messages to hedgeapple:
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from globe :
Would you like more traffic to your site? Why not drop by Globe Listings? Thank you. Happy Holidays!
from teena79 :
Hey i was just passing so i thought i'd leave my mark x
from prettyskinny :
Actually, I meant to write this sooner, but I forgot. No time like the present, though. I noticed a few days ago that you supported bytwilight's decision to reject me from her diaryring because you agreed that I glamourize my eating disorders. Then, you went on to say that you had battled them yourself and that it's nothing to be proud of. I wonder, though. Did you actually struggle with them, or were you on a diet? Because then I wouldn't have to tell you that any eating-disordered person should never feel *ashamed* about it, either. It's an issue of the past, and there's no need to respond to this. I just had to get it off of my chest.
from sarah4jesus :
Hey! thanks for listing me at a fav. diary! I got your e-mail..what a small world, huh? I've been a fan of 3PO since they were Siren. I never got an opportunity to really get to know David, but what I did know of him.. he was cool!! DEFINATELY talented.. Just thought I'd say, Hey!

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