messages to brentblah:
(click here to add new message):

from kissmygritts :
Yeah, I decided to make this the area of my venting again. You can probably just disregard it if you want to. I thought I had feelings left for Michelle but I feel better after not talking to her for so long.
from irishtater :
the title "my side of the mountain", is that a reference to the book? If it is that's AWESOME. if not then you're lame, haha. I love you, you hot queer.
from smurffluver :
Hey, feel free to email me at [email protected] care!
from smurffluver :
Well I hope your doing good and hope that the band thing works out for ya.... btw, I think Heath suffers from OCD :-D Take care you!!
from mylovedies : , actually it was more like a big mute button, but i liked pause & i didn.t want ur name to be mute 0_o...but know you know \m/
from mylovedies :
ah. i am so sorry :(,it was just so awsome ^_^, please forgive me? :( i <3 you, sorry u got left behinde & all =p ahhh the pause is kinda a wierd story, but it was becuz the first entry i read of yours was about walking sometime at night really late & you said it was like someone just pushed a PAUSE button on earth, i really loved that entry, so that.s how u got ur one word thing, <333.
from mylovedies :
hope you are well <333,love the song.
from smurffluver :
Hey,just wanted to say hi and apologize for my psycho boyfriend. I hardly ever check my dairy thing but lemme know how you are and stuff.
from rassoodocks :
i have updated ho
from mylovedies :
*wishes luck* \m/
from rassoodocks :
i have conquered the world brent...finally... i have conquered it. and got shit on by canadians
from repenser :
from mylovedies :
rebuiladage rox \m/ <3
from mylovedies :
your pics bring me odd joy <3
from mylovedies :
i.m glad i got to talk to ya for like 5 sec.=)
from mylovedies :
nice lol <3
from mylovedies :
*misses you*
from mylovedies :
when u dont have time to write that means u actaully have a life so congragulations lol ;)
from kissmygritts :
Yeah, that's what she said, but I saw a pic and didn't think so lol. No worries though
from kissmygritts :
Just if you don't know me: I'm Jacob, Michelle's friend from Louisiana. Anyway, you're entries are pretty descriptive too. You're induction seems to be true about myLovedies. Anyway, maybe I'll write again some day, but for now I need to build up some anger for a fight and then some for writing, that's just how it works I suppose, I wrote some music, but it doesn't seem ok to me, maybe need to practice it some more. Anyway, good luck in your band if it's still going on, and good luck in whatever you indever on.
from mylovedies :
glad to hear your out of that phase ;) best of luck with lauren =]<3
from mylovedies :
glad you had a good x-mas =] now get on aim and talk to me =p
from neon-oreo :
niiiice diary, i'm adding you.
from anhnie :
glad to see you enjoyed your christmas // hope all is well ((gotmypackageyet?))
from mylovedies :
*gives you what u want* ...if only i could have a great christmas tho<3
from insideoutme :
o_O you just dissed 1337.... ::shock and awe:: woo.
from insideoutme :
hey...i like your diary songs and lala everything. O_o steph aka mylovedies told me about you.. <3 woo.
from anhnie :
weird being online without your presence there // kinda gotten used to it // smile for me (=
from mylovedies :
hey i got aim just for you ok! i added u so get online and talk and add me! my nicknames mychemicalR
from mylovedies :
*postal service love to you* i dont have AIM =( got msn or yahoo? do the old way email me!lol i doubt u actually have time for that tho...
from mylovedies :
*insomniacs unite* =)
from anhnie :
you've got mail.
from mylovedies :
you like pedro the lion? *love to brent*
from anhnie :
stalking here i come. opps, did i say that out aloud? *hehe
from anhnie :
you didnt answer my question...
from anhnie :
is that your real address? pleasantly surprised that you know what they are. they come in hazelnut and all these other ones too now i think. not too sure. just the plain regular ones for me. oh that and mint slices *yum yum. (=
from mylovedies :
woot i LUV YA <3 .. The Streets are Awsome \m/=) and yes i hate most rap too!=) refer to my music thoughts entry awhile back=) keep rockin and rapping(sometimes)
from anhnie :
i was being melodramatic. i know. hope you're feeling better. want some timtams? *hehe
from shell-ee :
once... you brought me a can of soup when i wasnt sick anymore.. maybe ill return the favor...
from smurffluver :
I'll send you some get well stuff..asuming that is your real address, whats your zip?
from anhnie :
unfair. ive never had the pleasure to see them live. *sighs no one ever comes downunder )=
from smurffluver :
Yes Brent, you really are THAT creepy. It would be really funny though if you did email her that convo. that you and jason face contorted in an odd sort of way reading BUT I love you anyways...
from anhnie :
how i envy thee. i wish i could see alk3 too. do tell me how they went.
from lilshugag :
jenny, hoorah to you
from lilshugag :
"pfft" is all i can say to you
from rassoodocks :
these are the moments in life that make me happy to know i have a friend who's got a passion...the passion for having passion...which you've always possesed but never full fledge ripped open and watched your incredible potential explode out of it. take these dreams brent, and run...don't run away.....soar fuckin higher than your mom gets off her pain pills... you will love yourself for it. god's speed
from mylovedies :
brent blah u are awsome for proving them all wrong- \m/ <3
from shell-ee :
you CANNOT leave me behind forever.
from lilshugag :
get yourself together
from shell-ee :
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from smurffluver :
OHHHHH.....I thought the you you were referring to was that Shelly girl. HAHA! Well I hope things work out for you and her.Talk to you later suga!
from smurffluver :
I am always curious of who the "you" you always refer to, but I think I have a pretty good idea.
from shell-ee :
from shell-ee :
hey babyface. you need to come back to my world sometime. its not spent sitting on curbs.. at least not alone. my cell number is changing soon... don't disappear.
from rassoodocks :
ass much as i piss the piss out of your pisser. I will and always will consider you like my bro. you truely are a good person. That night i was on everyone...more so you than everyone else because you've been to my house know i don't like things broken...and there's certain things my parents notice and it was any iffy situation if they were coming back that i didn't want to scare my brother by having a ton of guys at my house...but that was my fault, i jumped on you, im sorry. second thought. i'm just wondering why you care so deeply about gill? and i also can't help but wonder if it's just the pretty face...and don't say's the pretty rack too because that's included. kind of irks me. i don't know why. i think it's because i don't want you to get hurt...and i know thats a possibility. honestly you've put yourself through that enough times. anyways...sleep well and arise in the morning to witness antichrist reborn (i.e. ladwig kicking fieldings ass!)
from brentblah :
hello note page. you seemed awfully sad sitting here by your lonesome so here is a message to cheer you up.

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