messages to igotthefloor:
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from j0yride :
hey there. you still have yet to tell me what you want for christmas!!! :)
from kelscantwalk :
hey happy thanksgiving!!!!!!..sadly i live in canada so i already celebrated it:(,but ill still celebrate anyways!!..adios see ya later
from j0yride :
i read on your xanga, but can't post there, SO: stay at home! stay at home! :) go where you want to go. i think by going to a college away from home could be good for you, give you some space between you and your parents. everyone needs to break away from their family and try to live on their own, and i think that way is and will be a great experience for you, but remember, it is YOUR decision and whatever you chose, will be worth it in the long run for you. but moving away from home may not be for you, it's not for everyone. i know it ain't for my brother cause he's almost 20 and still home! lol. but i'm just saying it COULD be something for you. i guess all you can do for the moment is fill out those apps and play it by ear. and if you're still stuck in a pickle, put on some phantom planet and rock the hell on!
from cowgirldan :
Oh wow! So you thought you and your boyfriend broke up, but you didn't?! I LOVE it when that happens! It's the best! Actually, nothing like that has ever happened to me...when it's over, it's definitely over. But, nonetheless, congratulations...for..uh..not breaking up with your boyfriend?
from j0yride :
i hate hate it so much. what i WAS going to say was: hey hun, thanks for the msg in my book. :) you're so kind to me, you really are. the whole situation with him is just complicated.. i dunno... but have a good weekend and fun sleeping in. :)
from pinkstarss :
the ataris played a lot of there old stuff which is the best! im seeing good charolete in the end of november...but yeah the show was great!
from cowgirldan :
Ha, my roommate...You. Have. No. Idea.
from cowgirldan :
That's such a good song. I've loved Rooney since Christmas '00. BACK IN THE DAY. I've got all their old stuff on a CD and I don't know about you, but I was muy disappointed by the stuff on their new CD. Can I get an amen, sistah? Or maybe not...I apologize if you love it.........
from igotthefloor :
TESTING... 1... 2... 3...

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