So Much For Happily Ever After

I'm crazy. iNsAnE. I have friends, but most of them are imaginary. Some of them are real, and they're pretty cool. I have a belly button. My hair is long and purple and curly. Oh well, can't have everything in life. My eyes refuse to stay one shade of color and fluctuate between brown/green/and brown green. I got both of these lovely features from my invisible father. Thanks asshole. My Mom and her family all have blue eyes. Some even have blonde hair. I had to inherit the brown. But I dyed it purple! Yay. I like pickles, but only if they're real sour. Code Red is the bestest.

My favorite diaries:

cruelhazel profile - diary
comments: Wuv Yu. She's the coolest person, and has taught me so much.
ajzbabygirl profile - diary
comments: Wuvles you! She's my best good friend, seriously. Like Sisters. <3 Forever
pearljamie profile - diary
comments: I wish this lady could be my best friend. She's so right on.
guessitsme profile - diary
comments: This girl is funny as hell. I command you to Read!!! hee hee hee
rockergemini profile - diary
comments: This is my new best friend. She's fucking cool. Go, read, learn, smile, cry, and find out that Steven Tyler is one hot tipo. ;0)
poked2x profile - diary
comments: Must read more, she's a real with it type of gal, and a Texan, and a Jessica, can't go wrong
jenne1017 profile - diary
comments: Oh, I adore her, she's hilarious and lovely and beautiful and wonderful and her diary was so fun to review, and I just want to read it constantly. I have OCD, so shoot me.
penguinwhore profile - diary
comments: Clare is the coolest chick alive, she's a metal smith and makes kick ass jewelry and I <3 her
pureharmony profile - diary
comments: Tara, who needs to update more...more Tara, more Tara, yay!
beautify profile - diary
comments: For perfectly beautiful layouts. Wheeee
widescreen profile - diary
comments: Yeah, I reviewed her and she was pretty cool, plus, she makes kick ass layouts
violent-sky profile - diary
comments: <33333
doveseye profile - diary
comments: <33333
gbg profile - diary
comments: <3333333
broken-eva profile - diary
comments: <33333
the-velvet profile - diary
comments: <33333
scorpionkiss profile - diary
comments: <33333
smallraven profile - diary
comments: <33
musikat profile - diary
comments: <33
blackmartha profile - diary
comments: <333
avalonia profile - diary
comments: Reading...
cuterachel profile - diary
hot-crumpets profile - diary
no-answers profile - diary
pixiedust783 profile - diary
fontfeelings profile - diary
dragonflys profile - diary
raenrose profile - diary
cagedspirit profile - diary
fergie profile - diary

My favorite music:

Alanis Morissette
comments: She is the best! She rocks! She is God! *Watch "Dogma" before saying she's not*
Fiona Apple
comments: I love her so much, I named my favorite cat after her. Fiona Apple, and she's always in trouble just like her namesake too. heh.
Sara Evans
comments: She makes my skin tingle. I hate country music. Sara Evans ROCKS.
Norah Jones
comments: I LOVE HER!!! She makes me cry, I LOVE THAT! I wish I could sing like her!!
The Donna's
comments: I want to be a Donna. They are so cool. ROCKING chicks. There aren't enough spaces here dammit.

My favorite movies:

Dazed and Confused
comments: Taped in Texas. Nuff Said. I can say more. My husband got me hooked on this movie 5 years ago. For like, 3 months in a row, we watched this movie every night. It's a good movie.
Shirley Temple
comments: Anything. I have almost every child movie of hers, I'm working on collecting the older teenagery things. I adore her. I have ever since I found out I share a birthday with her when I was 3.
Bring It On
comments: I love cheerleading. I love to watch it, I couldn't jump my fat ass into the air if I tried real hard and had tinkerbell sprinkles. There's another obsession of mine, Cheerleading, something I know lots about but could never do.
Practical Magic
comments: While it was NOTHING AT ALL like the book, which was FABULOUS, it was a very good movie, close to the craft somewhat, and Sandra and Nicole were in it, and I adore them. Sandra especially.
100 More
comments: I have at least, AT LEAST, 100 movies in my collection. I am supposed to choose five? What is this? Torture? Whatever. I don't keep a movie I don't like.

My favorite authors:

Meg Cabot
comments: Ok, I love the book The Princess Diaries. I want the threequal but it's only in hard cover. Anyone wanna get me a gift cause you love me? That would be it. The Princess Diaries:Princess in Love
William Shakespeare
comments: I have been obsessed with him since 3rd grade. I know, I share a birthday with him, and that's where the obsession started, that's where the Shirley Temple thing started too, but I have grown up worshiping him. He's fantastic.
Geoffrey Chaucer
comments: Ok, why can't they translate him? They always want to add too much. When I read his foreign language, I can get most of his words, poetic and it makes my heart wrench, but they translate it like it' Oprah Book. Whatever.
Ann M. Martin
comments: Shut Up. I got obsessed with The Baby-Sitters Club in 4th grade and couldn't put them down. I became enthralled with them. I haven't bought a book since the 7th grade, and I'm saving what I have to give to my kids.
comments: There are too many to name. I love books. I have been reading since I was 18 months old. You seriously believe I could possibly choose FIVE and be satisfied. Pshaw.

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last updated: 2007-04-03 21:05:29
this user's total entries: 344
user since: 2002-02-05

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