messages to gmk:
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from edwin :
BTW: i do know that you're a girl.
from edwin :
my god. you are the most intelligent 16 year old i've ever seen. yes, tool is a living breathing neccessity, and i anxiously await new stuff from them or maynard and APC. I read your comments on 4 degrees and lemme tell ya, that just makes straight sense. let me know if you're in CA anytime, i'll suck your dick for sure. keep writing.
from headinoven :
___ = i have a thought in my head that i cant convey in words. <33
from sylviashadow :
thanx for joining verbalsmack! Don't forget to post the code!--sylviashadow
from headinoven :
___word. <3
from hyperballadd :
some people should just be kissed. kiss.
from mlefantome :
March 3, 2003 Desperately trying to contact you. Your email <[email protected]> doesn't appear to be working. Please email me ([email protected]) or (AIM: MLeFantome).
from fuckwits :
If you can't be a real person, then you're just stalling until someone writes you into their autobiography. I love your diary. Love the layout. Love that you seem completely original. [email protected]. (Can't guarantee that I'm a real person yet, but maybe I'm learning...) Please keep writing.
from thai :
is that you in the picture? o wait, her spine is... tee hee i love you -Tim
from livlee :
what a beautiful diary.. your words are put together so well.. feel free to drop by my diary and let me know what you think <3 Liv xo
from sinevil :
umm isn't that model a little too young? Anyways I'm glad your having those feelings; in my youth I had them too, I think we all have. Just don't succomb to apathy whatever you do. That may be the most important piece of advice in your life because so many people forget it. I hope you remain fulfilled, and don't worry, you'll get your spot under that light. Cheers, sinevil.
from goblin :
hi! i read your diary! i had mr. goldberg too! crazy! i graduated from oprf in 97. and i totally think you should get into punk rock this summer. it made my high school experience way better. you're an awesome writer. if ya wanna email me sometime its [email protected] xxoxox stephanie

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