messages to cubbybear314:
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from whitepills :
You have good taste in movies and music. Your diary also sounds a lot like when I first started talking to my girlfriend. I was all dumb around her and would smile for days just because she said something nice to me. And also, "If you met two men names Flippy and Hambone, which do you think would like Dolphins more? I'd think it'd be Flippy, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong though, it's Hambone."
from alicatstrut :
As requested, I will fill you in on the "correct" answers to the grammar survey, though I believe much is open to interpretation when it comes to grammar. 1- "Everyone was in a seat" (or "his or her seat" if you prefer--everyone is singular). 2- You corrected properly. 3-"Really, I do not like pickles"; or "I do not like pickles at all" (it is grammatically incorrect to split the subject from the verb(s)). 4- In a very technical, traditional sense, it must be "With whom are you speaking?" but speaking has come to be accepted without "with" as a necessary preposition. 5- "They put the child between them" or "They put the child to the side" (It is idiomatically incorrect to put anything "next to" two people, though this rule has become archaic, and "themselves" is used for a reflexive verb).
from valkang :
Hey. Thanks for filling out the survey. And my new username is tenable. --Zelda

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