messages to iamhephzibah:
(click here to add new message):

from sunnyrain828 :
Welcome back. :)
from tobehis :
Hey my brother has one of those FM transmitters for the iPod. He said it was OK but not great. I guess it depends on the kind you get.
from fan4 :
You have a finace named Matt, I have a bf named Matt. Coincidence?
from sunnyrain828 :
That's really sweet, Hephzi, thank you. :)
from sunnyrain828 :
Haha, I love that you listened to me! :D :D :D Congrats times, like, a million. I knew he was the right guy for you. I watched you grow up a lot while in your relationship with him, which is a pretty good indicator. ;D You'll grow more and more in the next few years! I can't believe how much I've learned in just the last 3 years since I met Stephen, but especially since we've been married.
from sunnyrain828 :
WOOHOO!!!!!!! Post something exciting!!!!
from sunnyrain828 :
Hey! Good to see you writing again. Sounds like he's a bit insecure. Sorry he couldn't tell you earlier. But why can't you tell him you're disappointed? It might not change anything, but you should both be aiming for a relationship that's open enough to speak honestly about how you feel, without ending communication on either side. Notice I didn't say without hurting each other. You'll always have conversations in which one person might get hurt; as humans in close relationship, it's impossible to entirely get away from them. The point is, when you feel hurt, not to end communication there. Don't clam up; don't withdraw; don't cop out. Make yourself talk through it (this applies to both of you). It's hard, and it takes lots and lots of practice, but it gets easier every time you do practice.
from fan4 :
I'm sorry for misinterpreting your note.
from sunnyrain828 :
Hey hey! Good to see your writing again. :) Glad things are going well. Hope to hear more in the future, but I totally understand being busy, especially with a boy friend and all. Congrats on 8 months!
from fan4 :
I wasn't trying to make excuses.
from fan4 :
I'm good at checking for notes and guestbook signings, but I haven't done any diary reading in a long time. Sorry. I've read all the Narnia books except for "The Last Battle". You know the parable about the farmer throwing seed in various areas? I'm either the seed thrown somewhere and then am eaten by birds, or the seed thrown into the thorny ground.
from fan4 :
Where are you? You haven't updated at all in 2010.
from fan4 :
Have you read any of the Narnia books? I've read "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", "The Magician's Nephew", "Prince Caspian", and "Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader'" I'm currently reading "The Silver Chair".
from sunnyrain828 :
I found a song for you: :D
from fan4 :
A lot of times in your diary, you've said that God hit you on the head with a 2x4 message, or that Yeshua told you something. What's that like?
from fan4 :
Sounds as if you have a nice bf. I haven't had my first one yet.
from sunnyrain828 :
After checking Facebook: He's a nice-looking guy. I approve. ;)
from fan4 :
I'm sorry Kenya didn't work out.
from sunnyrain828 :
No more Kenya?
from fan4 :
Sorry for bombarding you with messages.
from fan4 :
I had to wait a long time for the FF movie to be greenlit. By the time casting was announced in 2004, I had just about given up!
from fan4 :
Second season of the 90s FF cartoon introduced me to that group. Didn't really think superheroes would be my thing (no pun intentended), but....heh, I thought that show on the weird side for only having three FFers look human, only to find myself "falling in love" so-to-speak with "Mr. stands-out-in-a-crowd"! Ben Grimm's a great character IMO. Wish he could've been given a different moniker though.
from fan4 :
I've seen the first LotR film, haven't seen the others. Read the books, but didn't like them very much. Loved The Hobbit though.
from fan4 :
"it came out in theatres about 4 years ago???" No need to be rude, just because I had never heard of the film....
from fan4 :
That movie title doesn't sound familiar.
from fan4 :
Sounds very impressive. How did you learn about her?
from fan4 :
what's a "Rachel Saint"?
from sunnyrain828 :
Thanks, Hephzi, that was really encouraging. :)
from sunnyrain828 :
Wait, that was the Facebook link. That might not work for you. Here you go: Much easier. :)
from sunnyrain828 :
Wanna listen to an interesting sermon? Church: Imago Dei. Subject: Sex, singleness and marriage. Crowd: 20-somethings. Link: (Copy and paste.)
