messages to exoristos:
(click here to add new message):

from erato :
I haven't been checking that e-mail account, so I didn't know you wrote. I have moved. Look for me at You can e-mail me through there, too. I miss you, P. Let's reconnect.
from erato :
I missed you, too.
from erato :
The guestbook is here: She is stripped of all her mirages. But Erato will always live in the hearts of those who love her. Do you remember when I rose against the death of the Poet? I am short of that by by an obituary. But I will write it. E-mail me I will explain. I miss you.
from ijustmoveon :
Thank you.
from thejumblies :
there are a lot of complications about going to the radiohead concert that i could not talk about in my diary... and no porter, i haven't forgotten you ;)
from eebee :
Well, you'll be pleased to learn that I have at least been to parts of Europe, and I intend to go back after college, because, due to monetary difficulty, I cannot possibly go before.
from eebee :
Uh... romantic, maybe. Wise? Definitely not. First of all, Broadway would be foolish because talent isn't enough anymore, especially when you're only marginally talented. Training has become necessary. And I don't think it would be a terribly good idea to elope with a boy I haven't even been dating for three whole months yet. Plus we're both only seventeen. So... yeah. Gonna stick with the whole college idea.
from eebee :
College... what else would I do?
from thejumblies :
you are one of those exceptions
from thejumblies :
uhhh prejudices? sorry porter but that's a little jacked viewpoint.
from eebee :
That's very kind, but who is "we"?
from ladolcevita3 :
Aww I miss you Porter. Get a diary silly.
from slapmeharder :
um hello. is there a new diary? I feel lost in here. Porter. Love.
from ladolcevita3 :
Oh dear punctuation slipped my mind entirely
from ladolcevita3 :
rooms full of salt fault my pluck and a poets charm so far, ever far little stars that burn the holes in my soul and everything just feels like rain the road we're on, the things we crave and everything just feels like rain the nights i sleep, what's left to dream when everything feels like rain drift as i dive find the deep out of reach of all light stars, ever far listless tides along the changing shore and everything just feels like rain the road we're on, the things we crave and everything just feels like rain if i should sleep, what's left to dream when everything feels like rain (that was a bit of Zwan for you dear) Miss you- Iris
from autumnal :
speak to me before i dissipate
from ladolcevita3 :
Thank you. ThoughI wasn't talking about your winter crocheted scarves. :-D
from donjuan99 :
Ahh Porter always wonderful to know who's reading my humble little diary. I have always admired those who were able to wax poetic at the drop of a hat I was not blessed with this gift I like to consider my gift sarcasm... I hope you continue to read and oh yes... have a Very Merrry Christmas. -dj99
from ladolcevita3 :
Well Porter I'm glad you've finally confessed to your diary. And I am more than happy that you have one too. But I don't see very many entries.... I miss reading you. I miss reading depth.. So do update why don't you? Lots of love.. (sorry but I'm very very bad at writing notes to people)
from erato :
Raram facit misturam cum sapientia forma.
from autumnal :
i will pleasure you with my latin tongue, ad infinitum
from slapmeharder :
hello Porter. hee.
from eebee :
You may email me, as if you required permission. I'm there more than here anyway. My address is on my page.
from eebee :
Yes, I am back in a manner of speaking, for a matter of time.
from autumnal :
i should have taken a hint awhile ago but with you i guess i have no shame. fuck. fuck. fuck.
from eebee :
Thank you very much for the kind notes at my diary. What happened to poetaster? Or, at least, why did you say "may he rest in peace"? Anyway, it's nice to know that someone outside my normal group of friends reads my diary. The compliments were appreciated.
from autumnal :
im crying
from autumnal :
put out or im kicking you out of the car!
from terpsichore :
you are so never around! we all fawn -swoon- your answers were excellent. i suppose it is polite small-talk for everyone to comment on that.
from autumnal :
Porter!!!! Women are waiting by their modems for you. And I was enchanted by your answers as well. - Rebecca
from erato :
your answers were fantastic, darling, really. thank you for taking the time. i miss our chats.
from slapmeharder :
songs are starting to remind me of you
from erato :
If you are not otherwise engaged, and the prospect of spending an evening with the finest minds on Diaryland, I should be glad to see you at the Soiree for our <A href="">Costume Ball</A>.<BR>Always, your host, <I>Anaiis</I>
from slapmeharder :
hey gorgeous..... hey I can upload photos now... yippie... questions forming for you all the time...although I did better the other night didn't I? xxxA*e*a***a E*i*a*e** *o**e*
from slapmeharder :
hello!!! yippie! the soiree is all very strange and you think I would be able to sit quietly in the corner till I gathered my dutch courage and social graces? xxxA
from rsprice :
i need your "mucho grande"
from terpsichore :
hey sexy :) it's your cyber-stalker. i WILL track you down. write! dork. you're beautiful. -hug-

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