to apologize if I offended you.. I probably did.. I just see so much negativity and it bothers me. I'm also a Cancer, and I let things get to me too much sometimes.. or a lot of the time.. I love poetry too, and I understand why the symbols and stuff would annoy you. I don't use symbols in my poetry, but it just upsets me when people critcize what other people like. And about the surgery comment... did I really say that? I honestly don't remember saying it, but if I did I want to apologize. I had my entire spine operated on in May this year, so I've been a little bitter about surgeries because my surgery has kept me from doing so many things that I love to do. I'm really surprised that I said that, because I think that we all have an equal about of issues to deal with, and they all cause us just as much pain regardless of how "big" we think they are. I'm such a hypocrite x_X So I really want to say sorry about that. Anyways, I hope you don't think I'm a really terrible person, but I do get hotheaded sometimes. I try not to. Good luck with your new diary, you seem like a neat individual. Sorry for saying those things, I just get angry too easily. G'day ^^
from sillyhobbit :
I drink to that!
from lostpony :
I suppose your poetry is much better. Gee, I just want to see one day in this world when people try to be sources of positive energy, rather than attacking eachother over mindless crap like the way people write their own poetry. It seems to suit them fine, but people just don't feel right unless they're saying something negative about the way others do things =) You'd think there'd be some originality in the world, but nay, just the same angry criticism. Namarie ^__^
from dreamer2003 :
Great choice!! =) I'm glad you're feeling better. :)
from eruannath :
*hugs* I hope you're feeling better from that horrible pain.
from twirlydust :
Awwww! Shannon! Well I hope it will get better soon. That doesn't sound good! I would say, "Look on the bright side" but the bright side is, the pain should be over soon! We Love You!
from dreamer2003 :
Oh my. =( That sounds horrible. Yikes. I hope you'll be ok and I hope you'll feel better soon once again. <3
from sillyhobbit :
Ooooo! That's very intresting. Never thought about life relating to stickey notes, but it's cool. I like it! Job well done! Congradulations on your 61st poem
from dreamer2003 :
I hope you feel better soon!!
from eruannath :
I'm glad the operation went well and that you're not feeling any serious pain of any sort. Pain is nassssty. Yep, I have a problem dealing with pain so if they ever have to get my wisdom teeth pulled out NURSE! I need druuuugs... hehehe :P Much love <33
from waterwisdom :
i vote...eliant, and i'm glad the surgery went well. i hope you feel alright tomorrow...
from sillyhobbit :
"We love you Shannon! Oh yes we do! We love you Shannon! Oh yes we do! OH SHANNON! WE! LOVE! YOU!
from sillyhobbit :
OOO! I'm so glad that the surgury went well! Know...the recovery. lol. Awww, I hope you feel better. Wow, IV and everything! This was major! Well, the worst part is over. Now you can enjoy the "lazy days" of summer by lying in bed and catching up on sleep that was missed by staying up until two in the morning. hehe. Well I hope you are getting to feel a-okay sometime soon! Love ya!
from fallen-elf :
I vote Nimfalas ! Like said, because of your love for the Ocean. Of course, you may not want one that is related to the Ocean. The oher seems good also (my apologies, can't remember it off the top of my head). Something I thought of, was that the stars are always around, always there whereever you go, whereas the Ocean, there are some places that aren't near the Ocean. Just a thought that came to me, you may hate it or you may not. :) Oh and btw, my name is Ashe. -lol- I didn't realize I had never said my name! ttfn~!
from annachan :
you should combine it: elifalas! haha... i like eliant better. nimfala sounds like some made up word...
from sillyhobbit :
It's truly your dicition. Eliant is pretty, and if that's what you want, go for it! Nimfalas I absolutely adore, but I could just as happily except Eliant as your user name. You know you better than anyone, so yeah.
from eruannath :
Yay! Welcome baaack! I'm glad you had a great time by the Ocean. To the Sea! To the Sea...! I need to go to the beach or something too. I've been deprived for too long. Anyway... so you're really considering "Eliant"! I keep my vote. It's a beautiful name. And the more I say it the more... good it sounds :P Really! Besides it has a resemblance with "valiant", which I think is a good quality. And I also imagine a flower named like that! Eliant... Eliant... yes. Definitely musical. That's my humble opinion.
from narrocca :
Nimfalas because it sounds like your own magical world.
from hayzee-skyz :
Hey gurl! (lmao) I made a new diaryland username...manga-girl for a fanfic diary kinda thing...yeah. Oh I also wanted to thank you for being the brilliant person that you are and coming up with the idea for a fanfic diary! I know that I would've never though of it. Hehe *halo* <3Cilian<333
from sillyhobbit :
Nimfalas= white shore...DEFFINATELY that one. I think it is you because: A, it expresses your love for the ocean, B, it expresses a bit of Arwen with the phrase, and actually, I didn't look at the translations, just the name at first, and that name just...suits you. I think it really suits you.
from all4clay :
Just dropping in to say have a good trip and I'll be talking to ya when ya come back. *hugs*
from kalindar :
I like Nimfalas or Elwen....
from eruannath :
I like "Eliant". The sound of it. It's... musical. And I haven't heard of it before so it's kinda original. Good luck on your trip!