from sunnyrain828 :
DTRs are awkward, that's why people hate them. There's a lot of fear of rejection involved. Nobody wants to hear (or feel) a reaction of, "You're thinking of marriage already?! Holy crap, get me out of here NOW!!!"
from sunnyrain828 :
Oh gosh, I hate that song. I had to sing it for choir a few years ago and I got so entirely sick of it. OY. 'Sok that you like it though, LOL.
from sunnyrain828 :
Hey Zee, it's good to hear that your dad's cancer is so small right now. You are blessed indeed! :)
from sunnyrain828 :
I meant Danny, the one who died. Sorry for the confusion. I guess he was your best friend?
from sunnyrain828 :
Hey Hephzi, I was just reading back through a few of your entries... I read an entry mentioning Danny. What happened?
from fan4 :
from fan4 :
Merry Christmas!
from fan4 :
I'm not too crazy 'bout shirts or stickers that are parodies of logos, Christian theme or no Christian theme.
from fan4 :
Congrats on being done with school! I'll graduate next year. Two quarters left to go....
from fan4 :
I'll never understand that.
from fan4 :
to each her own, in any case
from sunnyrain828 :
Two words: Nichole Nordeman. :)
from fan4 :
orange is one of my favorite colors. the other one's purple. (I've loved purple longer.) Are bright colors *scary* to you or something? I don't really understand your dislike for orange or yellow.
from fan4 :
Funshine is a yellow carebear. Maybe you were thinking of Friend Bear, who is orange?
from fan4 :
Do you have a favorite Carebear?
from fan4 :
I love your sense of humor, in your most current diary entry. :)
from fan4 :
out of curiosity, how many bf's have you had? I haven't had any.
from tobehis :
I'm sorry about your aunt. I won't even pretend to know what you're going through right now, but I do know that it has to be very hard. Hang on to Him.
from tobehis :
You're de-stressed and I'm getting more stressed by the minute. LOL. How on earth can you not be stressed when the semester is coming to a close? Gah! LOL.
from sunnyrain828 :
You sing?? Cool! I do too. Not often in public though. :) I am way too shy. I love singing in choirs though. Anyway, I LOVE that song, "Need You to Love Me." It's been one of my prayer songs lately. Have you heard "Forgive Me" by Rebecca St. James, featuring BarlowGirl? The girls' part in the background is just haunting, it's so beautiful!
from tobehis :
Aw, that was so romantic. :-P They should have done a close-up of the ring, though. ;-)
from tobehis :
I just lost my train of thought... Oh, yeah... this is probably going to sound really stupid, but... Who's Todd Bentley?
from sunnyrain828 :
Excuse my language, but holy crap. The dating part is somewhat okay, but a one-month engagement? That's way, way too fast. They are going to have a LOT to work through when they get married, and the downside is, after they're married, there's no way out unless they consider divorce an option.
from sunnyrain828 :
Awww!!! You are so sweet!! Thank you for the hugs! Yeah, I sure wish often enough that I could meet my online friends in person. It's happened twice, LOL, maybe it'll happen again. :) There are just lots of good people out there. Anyway...Stephen and I are, miraculously, doing better. God keeps astonishing me. I don't know how many times in this relationship I've come to my wit's end, and then we get things resolved. Phew. I'm super emotionally fragile right now, but God through Stephen definitely made me realize some things tonight that'll help me in the future. I'll probably talk about them later, but right now I'm still processing through it all...All while being emotionally fragile. Wow. :P Goodness. How I wish life's lessons weren't quite so hard sometimes.
