messages to c-mansbaby:
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from dangerspouse :
Yo. Sup? Still with C? Did you find employment? You a grandma? Spill, lady!
from phaythles :
Daaaaaaamn! Just read the last 2 entries and things are going super rough for you. Hang in there. Hopefully things will get better *hugs* Also curious as to why you had to resign from your job? If you can talk about it that is. Glad you got out of the hotel to the apartment. Hopefully youll make ends meet. CraZAY that your daughter is about to have a baby. Whew! Youve got a lot going on in your life.
from phaythles :
It's funny how those who hate drama seem to attract it in some way. Then there are those who LIVE for the shit. Like you have obviously nothing going for you if you think this is fun to do every day. It probably shaves years off their lives. Anyway back to unwanted drama my life gets like that too sometimes. My family are fucking nutcases. Good thing the shit builds character :) When you weather storm after storm with a good attitude you know you're officially badass. Just remember that.
from phaythles :
Aww thanks! Yours has been an interesting read as well. It's like a giant stream of conscience. Every once in awhile I get confused but for the most part I follow. Your life needs to mellow out a bit in the future. Hopefully your holiday season gets jolly :)
from phaythles :
Are you okay? I'm slightly confused on who is the bad guy and who is the good guy? Is it the guy you call "C" the one who doesn't really talk and yall on and off the bad guy? Or is he good? You seem like you have a good heart but these boys seem to be playing with your emotions. I hope you find your happy ending. *hugs*

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