messages to guessitsme:
(click here to add new message):

from cheerios124 :
Happy Belated Birthday!!(witty comment about being old here):)Jess
from malraux :
greetings... thanx fer befriendin' me. have we met?
from zim-dib :
ACK! I left a typo in your guestbook, I am so ashamed...
from lambrini :
u got ass, woo hoo
from sparklefae :
You are so cool, you should hit the junebugs, fuckin dumbass kids. I want to be like you when I grow up *hug*
from sparklefae :
I <3 you thanks for the birthday wishes (I know, I'm behind, I meant to thank you that day but I got distracted) and I wuvs you and hehe pervs are stupid
from sparklefae :
Dude, Sharon Osbourne is my hero. I've only seen a few episodes, but that one where she's hucking old ham at the new noisy neighbors is by far one of the funniest things I have EVER seen in my life! <333 I'm glad to see you update more often, even if I don't always see you're pov eye to eye, it's nice to understand where other people's opinions are and how they get them, informed decisions and all that =0) Wuvles you *hug*
from sparklefae :
from autumnal :
from sparklefae :
Diamond's are my birthstone (of course, and my name means wealthy or something to that effect) so I like them, but would never buy them to wear as a once in a while thing. Of course, I have a diamond engagement ring and a wedding band with 9 teeny diamonds in them, but we got them on major discount AND we got an insurance policy that if any of them get lost/chipped/whatever, it'll be repaired or replaced for the rest of our lives. My Mother always said, make sure you get a diamond big enough so that if the bastard leaves you or dies you can sell it for SOMETHING to compensate/help you survive. Course, we were too poor for more than a tenth of a carat, but to me, it was the thought that counted cause I knew about the wedding rings and he went behind my back and got me an engagement ring afterwards and proposed properly and it was all sweet and made me cry and everything. That is something I'll never forget. But yeah, I don't see the point in having lotsa rocks, no matter what, I'll always be Jessica from the block ;)
from sparklefae :
LMAO You rock, I <3 you =0) Happy Holiday's to you too and thanks, you made me laugh.
from sparklefae :
I wuvles you *hugglies*
from cheerios124 :
Hey- didnt get to see you at my sis's wedding- just started my diary, so havent put an entry in yet, but will soon.
from sparklefae :
No, what's smarterchild? It doesn't seem to be online? I love those computer im bots, especially when I can make indecent proposals. I'm a baaaaaaaad girl. =0)
from sparklefae :
OMG YOU ROCK HARD CORE!! You should start a superhero's club or something and call yourselves um, um, um, like, um, Rescue Rangers! No, no, that's been done, um, um, "We'll Steal Your Puppy Biyatch"!! Ok, I'm sick so this makes no sense, but omg, that was so funny and cool. You're my hero =0)
from sparklefae :
Thank you so much *hug* It really does help. I feel a lot better today. Mom told me that Mercury is in retrograde she thinks and that it's probably what's making all of the miscommunication and overreacting on my part. She and I had a talk last night though, and I told her that she was all I had, my only reason to stay and she said I was her reason to stay so we promised to stay for each other. I'm not really ready to go, but sometimes things just get that way. Someday, when Mom wins the lottery, I'm going to adopt a whole family of kids just waiting to be adopted, and then maybe some other kids from every country I can. Thank you, for being so kind, it does a world of wonder for us crazy people *hug*
from sparklefae :
Hey thanks! I love that horoscope stuff, I'm gonna have to post that now, too funny! Glad to see you're ok, and school, yay!
from sparklefae :
lol I love you, really, you're the best!
from sparklefae :
I miss you, I hope you're doing well. *hug*
from sparklefae :
I'm so glad to see you and that you aren't giving up on diaryland. I missed your diary so much, you're like, one of the most intelligent people around here. I'm sorry your friend is a dick too *hugs* Thanks for making me smile =0)
from sparklefae :
gosh I hope so or else it's going to be one looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong month. I'm gonna miss reading your diary too, update often so I have lots to think about when I get back ;0)
from sparklefae :
Yeah, I just wish I could have the guts I get during PMS all of the time. I've taken a lot of crap from people in the past cause I'm a pussy. Hey, FYI, I did wear my horns to the party one day, all day, and people kept complimenting me on my horniness ;0) It was cool, thanks for the idea =0)
from sparklefae :
You are loved, you really really are =0) And you're welcome, anytime. Ugh, my code red from Taco Hell tastes like bad cherry 7up.
from elfinity :
Hey:-) Thanks for signing my guestbook and I dont think you ever have to worry about sounding like a dumbass. I think we all feel inarticulate most of the time, you have no idea how often I'm convinced that I come across as an ignorant dumbass:-) Oh, and thanks for the magazine recommendation. Only I'm pretty sure we dont get that mag in NZ, one shitty drawback to living in tiny old NZ. Anyway, I'm the one rambling now, an unfortunate habit of mine. I'm putting you on my favs list if you dont mind, and I'll continue reading your journal. It's good stuff so far!
from sparklefae :
Ahhh ok, I get it now. Thanks for the happy birthday, it's gonna be a great weekend =0) I run an RPG and some of the girls have diaries and know how to get to mine so I wasn't sure if you were one of them, but you aren't and that's so cool! Not that I don't like my girls or their diaries, but it's neat to have someone link me who found me randomly =0) I hope I don't get too weird for ya! Thanks again, and keep up the entries, I think you're very funny, and I agree about Moby Dick. Thanks for the note too -Jessica
from opiuminjars :
I'm such an idiot, I was just signed in, unbeknownst to me, as my roomate (unemployed) and I just left you a sassy little note, and now it's totally stupid, becos it wasn't even as me (opiuminjars). Fucking fuck. You'll still be my fan, right?
from unemployed :
You like great music, and my diary. You'll go far.

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