from sunnyrain828 :
LOL! I got mentioned in your diary! That rocks. :D But it isn't about sheer entertainment, I'll have you know. :) It's about desperately needing somebody else's life to think about to give me a break from current wedding-planning INSANITY, i.e. my own life right now. ;D
from sunnyrain828 :
Thank you for having an interesting life to distract me from mine. :)
from fan4 :
from sunnyrain828 :
Don't know what to say, hon, except sorry you have to go through this... Keep your chin up... This too shall pass. There's definitely still hope out there. :)
from tobehis :
Thanks for the password. I just watched "Enchanted," and after reading this entry, I had a thought... If only life could be like a fairy tale, where everyone gets their happily ever after. :-/ My mom would say I've read too many romance books. LOL.
from tobehis :
Thanks for letting me know you were locking your diary. However, I don't send e-mails to people I've never met before. If you still want to give me the password, you can leave a private message in my guestbook -- only I will be able to see it. Have an awesome weekend!
from loveendures :
P.S. By the way, I relate to the way you feel about being single. I went to this graduation party for a friend of a friend. The grads were 21 years of age (I am 23) and every girl there was either engaged to be married, expecting to be engaged within the month, or already married! I felt very wrong to say the least. But you know it's funny; I asked them where they met their...fiance's/husbands and they said they met them in college. Now i've been in college for almost five years and no one has ever struck my fancy. And my mom said that had I'd seen their fiances and husbands, I probably wouldn't have had them anyway. Unfortunatly, I think I am rather picky.-C.
from loveendures :
Hey Zee! My area is Life Science/Biology. I got my bachelors in Biology and I'm finishing up my Masters in Science Education. What are you going to school for? By the way, looks like we have the same taste in authors. I love everyone of those you have listed on your profile. Although I do have to be in the mood to read Frank Peretti's books. I still haven't been able to get through "This Present Darkness". I am prone to nightmares when it comes to scary books-lol.-Colette
from sunnyrain828 :
I don't think that verse in 1 Cor. 9 has to do with being a people-pleaser like I was saying. Paul was definitely not a people-pleaser by nature!! My fiance and I are reading through Acts right now and it's very clear that Paul is not a people-pleaser (he's a God-pleaser). There's an instance in Acts where Paul asks some converted Gentiles that are part of a church he founded to observe some of the Jewish traditions, in order to appease a group of converted Jews that also belonged to the church. He didn't want to do that. Before he agreed to ask the Gentiles to do the things the Jews wanted them to, he made it VERY CLEAR to the Jews that he was doing it not because he believed the traditions had anything to do with the Gentiles' salvation, but just so they could all live in harmony. (It's in Acts 15.) Anyway--what a tangent! What I'm saying is that my letting people demolish my boundaries is difficult to overcome not because of the Bible, but because it's an unhealthy habit I've developed. I don't think people-pleasing in and of itself is wrong. I think I've just taken it to an unhealthy extreme. Does all that make sense? P.S. Guess what? It's RAINING here!! Finally!!!!!
from sunnyrain828 :
AGH. I had the same problem with my ex. Sorry, Zee. About helping the broken... You'll find your niche. You've got a heart for it; God will lead you there.
from loveendures :
Hello Zee! Thank you for my very first note! I'm so glad you added me. It's nice to meet you! I shall add you as well:-) I am Colette (or Collie for short). Have a good day/night!-C.
from tobehis :
Well, you could always count that one z more than once...
from tobehis :
I WISH I could be counting Zees. :-P
from sunnyrain828 :
Really dark... That's what I keep hearing. I still haven't seen it. I need to.
from fan4 :
I wish there was someway of knowing that a guy will become my first bf.
from sunnyrain828 :
LOL! You like rain too, huh? I love rain. :D It rains TONS over here, but only September through May. June through August it is dry as a bone. :P UGH. I can't wait until September...But I know when it starts pouring down every single day I'm going to wish for sunlight...Oh fickle humans! :)
from tobehis :
I haven't seen many old movies, but the ones I have seen, I've really liked. Besides "Roman Holiday," I'm also borrowing "Cyrano de Bergerac" ('95) and "Fiddler on the Roof" from my friend. Mmmmm, can't wait to watch them. :)
from tobehis :
NINE wisdom teeth??? I can't even imagine. *shudders* Hmm...I've seen a Fred Astaire movie... "Shall We Dance?" It was really good.
