messages to dryice:
(click here to add new message):

from cdghost :
i enjoyed reading your entries..all the best..cdghost
from disaster :
yeah, um...i don't know if you know...but tom got fired from pieinthesky. that place is going down. i miss you! come back to nashvegas :)
from disaster :
jennifer, i love you :)
from laura-jane :
I just read a ton of your entries in one fell swoop. I sympathize with you immensely--friends and friendships can be the most disconserting things. If you ever feel like dropping me an email, I'd love to hear from you. Take care Jenn!
from myhorizons :
:) :) Random smilies are cool. :)
from lizzymay :
Hi, thanks for visiting my diary. Yes, I love RUN LOLA RUN. Its great to see your diary again. Thanks for the note.
from smack584 :
Smile Jenn, life could always be worse. You could have my life! At least we have books. Books make everything right. At least temporarily.
from outdated :
hi...i've just read your first entry so far, so i may be speaking too soon, =) but i really like the way you write. i'm sure you care what i think.'s very...what's the word? insightful. yes. =) wooo. so yay.
from dryice :
yay! I was beginning to wonder about the banner. Did you like the design? Hee hee..FA and his over-sized stop sign. I guess everything is funny when you've eaten mushrooms...
from disaster :
i just saw your banner. i did a double take. like this: ::does double take::. sheesh. i know i'm a dork. lovemily.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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