messages to boxedemotion:
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from iamhubpluh :
If you are voting AGAINST Bush, check out he is for 100% EQUALITY right for the Gay/Lesbian community as well as for stoping the war in Iraq, and NOT sending more troops as Kerry is for (based on his debate answers). Vote your heart, not the less of two evils!
from midget87 :
Hey stina... it's lauren... I just saw your profile and thatguy85 is my friend Steven Saul, he used to go to royal....
from no-yes-maybe :
I just wanted to tell you that I stopped in, I was glad that I stopped in, it was interesting.
from fairyonstage :
I miss you Stina. Glad to hear you're liking Dallas. You're not missing much, from what I understand. Which is nothing.
from boxedemotion :
from pornoviolent :
from inlabz :
LEI = = hahaha.... i strongly agree with yah on sleeping habits! hehe... it's juz a matter of where u are and when does the sun rise up! kewl
from pornoviolent :
from boxedemotion :
Testing. w00t. Testing 1-2-3.
from lezbian :
Ahh! Don't you hate when people get their shit all twisted around. Grr...
from counthere :
Hey, thanks for saying hi in my notes. :) I know it's been a while since you wrote, but one of my New Year's Resolutions was to be better at writing my diary friends. Ha! Anyway, have a very Happy New Year! Bye for now. R.
from sacredwhore :
Gee i guess i should have scrolled a little farther, i just found it.
from sacredwhore :
i left a note last time but I don't see it here now. I am glad to see you back, i was afraid i wouldn't see anymore posts from you. Don't worry about your job, all bosses are pricks, and those things will kill ya anyway.
from liamoneill :
from honeybunny69 :
i enjoy reading your diary. dont go. you dont need to die. go and punch that bitch and you will feel a lot better. Dont give up. Hold on. You r loved!:)
from lifeblowz21 :
from kendi :
i dont want you to die. i dont even know you and i dont want you to die. i want you to live. i want you to live and be happy. go out and be happy, whatever it means doing. i cant relate to any of what you are going through, im sorry.
from asking2much :
Hey love JtHM but just as a side note Lenore is not done by Jhonen Vasquez, but it is by his good friend, Roman Dirge. " can cry until there is nothing wet left in you. You can scream and curse to where your throat rebels and ruptures. You can pray, all you want, to whatever god you think will listen. Still, it makes NO difference. It goes on, with no sign as to when it might release you. And you know that if it ever did would not be because it cared. (written in blood before everything when black.)" Hang in there ~Asking2much
from ink-grrl :
i love your diary. keep writing
from tlj :
Relationships hurt...I've been burnt a million times. I wanted to give up on everyone gets to the point where you think 'what's the point?' Only learning about myself has taught me to get through these blows! Where I come from, the balance I need in my life...and certainly not depending on others for my happiness, because people will continue to disappoint us all of our lives. The only things I trust in now are God, and knowing who I am. People are now a pleasure in my life because I don't look to them anymore to find meaning in life. Ultimately there is no meaning in life...except to know who you are, to love and to find happiness first within yourself...where God can abide, if we let him.
from tattoodraven :
I hate the caged feeling... dont worry it feels so great to break out
from limabeans :
Huh... maybe there is something about the name "Amber". I was shocked to read your blog because it sounded like I wrote it!
from sacredwhore :
don't pull the trigger, i just found your diary.
from leftunspoken :
Oh honey, nothing is EVER that bad. Even when you can't see it, there is something better around the corner. Life is a never-ending surprise. & at least it's not boring.
from kyrra :
from kyousha :
Let the light be with you. It's ok to feel alone, everyone goes through it. But ya have to be strong ya know? Even if you feel like dying and all, you're loved by someone, there's someone who cares. Even if you don't notice them. I felt the same way before, I went and did stupid things, I hurt friends... But you can't let your world fall forever, just be strong. Your friend, Dakini ^-^
from refluence :
No disclaimer: It's going to be okay.
from aeris-au :
Hey, I read your dairy, I wanted you to know that yeah you my feel alone, but your only alone as long as you believe that you are. I know I've had some hard times too. If it helps any, why not come chat with me sometime?
from midget87 :
from devillove :
hey ho this is adrian and i just wanted to say...well.. i don't know what i wanted to say but have a nice whatever anyway... luv always... adrian
from uggamber :
You bitch! Splendour in the Grass is one of MY favorite old movies... I love Nirvana and Korn too... What is this world coming to? We are all cloned together and becoming a giant mob of the same people! AHHH!!! Have a good day... -Amber
from sweetguy2003 :
stina, hey was up not much here just chillin. what r u doing? were finally gonna be senior's again. j/k ummm ne ways i just wanted to see what wuz up with you nigga. TTFN TTYL Love Sweetguy
from carbonatedoj :
Stina!! What's up lozer?... CHEEZE!!! ~mouse
from boxedemotion :

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