messages to elenadin:
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from camisado :
come to livejournal! :D
from psianina :
woah i like the new design!
from psianina :
all i can say is, i know what you mean. :/ if you ever feel like IMing, i'm at thefaintatheart on AIM!
from janland :
Hehe I've been catching up with a few older entries I've missed recently. First of all, I saw on a vet program that dogs often see the youngest in the family as the next in the hierarchy and therefore it's common for them to attempt to put them lower. I know it happened to my friend, although not in a violent way, that their labrador was often trying to establish herself as above her in the hierarchy, while respecting her parents. She wasn't even that young, about 17. Secondly, you said a while back that you weren't sure you had any accomplishments, but I've often found that the people I value the most, that matter the most to me as friends or work companions aren't those that necessarily achieve anything, but are supportive, get along with me, understand, try hard etc. It makes my life so much pleasanter and I'd rather work or hang out with that kind of person any day. You're definitely that kind of person and the world would be an awful place if people like you weren't around, regardless of whether you've got something more material to show of your worth.
from janland :
The title sounds familiar, but I've never read any of her books. I'll have to try them (it was you, after all, who first recommended Harry Potter to me, back at the FT). If you email me your address, I'm happy to send them over to you! Or you could try ordering them online here:
from janland :
Hahaha that's how I "clean" my room, too! And usually I get halfway through the "cleaning" and get tired (bored) and then come back bedtime, find junk all over the bed and the floor, and just put it all back any old how.
from janland :
from psianina :
ooooooh miss niquae has a diary!! hulloooo it's kahjawooja!!!

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