from fallen-elf :
I vote Earhith. It seems like you. :)
from piper62611 :
Well, then what's the point of voting if your not gonnna listen or even glance at the votes? hmm...i duno which one i like.
from kalindar :
I just like how you put it in an entry compared to Sam's.
from kalindar :
Things like that happen between friends, I just makes me sad thou to see it happen between people. Losing a friend is the sadest thing possible for me. But I can undestand why this happened.
from annachan :
yeah i have been through something similiar, so i get what you are saying.
from annachan :
if you're happy with your decision on ending the friendship, then that should be good enough. let's leave it at that, and move on... nothing to feel sorry about or apolgozie for... this is meant to be.
from eruannath :
Ahhhhh... The Silmarillilon. I just love the Silmarillion. In fact I was reading the beginning just last night! The music of the Ainur is one of my fave parts... *dreams away* F�anor was indeed married to Nerdanel, but I don't remember any more details about their relationship :\ Yay for The Silmarillion!! :)
from kalindar :
Same result lol .. I answered honestly and hoping that for once it wasn't the same
from dreamer2003 :
I got the same results when I took that quiz. :) just thought you might find that interesting.
from dreamer2003 :
I'm glad your party went well. :)
from annachan :
happy sweet 16 (if you're like me you'd gag at the 16 part... lol) but it looks like you had fun at your party and it would be cool if you could show as that anime drawing... i know i wnat to see! :)
from waterwisdom :
Happy birthday!
from fallen-elf :
hiya! your party sounds like it was fun! happy belated 16th~ mine's not 'til APRIL! meh. :)
from annachan :
o0o vacation pics! :-)
from narrocca :
What part do u agree with?
from dreamer2003 :
i hope you have fun at wildwood.
from psychotic13 :
Maeglin is the best. Next to Fingon and Maedhros. Who are in love. Hush, I know they're cousins.....
from plastic-face :
rub it in a LITTLE more, why don't you.
from sillyhobbit :
I l��ve you SO much.
from eruannath :
"...but of all these water they most greatly praised. And it is said by the Eldar that in water there lives yet the echo of the Music of the Ainur more than in any substance else that is in this Earth; and many of the Children of Iluvatar hearken still unsated to the voices of the Sea, and yet know not for what they listen." <--- What can I say? I feel the same about it. I share all your thoughts about the Valar. The whole thing is just so... beautiful!! sublime! I look at the stars at night and think: Varda! I see the trees and their leaves and think: Yavanna! I remember the sea and its music and I think: Ulmo! (and the music of the Ainur), I feel the wind in my face and I think: Manw�! ... etc. You know what I mean. I can only thank Tolkien for creating such wonderful stories/myths. They've really helped me to connect more to life and appreciate the miracle of it. Hehe... I think I should write an entry about all my thoughts about it all: the Tolkien connection ;)
from narrocca :
I FEEL SO LOVED ABOUT THE ENTRY ABOUT ME!!!! But you never told me that you actually valued SAM above your FAMILY for awhile. I still feel loved though!
from kalindar :
GOOD JOB!!! i only got a 79 % on my math final...... but you did a wonderful job this year!!!!!!!! Lol only if you knew my mom taught during study halls.... Although, you did a great job by yourself and I am proud at you.. Math is not easy I only survived by extra credit... I really didn't ask my mom for help.. well you know her...
from dreamer2003 :
Congrats. :)
from mercury-pixi :
haha thanks! *winks* <3Cilian<333
from kalindar :
Well..... um...... I didn't mean you wanted to be like me or wanted to act like me..... Sorry I sounded rude and mean... O btw You know the justin you like? Well I could of told where he lived I just found out he is the same guy that used to hangout with my brother , but now he is nice.... CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?! He is majoring in math to become a teacher! He was talking with my mom about it...
from dreamer2003 :
Keep smiling.
from kalindar :
Ty , but I know deep down you wish you had that average and you hate my guts
from kalindar :
O and also I never said someone has to buy me a present... Its nice to get them thou... Something from the heart also is one of the best gifts. Some material objects are a waste of time.. when I said get me a gift I meant something special like a poem , a writing, a letter, something that connects each other has friends. I never said it had to be a material object!!
from waterwisdom :
thats so nice that you have that with her...i only have an annoying brother who is the complete opposite of me and a married sister who lives in ny and is 18 years older than me...
from kalindar :
Thank you so much... and lol I was going to apologize for that sooner or later ..
from dreamer2003 : make me really long to have a sister.
from kalindar :
What the hell.. you help Andrienne with her template but you won't even try to fix one minor detail of mine... thats real cold Shannon
from waterwisdom :
im glad things are working out :)
from kalindar :
Um okay... that was a little harsh. Who says I need to be modest. Sure plenty of ppl are good writers and we aren't the best, but at least I dont doubt myself and say I am an awful writer yeash!
from dreamer2003 :
It sounds like a great turning point. :)
from dreamer2003 :
I'm glad Hershey was fun. : )
from eruannath :
Thanks for your support :)
from plastic-face :
oh this should be stunning.
from kalindar :
LOL you don't have a break from me thou....... It would be weird if we were staying the same hotel , I would laugh really hard. And I like to hear you ramble about EBONY! I love to hear about your writing
from dreamer2003 :
I'm sure Ebony will look fantastic on the shelves. :)
from sillyhobbit :
OH! And uh...well, my email isn't uh...yeah.
