messages to ebateman:
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from iagoadmirer :
yeah, let me tell you: not loving somebody that loves you does wrap up coal for you every morning. especially when you can't stick with a consistent approach to the dilemma of upfront honesty or living naturally as if you didn't know that the other person waited on your every move.
from iagoadmirer :
what a flight; you're awesome
from scourgealoud :
i found your diary by random, to tell you the truth I bet I will never read it again. But it made me feel ok. That i am not the only fucked up person in this world. Thanks, in a way you will never fully know, you've helped me.
from cdghost :
i enjoyed reading your entries..all the best..cdghost
from iagoadmirer :
happy nighttime kid.
from darkflora :
i'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way. I hope you feel better soon.
from darkflora :
Thanks, that was a funny description, but not all all true, I think. Your diary is very good. Thanks for checking out my webpage, too.
from darkflora :
thanks for reading my diary. I have really enjoyed what I've seen of yours so far. Thanks.
from iagoadmirer :
wish i could walk you home. sorry that i'm dead when other people are around, things are akward, i have to be for them. you deserve to live though. you and your fugitive warlords.
from jazzyana :
very carefully. Ha... well actually I don't hang out with large crowds or people who aren't my friends, so ... it's not like they don't know. I put makeup on the ones that are still red. But it's still pretty obvious. I guess I just have the guts to do it, and be myself, and my friends love me anyway.
from karika :
hey, thanks for writing back...and for checkin my diary out..i like ur diary too...wats ur asl
from karika :
hey u dont no me but i just found ur diary and i thought id leave u a note sayin hi...feel free to look at my diary since i looked at urs...hope u write back, peace

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