from tobehis :
Hey, thanks for the note. I only had one wisdom tooth PERIOD. It was pretty awesome. :) You�re making me want to read all those Christy books again. The last time I got this hankering for Christy Miller and looked at the local library, they didn�t have all of them in the series. So I didn�t even begin to read them again. I have not seen either Charade or How to Steal a Million. I think the only ones I�ve seen (that I can think of off the top of my head) are My Fair Lady, Breakfast at Tiffany�s, and then Roman Holiday. Who do you mean by Fred? The only Fred I can think of is Fred Astaire. (Is that right? LOL. I�m sure I don�t know what I�m talking about. What a hoot. :-D)
from tobehis :
You're making me miss Christy and Todd. I read those books YEARS ago, and cried through every one! :-P
from sunnyrain828 :
I haven't read the Christy and Todd books yet. I kept meaning to! I guess I didn't want them to grow up and get married and stuff before I did. I need to reread the whole series, though. I loved those books... I feel like I'd understand a lot more of them now, too. I read the Sierra series, too, but I didn't enjoy those as much. I think I identify more with Christy than Sierra. And I like Christy's name better. ;D I read the Babysitter Club books too. I still like those. They can be really entertaining, LOL. I loved Mary Anne. She was, like, my soul sister... I liked Dawn, too, because that's my middle name. I also liked Claudia's spunkiness and Stacey's sophisticated-ness. Kristy drove me crazy though, LOL. Funny how book characters can be so real!
from sunnyrain828 :
LOL, I thought so. You read those books too, huh? I love them. I still have them. I keep meaning to read them again, but never get around to it. I think I'm afraid they'll lose their magic if I reread them... What other books did you read as a kid or young adult? Some of my favorites were The Secret Garden, A Little Princess, Daddy-Long-Legs and Mandy.
from sunnyrain828 :
"Within my heart a garden grows,/Wild with violets and fragrant rose./Bright daffodils line the narrow path;/My footsteps silent as I pass./Sweet tulips nod their heads in rest;/I kneel in prayer to seek God's best./For around my garden a fence stands firm/To guard my heart so I can learn/Who shall enter and who should wait/On the other side of my locked gate./I clasp the key around my neck/And wonder if the time is yet./If I unlocked the gate today,/Would you come in or run away?" Not a poem I wrote, but your "heart's garden" analogy reminded me of it. :)
from sunnyrain828 :
LOL! A blind date could be fun. Besides, I think you're old enough now to handle a blind date well if it doesn't fly--know what I mean? Dating life changes as you mature. Things become more...handle-able. I'm sure there's a word for that, I just can't think of it. Anyway. Hey...I met my fiance dancing. Even if things don't fly with the blind date guy, maybe you'll meet somebody else. ;D Dancing is such a good way to meet people!
from sunnyrain828 :
It is SO okay and understandable and normal to post a lot when you're trying to process something. :) I do it all the time--just in case you haven't realized, LOL. And we won't get irritated with reading dramatic and emotional entries at all. Heck, that's why we read other people's diaries. :D It keeps us from getting too caught up in our own dramatic and emotional lives. Have you read eowynne's diary? She wrote something not too long ago about how, when we're having a really, really, really difficult time, we don't need medicines and therapy. We need to stop getting so stuck in our own lives. While I think there ARE times when people need therapy, I think she has a good point. It helps us keep things in perspective when we get involved in others' lives instead of dwelling on our own. I encourage you to write, because that helps too, but it also helps to look into other people's lives (either online or in person) to help us not get too wound up in our current problems. That's what I am learning RIGHT NOW actually, and I was about to post an entry on it. So here I go. :)
from fan4 :
I learn something new everyday. Thanks!
from fan4 :
Is Yeshua another name for God?