from sillyhobbit :
YAYYYYYYY!!!!! *blood-curtling screech*...for the second time!
from plastic-face :
from waterwisdom :
thats awesome, congrats :)
from dreamer2003 :
Aww. I am glad things are going well. :) And congrats about getting your braces off! :D
from plastic-face :
from kalindar :
O NVM!!! HEHE! I love the layout!
from kalindar :
wait , wait , wait is this your poem diary??? that you are showing us?????!!! cuz if it is its good
from eruannath :
YAY!!!! The layout worked!!! *happiness*
from dreamer2003 :
The layout is beautiful. :)
from eruannath :
Ok. I just sent you an e-mail with the txt file attached. Please tell me if you get it right. Maybe AOL doesn't like txt files attached? :S
from all4clay :
Congrats on surviving freshman year!! *hugs* I have never read White Oleander but I really want to. I watched part of the movie this morning as it was on tv. I can't wait to see the rest of it and to read the book!!!
from dreamer2003 : sounds like your vacation is getting off to a great start. :)
from piper62611 :
*sniff* have no idea how good that made me feel thank you shannon
from eruannath :
Shannon, I apologize for the delay in your layout :S I had made a template but I didn't like it. I want to make a really special layout but my creativity has been somewhat tampered by a certain calculus test... I hope you understand and can wait a little. I will have it ready as soon as I can! :)
from mercury-pixi :
Haha! Thanks Shannon! I'm working on it! It'll probably be up sometime tomorrow! <3Fallon<3
from kalindar :
Of course they describe you almost perfectly... it also can explain why you are so beautiful .. that anime picture is HOT!
from eruannath :
But of course! I'd love to make you a layout :) Just tell me more or less what you want (theme, colors, general layout, etc, etc) and I'll start working on it.
from piper62611 :
btw..good job sticking to ur resolutions!! I stuck to a few also...for one thing highschool was my chance to start anew...and i had one not to be that shy and speak out and stuff....i think i stuck to it. Do you?
from piper62611 :
*feels loved*....whos heather?
from dreamer2003 :
Good luck on the rest of your finals!
from eruannath :
That was beautiful. What can I say... I feel the same for so many things I've never seen with my own eyes or felt with my senses. It's some kind of magic that works within our dreaming souls. There are so many things in this world that we cannot explain...
from dreamer2003 :
That was great! You've made me realize that there's many places that I belong in as well.
from ivyvalentine :
Shannon, please do e-mail me, I owuld LOVE to write letters with you, and the note you left me still resonates in my head, your so wonderful!~Huge hugs~ LOVE YOU!
from mercury-pixi :
Aww really? Thanks Shannon! I <3 you too! I miss you! Are you guys coming down this weekend? Hope so! *prances off* ~*Cessa*~
from dreamer2003 :
Lucky you! ROTK was amazing.
from hayzee-skyz :
Yah I know this question might annoy the heck out of you, but I just have to ask it...are you mad at me or something? I know that I haven't seen you in awhile, but are you not responding to my notes because of something I said? Or do you just hate me because I'm annoying... If that's true please let me know because I hate it when people are mad at me. It makes really depressed..*frowns* If you don't respond I get it and I just won't leave notes for you anymore... ~*Uallus*~
from dreamer2003 :
Jewel rocks. :) Anyhow, we'll all miss you but we all understand that school is far more important than diaryland so go do what you have to do. I am looking forward to your return. :)
from kalindar :
from dreamer2003 :
Wow, sounds like you do have a busy summer ahead of you..but it sounds like it's going to be fun. :)
from kalindar :
Well it sounds like you have a busy summer.... Which can be good and bad. I will be giving you my username and password to Neneldo. Please keep in mind you are the only one allowed to have it .. For a couple or reasons. Number 1 I can trust you and Number 2 you are the only one that is able to read it because of certain things I write. I will tell you more about it later..
from dreamer2003 :
Xanga sucks..grr. I started one and then I stopped. I lost interest immediately.
from litsetaure :
Your maps sound so awesome, I think the maps are one of the best parts too. I have the "Atlas of Middle-Earth"-karen Wynn Fonstad. It's really great-It has maps from each of the Ages, from LoTR, the Hobbit, different regions, it's even got thematic maps. Some of my friends think I'm nuts, for studying the maps. I think they're nuts because they just don't understand! I don't really think any of my friends truly get what Middle-Earth means to me, except for one, she was the only other one that cried durin/after seeing RoTK, who reads and re-reads the books. My mouse-pad is even Legolas, lol. You diary is a joy to read and your words are wonderful. Your fellow Middle-Earther ~Litsetaure~ (Ashley in Quenya)
from kalindar :
It sounds awesome the map that is
from kalindar :
Well I you like ppl and I like ppl. Its not like I dont want you to be happy. I may be jealous but I always want you to be happy...!
from piper62611 :
hehe...yeah...that fits for me too because phoenix was my animal and my celtic thing is Holly too! lol...but I must say I love dragons...come online later...i need to talk to u
from dreamer2003 :
Good for you! I'm proud of you.
from kalindar :
LOL! about the conversation. I congratulate you on your courage about talking to him!
from piper62611 :
I saw that wand! I was considering that one cause I love dragons, but I also want to go with my inner animal! ahahaha. So it's a toss up between the dragon and the phoenix.
