messages to dazeyduke:
(click here to add new message):

from nmnohr :
12/22 It's been almost a year.........hope you're ok.
from nmnohr :
10/7 - I sure wish I knew what happened to you.......
from nmnohr :
8/20 What happened to you?
from nmnohr :
Are you ok? Where are you??
from nmnohr :
Are you ever coming back???????
from starlight42 :
I love your design! It's hilarious! MMMM I love IHOP!!
from nmnohr :
where the hell are you? geeeeeeeeez.
from nmnohr :
You're back again! You are a brave girl.....hee hee. Can't wait to hear all about it, and I hope it all works out this time!
from chelc118705 :
Hey! Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday! :)
from pashiesplace :
Ohhh love the Tour Bus Link!
from iluvjessee :
Hey! Thanks for the Birthday message! LOL! Funny template, I like it. :) Please feel free to visit me anytime!! :)
from bluecharis :
Hi there! Thanks a lot for your sweet birthday wishes! *bows humbly* I hope, you and your loved ones had a nice Christmas! All the best for 2004! Love, Charis :-))
from pashiesplace :
Holy crap what a freak! I really hope he was sincere & leaves you alone. Merry Christmas, BTW! (((Hugs)))
from viks :
thank you for taking the time to sign my notes page to wish my a happy birthday- I cant tell you how much it means to me. I hope you have a lovely Christmas, Thank you again, Love vikki x
from gonzostar :
thanks for the birthday wishes!

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