messages to dorkygal:
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from keeds :
we have something in common then. i love reading me too!
from sealswat :
Quit lieing to yourself. Why else would he bring it up out of the blue? He either does, or thinks he might soon. You aren't stupid, you know that, you can sense that, you just don't want to accept it. You probably hurt him btw by telling him that, so if you are worried about that, you need to get in touch with him asap. Don't let him start thinking and reading into your statement too much.
from sealswat :
You think YOU are confused, just reading that entry made my head hurt.
from sealswat :
So uhh.......yeah. You stumbled upon my diary? Were you just browsing? Kind of random... You wrote: "It is true. That which does not kill you makes you stronger. So true" And also wiser it seems... A few questions: 1. "And I recently got my conch pierced" Is this what I think it is? 2. "I was in so much pain, but for some reason I didn't want him to know" Why has this changed now? Just curious. "I never want to see him again" - This will change. "I hate him so much, yet I still love him" - This won't. "I realized I had so many pictures, I decided to put them up instead. Maybe I'll do both... maybe I'll put up lyrics as well..." What a darn good idea.....I'm stealing it. Lyrics..... And thats my brief dive into your life. I didn't read any more past that, and I apologize, but its VERY late here and I'm exhausted. I need to update mine anyways, geez its been forever.....
from starlight33 :
Hey girly! I put up some new poems that I wrote last night. I hope you like them, I am not showing them to anyone. (not even Sean) They are not my usual style so I feel wierd about them. Call me!!! Ames
from cielorosso :
whitney whitney!! i havent been on my journal in soo long.. so i just decided to read some of your latest entries. i miss you soooooooo much babe. i hope to see you soon. hopefully you'll get this little message and know that i'm thinking about you. kisses and hugs from your lover.....
from starlight33 :
Whitney, Whitney, Whitney! Don't you remember that when I dyed your hair I had you wet it first and then towel dry it so it was damp? I always dye my hair when it is a little damp, don't do it dry my dear, if that's what you were waiting for it to dry for. (I'm not sure if you were waiting for it to dry to dye it, if you weren't disregard this message) Talk to you later!!!
from starlight33 :
Hey thanks. I wrote all of those in grade school and I feel that they are a little juvenile now. Hope you are having a good day:0)
from cielorosso :
hi there... long time no communication (in your words) shane is an asshole....and i miss you very much!!! i want to hang out with you VERY SOON!! i mean it. so call me sometime... or mayebe i will call you later tonight because my parents are gone and i have nothing to do with my life. i will talk to you later.
from cielorosso :
it seems like everyone is just too busy... school sucks..too much work.... need a break... I MISS YOU TOO!!!!!!
from starlight33 :
hey you! haven't talked to you in awhile, very busy! well i hope all is well with you! call me sometime, but not this weekend b/c i will be busy with irish fest!! talk to you later!! ames:0)
from cielorosso :
Well hello there... you know you were very right and i just couldnt help myself... i had to laugh at you... in fact i laughed a lot because, yes, you are what they call a dumbass. But this is why i love you so very much. By the way i told shane that you have a special suprise for him with that card... (if youre still going to give him the two pennies) very clever... why does shane get two pennies,huh? i didnt get two pennies on my birthday.... Now im sad *frowny face* i suppose i can forgive. Im interested to see what his reaction will be to this wonderful gift. Now let me just state one more time.. you are a dumbass! love you mucho
from starlight33 :
I am glad that you can talk to your mom about everything. I can too! I think it is cool when your mom listens to you and understands you for the most part without criticism(SP?).
from starlight33 :
Hey you! So you talked to your mom about EVERYTHING hey? I hope that went well, it sounded like it went pretty well. Well, that's it!
from dorkygal :
It's about time!
from starlight33 :
Hi Whit! I just set up my note thingy!!
from gamemaster1 :
Yes, you should call that boy, sometime. I'm sure he'd be happy to hear from you.
from keeds :
hi. write back.
from lambrini :
at least someone tried to find you to give you it back. i lost a phone sometime last year and never heard from it again! hmmm. gem x

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