from acidreviews :
Your review is up.
from kalindar :
Just a little bit longer till.... Hold on a little longer and you may feel complete again!!
from dreamer2003 :
Sounds very sweet of Justin to do that. :) Aw, and it's only 5 days from now..they'll fly by in a flash. :)
from dreamer2003 :
That sounds like fun. I've heard of it, but never played it before. Aw man, being silly and child like is SO much fun!!
from hayzee-skyz :
GRRRRR!!!!! I'VE BEEN TRYING TO UPDATE MY DIARY FOR WEEKS NOW AND MY STUPID COMPUTER WON'T LET ME SEND ANY OF MY ENTRIES! UGGHHHH! I GIVE UP! *head falls down on key board* *rubs head* Ow! That hurt! *cackles* Anyway...Sorry about not updating...I would if I could, but it seems as though modern techonology has chosen to hate me at the moment...*sigh* IT WOULDN'T EVEN LET ME POST MY ANIME STORY! *sigh* Oh well...*waves bye* ~*Cilian*~
from hayzee-skyz :
yah..i hear ya...the every 28-32 day thing *coughs* eh a real pain. OH! And you love astronomy? I had no idea! Science is my favorite subject so I always loved it....but astronomy....It's amazing! I've wanted to be an astronomer since 5th grade! Yah i know that 3 years isn't a very long time to think about a career, but it is for a person with a bad short term memory..I mean its weird...I can memorize stuff reaaaallly easily so I usually cram the night before a test because I usually forget the stuff I've learned already if I start studying too early. But then again...I remember things that I don't want to remember....really strange things like I remember that when you smoke you take 10 minutes away from your life...yeah and I learned that when? 4th grade? *cough* yeah...okay my aim i down so i haven't talked to anyone online for 6 weeks..*twitches*..I'm dying...(lol) Byes! *waves* ~*Cilian*~
from dreamer2003 :
I hope you feel better soon!
from kalindar :
Wow I feel bad for you. I am kind of lucky I am not a girl....
from kalindar :
O well I must of got it messed up...
from dreamer2003 :
I am really glad you enjoyed the dance. : )
from sillyhobbit :
I uh...was game.
from sillyhobbit :
from kalindar :
I wouldn't consider your eyes jade because jade is a dark green and your eyes aren't dark green . Nevertheless, you have beautiful green eyes. AND I dont like you talking about Patrick but its your diary
from sillyhobbit :
Sure, I'll meet you online...but...I think I got the note a little too late. I'll be on at know...just in case, but note me back if know I would help at ANYtime, even if I was ober busy. (sorry, my new word). Love you!
from dreamer2003 :
I'd love to read ebony..or anything you've ever written.
from dreamer2003 :
cute picture!
from sillyhobbit :
*cracks up* *peers down at below note* Hey! Wait a Minute! I'M CRACKING UP! *sticks out tounge*
from kalindar :
*cracks up over picture* ROFL!
from hayzee-skyz :
Wow...that list is so true! A lot of those things would probably go on my list too if I made one...hey I know I'm still in middle school, but you can't help wondering if there's really the perfect guy out there for ya.... ~*Nulian~*
from dreamer2003 :
I love that list. :) Wow, I am boyfriend fits a lot of that criteria. You'll find a wonderful guy too someday that will meet up to your expectations.
from kalindar :
Hmmmm I can see where I missing a few things:( I guess there is no chemistry or connection between you and I. I think there is but there has to be on both sides. Its not my fault I hate my parents! You've met them. I love my relatives though. I really dont know what else is wrong with me?! *sigh
from psychotic13 :
Christ woman, you don't want much do you? 'Thinks puppies are adorable'HEHEHE. Gosh, and I thought my gay man with leather trousers and a soft spot of Russian techno was much. HA, but we so deserve it. If we want a man who likes puppies and techno than gosh darnit we should get one.
from ticky21 :
eee! hi shannon! i havent talked to you in ages. how are things?
from narrocca :
um...honey, you've seen Zip. and yes, I did connect to him.
from sillyhobbit :
LMFAO!!! That is GREAT! hehe...don't forget cups, plates, napkins, mugs, bowls, saucers, and knives! Ah...the simple pleasures of naming a town...
from piper62611 :
no problem
from piper62611 :
um...ok...I really didn't want you to try and convince me of anything. Why would you waste your time doing something that would turn out to be futile?
from sillyhobbit :
Certainly missed the big picture on my league of absense, but I'm so glad to hear everying is back to Norm! You know, good ol' Norm! The guy that works outside on roofs and stuff, occationaly slipping off and getting a concution. Yes.
from piper62611 :
btw i'm not mad or yelling....or trying to start another fight
from piper62611 :
Shannon....we are friends...why do u think we aren't? Do u not want to be? Or do u still not beleive i'm over it? *rolls eyes* w/e i'll let u work it out with urself
from dreamer2003 :
I hope your day gets better!!
from dreamer2003 :
Hey, it's ok to be in a bad mood every now and again and snap. You're only human.
from kalindar :
Stop fighting with Adrienne!
from kalindar :
O YEA! There were ppl outside too next store!
from plastic-face :
you're right; our connection seems to have faltered a bit. i promise that i'll try to restore it again. love you.
