messages to brigid:
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from stickyvicki :
Hey please put up the HTML for the Just A Girl diary ring located here -->
from stickyvicki :
Aww thanks Bridgit :)
from nodoubtgirl7 :
hey! I have a new diary..its pinkygirl727..check it out sumtime! ~lex~
from brigidt :
Gah!!! Someone else with my name!!! Well...spelled the same that is! My name's Brigid too....(the t is for my last name, hehe cause Brigid was already take:P thanks it's usually, like you I'm also Irish...and red hair and freckles rock! Though *frowns* I have brown/goldish hair...and freckles in the summer...I've got the curly hair bit though...hehe...well sorry, I may sound crazy. Honest though I'm glad to finally see someone with the name Brigid besides me....(though there was my 7th grade Social Studies teach who's name is also Brigid.)...well! 'loha....~B~
from cynicchick :
Hey! Yeah, sorry I had to lock it for a little while. Some girls from school found it and printed it out, showing a lot of people. Yeah. Don't/didn't ya just hate high school?! But I went ahead and unlocked it, because it was so lame and petty. I really don't care. There are bigger problems in the world... So yeah, anyway, keep up the good diary. I love to read! :)

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