messages to blue-mama-x2:
(click here to add new message):

from stephielove :
hi! this might be a little random... I was surfing around diaryrings tonight, and I saw that you run one for army wives... my boyfriend of almost a year just got his mobilization orders today to go to Iraq, and it would be cool to be able to read up on other people who are going through the same thing (even though Nick and I aren't married, lol)... So the question is, would it still be cool if I joined your diaryring? :)
from mamaness :
Thanks for the updating when you update ;) hehe. Not like I don't check at least once a day but yeah.
from topazgirl :
Mir, I LOVE that song! The first line is "One day shy of 8 years old", though.
from mama-sara :
Miranda! I was at wal-mart last night when I saw your masculine kitchen! Just what your boys need, and NO pink!
from duckreviews :
Your review is done! You can view it at
from usareviews :
Your review is done!
from diary-viewer :
Your review is complete! Check the site!
from supermommy :
Just so you know, that survey is such a wonderful idea. I am going to do one myself, and then send them over your way after they fill mine out, lol. I'm sorry to be a copy cat, but I have so many ideas, and well, I'm sure you know how that is. Take care.
from mama-sara :
Mine was drop shipped from the manufacturer via UPS. I was charged $25 or $28 shipping.
from katress :
LOL Yeah. Zora should be the one. :) She's just...real. I just didn't care all that much for Melissa. But she's better than MoJo!
from jetta36 :
You loved your mama, Mir. She knew. She still does know, I know it. (((hugs))).
from lyricalardor :
Welcome to the Miranda diaryring~ Miranda LyricalArdor
from paper-rose :
My dad was sick my whole life. He was diagnosed with MS a few years before I was born, so I've never known him "before". Doesn't stop me from loving him though!
from forleafclovr :
Welcome to the American diaryring and thanks for joining! ~Lindsay~
from o-jasmine-o :
Please add the snippet (%%diaryring_andrew-day%%) to stay part of the Andrew Day Diaryring. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know by e-mail ([email protected]) when it's up, so I don't have to keep coming back to check. Don't forget to add your diaryland username, so I know who you are... Thank you! P.S. The link to your rings page doesn't seem to work... and the two image mapped links to your notes and diaryland don't even have any link attached! Take care.
from monkeymia :
like dawna said on tmr.. Tanish is not a name, it is a color. heh. silly dennis. not that Francis is much hipper, of course...

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