from kalindar :
from piper62611 :
Sor-RY! ok?! I wansn't even mad at you ok?! I laughed about it meaning it was a joke! And like you said in ur diary...get the HELL over it...this means war!
from narrocca :
Like who?
from narrocca :
I'm sorry.
from all4clay :
"You know what? Get the HELL over it. I'm not perfect, I get in my moods. I put up with all of your moods, so put up with mine. This is my diary, in case there's any confusion on the matter." Amen to that sister! That statement right there is pretty much the biggest reason I locked my beloved diary.
from dreamer2003 :
Wow, i am so happy for you. : ) You were "in the zone". I'm sure it was an awesome feeling. You are an inspiration!
from kalindar :
from narrocca :
Now you know what i feel like when I start out on a several mile run. YEAH SISSY!!!
from piper62611 :
shannon u wanted me to leave you a it is....anywho i do have one question is there anything u would like me to bring tomorrow?
from dreamer2003 :
I'm glad everything was cleared up. :)
from piper62611 :
How do u find templates, i forget the website :(
from dreamer2003 :
I PROMISE you it wasn't me. I would never read something that you didn't want anyone to read. I hope you find out who did it though. <3
from narrocca :
I feel so bad for ya sis!! I swear on our sisterhood that it wasn't me. I hope you find who it was.
from kalindar :
OMG I FEEL BAD FOR YA! No one should have to read your personal things.... You should think about locking it.
from sillyhobbit :
One word. Thanks.
from alienfury361 :
if you were perfect, you'd be mad boring. you're just so damn unpredictable...that's why i'm friends w/ya! keeps things exciting. tee hee. luv ya, hun!
from kalindar :
Everyone gets bitchy at times but no one hates well certainly not me. We put up with ya because you are our friend and we love and care for ya
from plastic-face :
we put up with you because we love you and you're worth putting up with 500%.
from dreamer2003 :
everyone loves you. :)
from dreamer2003 :
Good luck on all that stuff you have to get done.
from dreamer2003 :
Awww. :( I know how much it sucks to be a teen sometimes. Just know I'd never take advantage of you like that, and anyone that would isn't really someone you want to be associated with anyway.
from hayzee-skyz :
NO WAY! Shannon you are pretty! Just because boys don't say doesn't mean they aren't thinking it! They're probably just afraid that you already have a boyfriend of something....Don't ever think that! You're a great person and I'm sure you'll find the guy you're meant to be with someday! <3Jolyan<3
from dreamer2003 :
You're a wonderful girl..I am sure you intimidate a lot of guys. They probably think you already have a boyfriend and are afraid of rejection. And i am sure with your great new haircut, you'll get noticed even more.
from kalindar :
I am glad :) And Jackie says you write a lot lol look at her notes
from ivyvalentine :
OHMYGOD! I am COMPLETLEY FLOORED! I have no idea what to say over the note you left even quoted me! I am flattered beyond flattered! I made you CRY? I had no idea I was capable of stirring such emotion in anyone at all! Wait, I INSPIRED you to get a diary? I DID THAT? Wow, for once I did osmething right.....the fact that my simple diary could do that. I'll tell you it isnt that insane to love LOTR, or Aragorn for that matter. Fell connected to me? Well that's funny, because I feel connected to silly as it may sound. Bah, well I dont know if I HAVE it as a gift really but....thank you for saying it nonetrheless. I am so flattered, and love you to bits, we should be pen-pals, e-mail me at [email protected] for my addie! ~HUGE HUGS~ I lvoe you hun.....
from sillyhobbit :
MUST you write so much? hehehe, no, I love reading what you have to say. Okay, in response to all 50 billion entries I missed this past week: That. Poem. Is. Penomenal. I mean, seriously, the line breakers are ingenious. They draw attention to the important words of the poem. Gosh, you are SUCH a good writer. I mean, truthfully, your diary is one that I TRULY care what you have to say. I mean, it makes sense. It's not those kinds of diaries where, if-you-don't-know-me-you're-screwed. You describe your experiences in a way so that everyone can relate to them. It's incredible how interesting you can describe a simple little event. Gosh, especialy that Patrick Entry. My eyes were getting watery. I knew you liked him and he liked you, but I never really KNEW to what extent that was. That's like one of my favorite entries because it is so inspiring. Sending a message of how to never hold back and to show the trasition you have gone through because of it. It's incredible, Shannon. I want to respond to the Tolkien entry on our convo and everything...but I don't know what to add to everything you already said about it. And HA! Tell that other writer group that they can take their stuck-up traditional writers guild and hit the road. I mean, look at J.K. Rowling. She was friggen rejected everytime for Harry Potter. Boy...don't they feel stupid now. And you know what? I don't think you do anything wrong. To many guys today are out for the hot and sexy girls with flirty eyes and lots of cleavage. Jerks. I mean, you are you and you should be proud of it. Your mind, spirit and heart is stronger than any of those athletic preppy girls out there. Your day will come when everyone will turn their heads and face you. I mean, right now, all the guys are trying to get with the girls that have the looks. In five years, that won't matter because people don't really get prettier as they age. They get fat and wrinkly. I know that's a bit of a sterotypical comparison, but it's pretty true. It will only matter how long you can put up with the person. That is why every friggen couple on the planet is getting a divorce. They married for looks and not for love. Just be you and feel comfortable in your own body and no one can bring you down for it. If they have a problem with who you are, then they have to take a good look at theirselves and their own priorities. The End. Annnnnd...yeah!