from sunnyrain828 :
You're handling this well. {{{Hug}}}
from sunnyrain828 :
Oh Zee!! I'm so sorry! :'( I am so sorry. {{{{{Hug}}}}}} You'll make it through, you'll make it through. And it is totally okay to yell at God. That's what most of the Psalms are. And God is really big, big enough to handle you when you yell and scream at him and tell him how hurt you are. He can handle it, and he's not surprised. He loves you. He'll hold on tight to you until this is over. I'm so sorry, hon! :(
from sunnyrain828 :
I don't see how your two callings are incompatible. Couldn't he be a chaplain in a pediatric hospital in Africa, or India, or wherever you feel called to?
from sunnyrain828 :
That's great news, Hephzi!!
from sunnyrain828 :
Ugh. Yes. Allergies. They are KILLING me right now. :P
from tobehis :
You're out of my league now. ;)
from sunnyrain828 :
Sounds like things are going well. :)
from sunnyrain828 :
I am so confused. David and you are dating again?
from tobehis :
You have to see Prince Caspian. No maybe's about it. ;)
from sunnyrain828 :
Now imagine he's your boyfriend and your heart is even MORE wrapped up in him. That's what happened to me with my ex. My best advice from experience is you can only do so much. You cannot be God for him. You have got to let him go and trust, trust, trust God. You can only do so much, and you've got to leave the rest up to God. That's my sincerest advice for you. From experience.
from tobehis :
I can't wait until Prince Caspian comes out. I'm hoping to be able to go see it opening weekend with a friend. :)
from sweetmiser :
Ah, that's good! It's always nice when you don't really want to end a friendship, and you patch it up! As for her reading you diary, I think there's a way to keep your screen name from showing up on the side. I'm not sure how, though...
from sunnyrain828 :
Hey girlie. There isn't any reason you should give your D-land address to Tori. There isn't any reason you should give it to anyone you know at all. It IS a private place to vent. That's what I use it for. The only people who can get to it are people that I have never met. :) Maybe you can explain to Tori that you use it like a real diary. She probably won't understand what I just said about letting people see it who don't know you, but not people who do know you... If that happens, just try not to let her manipulate you into letting her see it. Just keep yourself detached. That's my two cents; hope it doesn't annoy you. :) Good luck!
from sweetmiser :
I just finished reading your most recent entry -- the one about Tori? Sometimes it's hard to cut ties, but it can be for the best. If you've done all you can for her, then it's up to her to make a decision.
from sunnyrain828 :
Wow, the unanswerable questions of life. I just finished writing an essay about that. I've been dealing with them intensely for about 3 months now (although you could say I've been dealing with them since I was born). I don't have any answers for you, especially on questions involving suicide. I'm not nearly strong enough, spirtually or emotionally, to deal with something as overwhelming as that. But it's nice to know someone's going through unanswerable questions like I am.
from tobehis :
Regarding the note right before mine... I always feel like a third wheel. I hate it. Anyway, I stopped by to say I'm glad you had a good weekend. :) May the week be just as good for you!
from sweetmiser :
Yeah, I know what you mean. It's hard to be in the middle of a bunch of couples -- you start to feel like a third wheel.
from tobehis :
that's a really good analogy; i'd never thought about it that way before.
from sweetmiser :
Hey, I know sometimes it's easy to doubt God. But don't give up on Him! Sometimes he does things that seem difficult to you, just to make you stronger. :D
from tobehis :
have fun on the trip!
from onlygrace :
Your me. I hope you feel better soon =)
from tobehis :
I also love Ever After. :-) It seems like there have been a lot of "Cinderella" type movies coming out lately. That's fine with me, though. LOL.
from tobehis :
Shoot, I was going to say two things and I forgot the first part. That's going to drive me crazy. Oh, I remember now. I, too, had my first live opera experience this year. I went to see "Phantom of the Opera" with some friends. I had seen the movie, and really liked it. Thankfully, the play and the movie were almost exactly alike, so I liked the play, too. :-P And secondly, I believe the movie you quoted was Ever After. Am I right?
