messages to fmilton:
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from ninjajesus :
This diary has been unlocked, go read the latest entry. Its important.
from ninjajesus :
thanks for the happy bday note rock on my negro
from ninjajesus :
thank you so much for your note you have an awsome profile
from moonrattles :
No, no. It was just something that came to mind. Besides, by 33 you should understand that white shoes with black pants IS dorky, even if the rest of us are too old to make fun. ;)
from moonrattles :
Oooh, ooh, I love the template! Only thing, a couple of minor adjustments: you need to "edit my profile" so it reads "" rather than "" That was an error on the designer's part. They should have put "" when writing the HTML, or maybe they expect you to fix it yourself. Also, I accidentally clicked on "email" rather than "profile," and your mailto command is misspelled. Or more specifically, your address is. I think you left out the B. Not to be critical, just trying to help. I found myself missing Phil this afternoon, of all things. Hope you found someone to go out with, or someone interesting to talk to. Ninjajesus walked all the way from UTA to Coffee Haus yesterday on an injured ankle to find the establishment closed. Fucking hell. I am certain he's for real now.
from trylobyte :
Love the Panda template. Many cheers from the gallery of rogues. "Here, here," they chant. If only the asian bear had a "13" all would suit you, perfectly.
from trylobyte :
Yes, the "too much" basically means that I was considering accepting a similar tatoo on my body and that seeing your "13" I am considering it further. Fair enough?
from trylobyte :
Hey there. It was good to see your folks last night. I read the fmilton version of the Monday Imbroglio...and I laughed all over again. Nice work, kiddo! Loved your "13" by the way. TOO much, I might add.
from trylobyte :
It's posted. Hope you're not dissappointed. Personally, I laughed over and over again writing it.
from trylobyte :
Worry not. The story is in progress. I am almost four pages in Word about the night. I keep remembering important details. It should be available by tomorrow morning. Sooner, if the editing goes well.
from moonrattles :
I like the picture, but the tiles make it so hard to read. Maybe look for something more reader-friendly? Or ask them to modify it so the lines under your entry are not so pronounced?

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