from kalindar :
Are you and Sam still having problems.... And I know you probably dont want me to answer this but what the hell! There is nothing wrong with. Your pretty, talented, and have a great personality. The guys at your school are jerks and narrowminded they go o theres a pretty hot chick I'm in love and when they pass people who arent model material they go ugly bitch! so dont feel bad you will find someone even if its not me. You may see Patrick again one day! (good gift idea lol)
from all4clay :
from dreamer2003 :
Remember that along with rejections will come people that will truly love your poetry, and really FEEL it..the way it is supposed to be felt. The ones that dismiss it, are missing out.
from kalindar :
I wish you would give me your poetry diary. I know it is deep in all but I would love to read it. I am a decent writer , but your a great writer! Theres a difference . I may become a writer , but you will be a famous writer!
from dreamer2003 :
Geometry was my worst subject in high school, so I know how ya feel. I always found math useless..maybe cos I suck at it. lol.
from hayzee-skyz :
aww thanks Shannon!(^-^) <3Fal<3
from narrocca :
Awww...sissy, you almost made me cry. I liked you with him too! I didn't know a lot of that stuff! If you are meant to be with him, he will return.
from eruannath :
I believe that the power of words to evoke feelings in our hearts or images in our minds, is what makes every written work so special. I'm no scholar in poetry or anything like that, but in reading your poems I see that you have that: the power to evoke. I especially love your "diamond-kissed midnight skies..." poem. But now, I partial to rhyme :P I love rhyme in poems! It gives it a musical quality difficult to match. I would love to read more of your work! I see you play with words very gracefully and I'm sure that if your dream is to become a writer, you will achieve it! Just keep on writing and digging deep in your soul for that inspiration! ;)
from dreamer2003 :
Awww wow, Patrick sounded wonderful. At least you had that time with him and those memories you can cherish forever.
from plastic-face :
(i'm so evil.) no, of COURSE i don't think that at all. (i know you know better than to insult my poetry mwaha.) but hell...half the time i don't even know what i've written until months later. ♥
from plastic-face :
yes, i think you were insulting my poetry. how DARE you. you have no idea what poetry means to me. i hate you and i never want to see you again.
from waterwisdom :
very nice, i love the imagery in it. keep writing, i don't know why they didnt let you in...
from dreamer2003 :
I truly loved that!!!
from narrocca :
OMG!!!!!!! That is wonderful!!! (and i'm telling the truth)
from dreamer2003 :
Be you and keep doing what you're doing regardless of what they say or think about it.
from narrocca :
Don't you dare take all that advice. If you were to "sit down and construct your words" it probably wouldn't sound so good. So don't give it up, keep the line breakers. Poems always have them. If they wrote a damn letter liket that than no shit it would piss people off. But people expect a poem to be like that.
from sillyhobbit :
hi! Yeah, about the line breakers...keep em. I never read the poem...but Emily Dickenson broke all the rules of writing. She capitalized words that shouldn't be capitalized be cause it was her artistic way that showed the most important parts of the poem. The bad side about it is...her poetry didn't become famous until she died. If you like your line breakers...keep em. It's your poem. Not theirs. And HA! I saw shakespeare in that little letter thing! Although him and I are neck and neck right now, I would suggest sonnet 30. And...yeah.
from eruannath :
Hey! So you changed diaries. Yes, sometimes that feels in need. Anyway, thanks for adding me to your faves! I'll sure add you too so now I can read your adventures in the new diary :)
from sillyhobbit :
you know, ever since Miss Boyer said that you were the greatest writer she had ever read, I have been DYING to read that "Emerald Fire" story you wrote. *puppy pout* Could you POST IT!?!?!?! *puppy eyes*
from all4clay :
As I see it almost all of the good guys are always out of reach. Get used to it because it never ends. Unfortunately.
from plastic-face :
*laughs dryly* luis? who IS that, anyway? no, it's not luis. *sigh* i'm so pathetic. help me break away from him. oh wait, i forgot - i'm beyond help. but...thanks. for just...being there for me.
from all4clay :
Grr my heart didn't work last time. Let's try again...♥
from all4clay :
Thanx for that great note!!! Love ya too!!! ⑉
from sillyhobbit :
Thank you SOOO INCREDIBLY MUCH FOR YOUR NOTE! It meant alot. Mocha will rule the world. And I think that is so awesome that you have this passion and talent for sword fighting. People say their hobbies are: Singing, dancing and hanging out with friends. *yawn* But you are like: SWORD FIGHTING!!! That is great, shannon. And can TOTALLY relate to missing the "old days" I mean, As much as I still think Ashlee is my best friend...we really have grown apart. And not that either of us could help it. It's the long distance. So yeah...
from dreamer2003 :
You ARE a great writer. :) But i'm sure it means a lot more coming from someone you've known for such a long time.
from all4clay :
27. If you could give me anything what would it be? oh boy...a really really amazing guy who loves you for YOU. <-- wow that really means a lot. It seems so small but to think someone actually pays attention and knows exactly what I want right now. Thanx it really made my day. *hugs* Ohh and the fondest memory of us getting married. Ohhh YEAH!!!!!!! hehe. That's great. ♥
from dreamer2003 :
:) No problem.
