messages to constlady:
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from jenne1017 :
I've been missing you. And just because you haven't found it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
from jenne1017 : when I say she's hot, OTHER people say she's technically old enough to be my mom -- I should look so hot ever, let alone when i am 41!
from zerom3ph :
happy birthday!
from zerom3ph :
3 songs? 'pretty when you cry' by VAST, 'atwa' by system of a down, 'tombstone' by suzanne vega.
from jenne1017 :
I can't because I only have one pair of glasses and if I accidentally leave them at work...well, it would be bad. And I only have one pair of contacts left. Can't afford to by more than one box at a time. So there smarty pants!
from jenne1017 :
It's based out of love. I was hurt. And the fact that I couldn't take the time to heal but that i have to see and hear her all day bothers me.
from constlady :
Hey, it's KiKi. I have no clue what the heck is going on with this layout! I just re-wrote the entire code and it's still not fixed. At least, I don't think it is--it doesn't seem to change at all! To test this, I changed the colors to red and black, and, you guessed it--no change. I'm gonna keep working, tho, and will let you know as soon as I figure out what the problem is.
from jenne1017 :
YAY! So pretty!
from jenne1017 :
hey if you are really serious about starting a diary, KiKi has a few great templates you can use to make it all look pretty. I'll even tell ya how to do it (or do it for you)
from jenne1017 :
awww shucks!

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