messages to danajeri:
(click here to add new message):

from funnyfrog :
hey i dont have your current email address.
from funnyfrog :
YEP! ok. uh huh. YEAH.
from funnyfrog :
dude I'm on the free version of D-land. But thats cool. You should get a message board up on your site ( i should too) this I'll research. yes...
from funnyfrog :
yay I'm vice president! it makes me happy! When do I start!!??
from funnyfrog :
i'll have to add it. sucky if its full! Adam says he might drop it. weird. I'll take his place.
from funnyfrog :
no way henrik is teaching what class? + lucky wallet days...i got a boring office job. See ya soon.
from funnyfrog :
haha. good idea, don't want the boss bein a snoop. hehehe
from funnyfrog :
so ya locked it up again eh?
from funnyfrog :
hey the Lori link doesnt work
from funnyfrog :
ok you take the cake.
from funnyfrog :
[email protected] see ya in cyberspace. Lori
from funnyfrog :
hey Dana, you got a password protect? This is lori your old neighbor, unless this is the wrong Danajeri...So hope alls well where you are! ~Lori
from dana-elayne :
Hiya :) from one Dana to another! I've enjoyed what I've read thus far. There's a Dana ring too if you'd ever like to join. I'll be back :)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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