from kalindar :
O so thats where you were last night no wonder I couldnt find you .... I know I can act a little immature at times but still I wish you good luck trying to find someone who will love you as much as I do.
from dreamer2003 :
I care about what you have to say. But I think you know that. :)
from plastic-face :
yes, that does majorly suck. been there, but i've been clean lately. <--key word hehe
from waterwisdom :
alrighty then, i'll add you back, i need to update more...
from narrocca :
*makes murder plots*
from dreamer2003 :
Aww, I'd be honored to be the one to publish your poetry. :) hehe. But since you're not dying anytime soon I think you'd rather do that yourself. ;) lol.
from kalindar :
And also there is no sense of mature ... A person is either mature or immmature.
from kalindar :
LMFAO!!!!! That sounds hilllariously bad! I would of been pissed off if that happened to me at any points of your day. You have bad luck !
from hayzee-skyz :
Thanks a bunch!!! *smiles* ~*Dyll*~
from dreamer2003 :
lol oh god..what a day is right. That is funny. Way to go for telling that guy off!
from narrocca :
OMG!!!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!! That is the funniest thing ever!! I was laughing so hard! That's terrible and so totally hilarious at the same time. Poor You!!!
from all4clay :
Thank you soooooo much for the note!!!! It was very well said. And I am hoping I am making the right decision too. *hugs* Oh and how are you people making those hearts!!! Hehe.
from kalindar :
Well I am mature but you dont like me like that hehehe! I let all the girls go ahead of me all the time on my bus... Even though they inisist
from psychotic13 :
You know, on Queer as Folk 'Justin' is a beautiful gay man. If your Justin was a beautiful gay man do you understand you'd be the luckiest girl alive? There are no hot gay men at my school.
from stephanieism :
shannon: this is stephanie, bianca's friend. yeah, i found your diary link because i noticed you listed me as one of your favs. thanks a bunch for that. anyway, i'm so glad you and sam are friends again. i think it would tear my heart out if bianca were mad at me, which has never happened... yet. >< justin sounds nice. there's this boy at my school that reminds me of him... and lately this boy at my school has been a slight infatuation of mine. well, i'll be seeing you around. -stephanie.
from dreamer2003 :
Awww. :) you talked to him..that's a start!
from sillyhobbit :
from dreamer2003 :
lol sounded like quite an experience.
from dreamer2003 :
being a girl is so tough sometimes.
from kalindar :
Ok that was a good entry but you forgot two things you look really hot in those tank tops and number 2 what about the little kid who asked me do I speak English? you should of added that !
from hayzee-skyz :
WAIT!!! I JUST REALIZED IT HAS A HYPHEN!!!!!!! YAY!!! *trots off*
from hayzee-skyz :
okay....problem solved! I don't know what I did but I signed up for a new diary and typed in the same username and it gave me it....hmm....i think its the same one...well if its mercurypixi then i'm pretty sure thats the rite one....anywho tata for now! *waves* ~*Cilian*~
from ivyvalentine :
Bah no need to thank me!~Huge hugs~ Was my pleasure to add you, thank you for having me on your list! Tis a honor, besides I love your writing!
from narrocca :
No, I wasn't saying that is what u want, I was saying what Anthony wanted.
from dreamer2003 :
I'm an ocean lover too. :)
from sillyhobbit :
And Water Babies rock!
from hayzee-skyz :
Sorry Shannon...if you've left me a note on mercurypixi i can't get on that username to check my notes because i 4got my passwrd!!! CURSE MY SHORT TERM MEMORY!!!! Ah em...anywho as i was saying i 4got my passwrd and i tried to send it to myself but it says my email address is invalid...GRR..I've even emailed diaryland but they haven't responded...ARRGGGHHH!!! If you hav any ideas please help me.... ~*Jolyan*~
from dreamer2003 :
that bothers me too. Damn periods. I'm probably getting mine soon. ugh. Feel better!
from dreamer2003 :
You will be a writer. I forsee it. So none of those 'what ifs' should be going through your mind. It's gonna happen. You've definitely got the talent.
from kalindar :
Lol if they really liked you they would of noticed you before you put on ur bathsuit like me~!!!!
from dreamer2003 :
lol hell yeah. No problem. :)
from narrocca :
Hey, you can't be worse than we at gym sports but once they're chasing my ass in the mile, well, then they hate me even more.
from plastic-face :
oh, it's the creepiest thing. she scares me. save me! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (i too, am hyper)
from dreamer2003 :
I'm very non athletic too..not such a good swimmer though. You're lucky!
from dreamer2003 :
I'm really happy for you. :) I'm so glad that you guys are friends again.
from narrocca :
from narrocca :
I feel sad. I didn't get a special I love you. *sigh* Just kiddding!
from sillyhobbit :
*burst into tears of the greatest happiness imaginable*
from kalindar :
from all4clay :
YAYNESS!!!!! I'm so glad you guys worked everything out!!! *hugs*
from narrocca :
I told you she missed you! ♥
from narrocca :
YEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!! *bows* I'm good
from narrocca :
DAMN!! Help me!! ♥
from narrocca :
Damn, my heart didn't work, lets try again: ଍
from narrocca :
Poor sissy. She's probably confused because her head is telling her to hate you but her heart is telling her to run back to you. Give her time to figure out what she wants. I can bet that that would be terrible though. Feel better. ଍
from paradoxed00 :
Thank you for the lovely review. And yes, I do feel special <3<3<3
from iamhubpluh :
I saw that you love Brokedown Palace! KUDDOS! that is a fab movie. It made me think twice about running drugs internationally, I'll tell you that much!!
