messages to greengrl:
(click here to add new message):

from belle-bloom :
Hi, I noticed that you listed flirting as one of your favorite movies. I love that movie as well. I also found out that it's your birthday. Happy B-Day!
from jen69 :
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day.
from barefootsage :
I really like your username.I have a diary entry called "Imagination,Play,and the Color Green"(in which I talk about *why* I like the color green so much).So,if you're interested...
from briandamaged :
Anyone who loves The Wonder Stuff can't be all bad......LOL. Welcome to the Cheap seats!!!
from hazeydaisy :
Loved the site... amusing, yet introsepective. The creativity made me want to be a little less lazy and work on my own site. But again, mad props my dear. Ciao!
from gimme-mono :
*cough*...............WATCH ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fall*
from ruhee :
happy new year!
from lizachaneen :
Awesome taste in music! Rufus rocks! Cigarettes and chocolate milk!
from myeye :
you're cute! i loved the peeps page. ;)
from jamen :
Your banner is great.
from jason75 :
I love your diary... am slightly jealous butonly slightly... you are such a great read
from jason75 :
Some people have way to much time on thier hands... my fish are too lazy to even swim to the top of the tank, they just swim around until the food sinks and then eat it
from jason75 :
first stop by your page and loving it!
from dernhelm :
hey. I'm a member of your OCD diaryring, and I thought I should tell you that I'm locking my diary until the end of August. Please don't kick me out! I promise it'll be unlocked in a month and a half!
from greengal :
hello. green girls unite!
from bipolargirl :
hey grl - u r cool - i'm 31 too - i couldn't believe i saw david sylvian on the list - i was born on tom waits b-day (12-07) anyways, send me a note sometime if you feel like it
from notnatural :
hey, you are a fan of david sylvian too! YAY! i knew i liked you for a reason!
from armande :
Greengrl Yes! I have had extreme trouble putting in the html code. Go look at my diary - i've screwed it up and I know not how - to the point where I have strange writing up the top of my diary page. Bizarre. I joined a few other rings but I could not for the life of me figure out how to put in the code, so I left and I really hope no-one gets mad at me! Thanks! Armande
from chaos-me :
I dig the diary.
from motherlode :
hey bonbon! just seeing if the 'new' analyzer actually works. xoxo
from level-off :
Hey darling. Just wanted to thank you for listing me as one of your fav diaries in your profile. You are the darlingest darling that ever darlinged.
from volcanic :
OOh, and the same to you, too... come and sign my g-book (it's under eruptions on the diary page) and tell me MORE!! tell me about your NMA thing, because way back in the day, I used to go and see them LOTS. ANd I've been to the clog factory... *smoochy smooches
from kissacod :
Tasty diary, Bonnie! :) I am loving it!
from motherlode :
I love the new layout, bonbon. And I love you too!

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