from sunnyrain828 :
This isn't going to change your liking him, I'm sure, but I don't think David is the one. I don't think James is either. When it's the right one, things happen a HECK of a lot easier. There's very little drama involved. I don't know this just from my case; my engaged friends tell me the same thing. It's hard to imagine, and you will just have to ride all this stuff with David and James out. But trust me. When the guy comes, it'll be lots easier. :)
from tobehis :
You're getting out of my league now, getting into a relationship. LOL. I'll still enjoy reading it, though. :-P
from sunnyrain828 :
LOL... I love how girls, unfailingly, will say to themselves or others, "I don't like him that way!" only to admit later that yes, they do... :) No wonder guys think we're complicated, LOL. I'll be interested to hear more about this David guy. And you don't have to be embarrassed that you like him, 'k? :)
from tobehis :
Thanks...I think. LOL.
from tobehis :
thanks for explaining. LOL.
from tobehis :
So you want to be a missionary? I think it's kinda cool that you have best friends that are guys. :-P
from tobehis :
What was your major, and what did you change it to?
from tobehis :
you're funny. :-P
from tobehis :
i hope you have an INCREDIBLY AWESOME spring break. think of me taking a test on my birthday tuesday. ;)
from exclamatory :
Yeah, same. I have had 1 boyfriend in my entire life and we dated for like 8 months. Funny thing is I never let him kiss me. I told God I didn't want to kiss anyone but the person he has for me to spend the rest of my life with. And, we never kissed. AND, I wasn't even saved at the time. God knows best, right? Hehe... -- She went and talked to her boyfriend? Wow. I think I would have been so mad. I would have felt like I just opened myself up to her, and then she knows what I'm battling and goes and basically does it in front of me anyway. Sad. I'm sorry. We can be single together till' God sends the right men. :(
from exclamatory :
I live in the Dallas area. The closest iKea to me is in Frisco (like, maybe 1 hour away). I'm just lazy and don't want to drive there. lol... -- I so know EXACTLY how you felt when you wrote the entry about basically wanting to fall in love. It sounds kind of mean and wrong, but I kind of hate seeing everyone else around me be happy and in love/falling in love with someone, and I'm like the only single one. I just... I'm not jealous. I just have a hard time trying to understand why I am always the single one, you know? I just want to fall in love deeply, passionately, and innocently, yet it seems that there is just something so wrong with me that prevents that from happening and I am convinced that it's because I am not the size of a supermodel. I say that and at the same time, I'm like if someone doesn't want be based on the fact that I'm not the perfect size, then they don't deserve me anyway. Complex, eh? --- Are you doing better?
from tobehis :
man, i wish i knew what to say to that entry... but really the only thing i can think of is.... yeah, she probably should have married gustave, but she fell in love with the prince. besides, it wouldn't have been such a wonderful movie if she had married gustave. ;) wow. that's a great movie. anyway. have you seen enchanted? it's AMAZING... and the girl actually DIDN'T end up with the prince! lol.
from sunnyrain828 :
Hi! I found your diary through the recent public entries and found out we have some mutual acquaintances. I like your diary a lot, and I added it to my favorites right away. Mine is locked, but if you leave me your e-mail address I can give it to you. I'm a Christian college student too. :) How old are you?
from tobehis :
why do all those coffee drinks have to have such long names? i watched the A&E Pride and Prejudice TWICE in one week. Aren't I SOOO crazy?? :-P
from tobehis :
ooh i LOVE italian! :-P yeah, i think it is a gold member thing, because i've never seen anything about it. LOL.
from tobehis :
Is Carino's a restaurant? How'd you get that picture on your profile? I like it. :)
from tobehis :
that's weird. anyway... i've been SOOOO bored and lonely all day. :( how has your day been?
from tobehis :
but why do they care what your room looks like?
from tobehis :
room checks?
from exclamatory :
Hi! I came across your diary and absolutely love it. If you'd like, we could def. be diary buddies. I'm adding you to my favs. list. God bless! :)
from tobehis :
thanks for the note. :) i hope it starts going better too but so far it doesn't look like it's going to. my mom's going to drive me insane. ... anyway i need to go before she drives me more insane. *rolls eyes* ttyl.
