messages to duk:
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from seanandjacob :
jacob speak: just thinking of the old days, when we ruled the internet. that glorius and short lived triumvirate. where do you exist? drop a line with contact info, i.e. myspace url.
from diaryreviews :
your diary has been review ( you can request a re-review after a month.
from mr-oaf :
when are you going to post the pictures of the gang in New York? nesbitt is growing impatient...
from l-i-l-a-c :
LOL the Bear, Mark, and Arse thing was funny!
from ruthiebat :
By the way, those snow pictures you posted in February made me really homesick for Boston. just doesn't snow like that in Alabamy.
from ruthiebat :
I am all for dethroning the Porcelain Princess! Off with her head!! Or at least her endless banners! But shouldn't that be "dancing and no pants" rather than "no pants and dancing"? The bunnies really want dancing! Please?!
from seanandjacob :
We stand by your side in this era of great uncertainty.
from hollytheliar :
Dear Duk, I think that William's pictures are the best ever and very romantic snowed in and all that. Wise to stay indoors though, a duk could eaily get lost in all those snow drifts. Much love Holly (not a lie)
from seanandjacob :
I've never seen anything like this, but really I can't tell exactly what it is, so I think it is the best ever, for everything thusfar hasn't been. I'm actually glad for once that I clicked on an ad. Please visit us at, tell us what you think. Never stop to disbelieve.
from scanzilla :
I've been going to this high school for seven and a half years. I'm no dummy. I know high school girls.
from hollytheliar :
merry christmas duk and william. have a fab day. xx
from hollytheliar :
here a duk / there are duk / everywhere a duk duk/ duk duk duk duk had a duk/ duk duk duk duk duk/ and on that duk he had a duk/ with a duk duk here / and a duk duk there/ back to the beginning
from duk :

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