messages to fancyclaps:
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from lostasyou :
Hah! It's okay. Yeah it went down by itself apparently. It was the combined birth control pill I was on. Didn't react too well with my body so my blood pressure went up. I think it's okay now though, I haven't really been back to check.. still here though aha. Feel better x
from lostasyou :
Thaaaank you! A bit obvious with the extensions but oh well.. what can you do? aha. x
from lostasyou :
This is omfggwtf now :) I moved. Tumblr irritated me, sorry.
from omfggwtf :
haahaha aww that's well sweet. ^____^
from omfggwtf :
thank you for that little ask thing on tumblr earlier. dunno if you saw, but i didn't really want to broadcast my username or DL in any way 'cos people i know might stumble across and i'll cry aha. i wish you wasn't locked! x
from omfggwtf :
i just wrote one ha! it's not a very nice one though hmm. but that's well nice of you! ah i feel good for that hahaha, even though all i do is complain recently :S hmmm. xo.
from frozenland :
i hate your notes
from omfggwtf :
hello :).
from frozenland :
no bang
from frozenland :
hey mal, it's me, i'm just missin ya we should hang soon i sure wish i could read your diary!!!!!!!! wow we are definite best friends i can't wait to write cool stuff in my exciting new DIARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from veloci :

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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