messages to flexigirl:
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from flexigirl :
Dear fuckingdrunk: The problems in the world are never disregarded. I support the reduction of many of the challenges you have named through activism and volunteerism. Although the Earth is infested with such viral pain and suffering, it is also just as important to open our eyes,acknowledge,and celebrate the beauty of life and all lessons it brings. If not, then what are we fighting for?
from fuckingdrunk :
how the fuck do you stay so positive? One in every four people, on the average in africa are afflicted with HiV or AIDS, war is occurring all over the globe, we're living in the age of nuclear warheads, blatant international corporate fraud, mass poverty, environmental annihalation, famine, disease, and rampant drug abuse, to name some of the larger problems. The earth is an awful gulag at best. How do you disregard all of these problems as if pointing out one beatiful thing is going to solve them? Are you living in a fucking dreamworld? Jesus Christ. Please, please, please explain.
from banshee-rose :
Great site. And your layout is just fine. :)
from candoor :
I think I might like it here.
from wench77 :
Hey, i clicked on your banner, and ended up reading entries in reverse order for several entries, ending with the description of your pregnancy and abortion. What a trial. I am glad you are ok now. This is exactly why it is so important women have a choice. So they can do what is right for their life and their body. I'm sorry you had that experience, but I can see that you have fully lived it and grown through it. Thankyou for sharing that. Sincerely, me, wench77
from evonna-rae :
thanks sooo much for the advice. Ill try to stretch every day. i was planning on asking how long it took you to get a stradlle but i guessing that you have doing this since you were a young child. im 15 and i just started gymnastics last feb. i was also wondering if you knew and excersises that work the upper body strength and stomache with out doing situps or push ups
from evonna-rae :
um hey im in gymn diryring also and i was wondering if you knew any stretches or exercises to get a straddle split because i have been trying for a while and my gymnastics class isnt helpling .thanks!

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