from tobehis :
man, i hope your night out with your friend goes OK tonight. i hope she gets some sleep, too. it sounds to me that right now the only thing you can do for her is pray. and i just lost my train of thought. LOL. take care, girl!
from musicman6724 :
You play trombone?? Awesome. That's what I played all the way through school. Still have one, but haven't played in a shamefully long time.
from tobehis :
wow it was really good to see that you'd updated. it'd been forever. and my mind just went blank. LOL. And I can't get anything back into it. LOL. Sorry. this is rather pointless. Hope the rest of your week goes GREAT!! (Don't wait so long to update again. LOL.)
from tobehis :
at least you have guy friends that you do things with. *rolls eyes* LOL.
from onlygrace :
i felt jane's pain a lottt, because im the type that never says "no" to people. and yea, im always the FRIEND too =) but it works for now.. :)
from tobehis :
thanks for the note. :)
from tobehis :
I hate it when you take all the time to make up an entry and then something happens to ruin it. I feel your pain. I've started copying my entries, just in case there's an error, so that I don't have to worry with retyping them.
from tobehis :
I'm hoping to be able to take my 4-yr-old cousin to see The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything soon. :)
from tobehis :
Ick, sorry you're sick! (Wow I rhymed. How cool is that? :-P) I'm glad you're feeling a little better, though. What major are you going for?
from tobehis :
good to hear from you. you're in college, right?
from tobehis :
Well, I can't take much credit for noticing that you updated...since I have you on my buddy list, diaryland automatically tells me when you update. :-P (Isn't dland great? :-P) That Chuck Norris YouTube was pretty funny. I sent it to my coworker, and she's cracking up while watching it. :-P I better get back to work...I'll talk to you later.
from tobehis :
Good to hear from you after so long a silence. :) I hope 2008 will be filled with many happy times for you. Just don't forget to trust God -- which is a LOT easier than it sounds. :-P
from tobehis :
from tobehis :
I wanted the new Relient K Christmas CD, but I didn't think it would be right to call in just to get the CD's when I knew I wouldn't be able to go.
from tobehis :
Was that for the Air 1 Apprentice? I didn't even try to qualify, because I knew that on the slim chance I won the grand prize, I wouldn't be able to go...they said it was for Nov. 30th, and I'm in a wedding on Dec. 1st.
from tobehis :
Happy Birthday. :) How old are you now? And I LOVE Air 1!!!!
from tobehis :
i was looking at your fave. music, movies, and authors... and noticed that we have a lot of the same faves. cool. :-)
from tobehis :
john 14:6
from tobehis :
nice to meet you, zee. i'll be praying that you find the truth.
from tobehis :
hey, thanks for the note! I don't think we've met, but I saw that you had me on your buddy list... do you mind if I add you to mine? And... I do really really love kids. So that is one of my passions. What's your name? I'm Amy, btw. Guess I'll wait to hear back from you.
from onlygrace :
God loves you. :)
from onlygrace :
yeah its true..i NEVER got the concept of diary reviews. its my DIARY, my emotions, my feelings, MY can they be "good enough?" how can it be "RATED", really?
from fan4 :
Yeah, I think my preference for blog reading, are ones written for people who are comfortable in their skin....
from prolifique :
If you don't mind a spot of advice from a total stranger (and banner-clicker), I would say go to the wedding. Life is for the living. Personally, I don't even really want a memorial myself; I would rather people dwell on the GOOD times they had with me, not my death.
from konzadiary :
I clicked your banner. Go to the wedding. If I had my life to do over again, I'd spent more time celebrating and less time mourning. One day you'll be together with grandma again. She'll be restored to her right mind and she'll tell you she's happy you lived your life to the fullest instead of wasting time thinking, "what if..." I spent years mourning the death of my brother and I know that when we meet up in the hereafter he's going to hit me upside the head and holler, "What were you thinking?"

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