from dreamer2003 :
:) You're welcome.
from dreamer2003 :
Ah, I loved "Wrong turn." Chainsaw massacre sounds a bit too gory.
from kalindar :
I know we need to talk. And you dont know the whole story about Fallon either. She is twisting the truth a bit. I wasnt trying to upset her. I simply was saying that it was odd talking to her because I dont know her and that I cant think of subjects to talk to her about and it was kind of hard. It was also in our best interest not to talk to each other because we have nothing in common and the topics we try to talk about get boring.
from sylviashadow :
Thanks for joining poetica! May the muses always whisper in your ear. --sylviashadow,ringleader
from dreamer2003 :
I can relate to that feeling. Writing means everything to me..I can't get enough of it either. Without it i'd be very lost.
from kalindar :
did you read my entry yet?
from narrocca :
I feel the same way you do about words when I canter around on a good horse. Free...Powerful... I also feel the same way when I burst into a full out sprint. I get it. I might have to read that book so yeah. By the way, how do you get those thingys, like the heart to show up. You know, like the things in my notes you left me.
from all4clay :
Actually if I sent it in your notes it would kind of defeat the purpose of locking my diary so if you send me an email address I will send it to you that way or come on AIM anytime at all of Friday.
from all4clay :
Thanx for the note. Password granted. I will send you a note containing the password on Friday.
from sillyhobbit :
Tolkien IS forever.
from sillyhobbit :
first off...THANK YOU! *feels specieal* And second, yeah...Okay, for the record, I'm not MAD at you and I never was. I'm not in any way mad at Adrienne, I mean, yeah it was a little dishonest to be reading off what we were saying right to you, but friends do stuff like that. For better...or for worse. Which brings me to my next point. Friends help eachother out. Yes, maybe plotting a sissy reunion is a bit far, but it's called 'thinking aloud' I doubt anthony and I would have acutally gone through with it. And yeah, this broken bond between you and sam cuts me VERY deep. I watched that slide show three more times today and cry harder and harder each time. The fact that elbits will never be elbits again just depresses me. *tears stream from eyes* The fact made me freak out, and I did some rash planning. I'm sorry. The fact that I am forced to sit back and watch the BOTH of you suffer from this is BRUTAL! I guess it's just a security issue I have. Maybe I'm too impulsive to make things right...and I'm sorry. Interfering is wrong...but something is screwed up in my head becuase this little voice inside my head is telling me that I'm not interfering because the friendship of you both is life or death to me. This may be a news flash, but I have cried everynight since you told me this incident. I have "Moment like this" stuck in my head and It depresses me to see you too...not even wanting to be online at the same time, when a week ago, that was the only person you wanted to SEE online...well, that is, if the whole lent thing wasn't into know what I mean! Okay, and I'm probably am ranting off right now. And the last thing I want is for OUR friendship to be ruined over this. I guess something snapped inside me yesterday. I mean, yesterday you almost seemed fine with the whole idea...akward...but more or less fine. Today you seemed that you want the whole world to shut off and pretend not to care about the two of you. I hope you would have learned by now that we don't give up on our shannona and sam so easily. It also scared me to here you say that you arn't going ANYWHERE for a while. I mean, it's diffent for Anthony and I, I guess, because we don't go to Easton. Well...High school, that is. Maybe everyone else could care less because they SEE you everyday. Well...I don't. I see you what? A total of an hour in a month? And on lucy months, I see you for a big whopping 4 hours. Most of your friends, well, except Andrea and Anthony I would think, see you at LEAST an hour a day. It may not show, but I miss my elbits like hell. Threatning the ruin of it hurts. It's like, why are dreams worth living if you don't have friends? I know...I'll still have you. And yeah, I'll still have Sam, but that is BESIDES THE POINT! And It just gets to me how you and sam are...that you...*sigh* I just don't see how it's just...over. I mean, even if I wasn't appart of your friendship, I still witnessed it and I was oh so happy for the two of you! I would leap out of pictures to give you two the glory of having a sissy pic. The hardest part of this whole siuation is that...there will be no more sissy pics.
from all4clay :
Yay I'm added! Whoo!! *hugs* By the way I'm locking my diary Friday so if you want the password just leave me a note.
from hayzee-skyz :
haha ur new username is rockin' shannon! ~*Cilian*~
from sillyhobbit :
No FREAKING WAY! I was seriously going to use that, NO JOKE!!! I was tugged between that and Fuzzy Logic...but I think that is a comic and people would get the wrong idea
from kalindar :
Why am I not in your profile?
from narrocca :
U r kidding about stabbing yourself with a knife right? Yeah, I thought so. Glad to have you back!
from sillyhobbit :
eeeeeeeeeee! It's finally up and running! YAY!
from psychotic13 :
*tacklesyou* It feels like only yesterday when we were fangirling over Aragorn together eh? Welcome back dear! I've missed your three-entry-per-day goodness! Ta!

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