messages to fragile-liar:
(click here to add new message):

from warmntoasty- :
Also, I've never really messed around with archiving posts so I'm not really sure how that works either.
from warmntoasty- :
Hey, that's so cool that you're back! And yeah, I don't think there's much help or managing going on too much around here lately. I think there might just be a lag on new entries. It may show up in an hour or two, but I'm really not sure!
from mister-ed :
nyeheh. ah thanks much.
from jenniam :
Dana is my favorite :)
from urcrepuscule :
hiya, I haven't spoken to you in a while, prolly coz im hardly ever online during the evening. Anyway I hope u're ok and that we get to talk soon, good luck on your date :)
from ladiscrete :
Thanks for your kind message in my guestbook. And no... I don't mind people leaving messages in French, on the contrary it amuses me.
from urcrepuscule :
Happy 21 girl :)
from avantbedroc :
man, im stealing all of urcrepuscule's friends. she got me onto you-im glad.
from urcrepuscule :
yeah, thanks for the note i guess, hope we get to chat or smth, if you have IM that is. Take care and keep it up!
from urcrepuscule :
hello :o)
from rainy-daze- :
from snubreality :
Wow. Dancing topless at a gay bar. Can't wait till I turn 18...Keep up the writing!! -Erin-
from keryanna :
I understand how you feel about your birthday. Although I have a few years left, I'm rapidly approaching thirty. And it doesn't feel like I've caught up with my age. It's like somehow I became an adult when I wasn't looking. So, I really don't know if there's a time when your age will seem appropriate to you. Or maybe we just haven't gotten there yet.
from p-brain :
It's ok. I can use my mothers computer. It has what it takes to view your page. =) I'll use that one until I've figured out what to do with mine. Thanks anyway.
from jenne1017 :
keeping you in my thoughts...
from p-brain :
Why is it that the entry text doesn't show up? I miss being able to read your journal!!!
from meeshu :
hey fragile, this is Meeshu, but I am an old reader too, I was locked up, but now I am not, and now you are, and now I have a new diary is meeshu..
from sleepyskin :
hey hey.. wanted to give you the password to sleepyskin as she is closing her doors to the public for a little bit. email me at [email protected] and I'll gladly dish.
from rebe :
knock knock...i can't get in. my email is [email protected] hope everything is sunny in your world, kim xxx
from coolassaward :
Hi from Cool Chicks! Want to nominated someone for a Cool Chick Award? Come see what we are about.
from human-sponge :
big fan of your writing.
from rockkid :
keep up the gr8 work. be true to urself everything will work out in the end ;) patrick
from blue-hour :
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year from THE CHANEL CHAINSAW MASSACRE! Hope you have a happy, happy holiday!
from leviticus :
:-) You've just gone into my bathroom and left me at my computer all alone. I miss you. I miss you when you're gone, that is what I do. - Cranberries
from leviticus :
Yes I do check my notes, you get e-mail notification of new you check yours chica? I love you xxx

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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