messages to inverse:
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from inverse-chan :
I'm sorry. I know that's probably the understatement of the year, and you're most likely laughing because this message is so stupidly inadiquate. But in the end, there's really nothing I can offer you but my condolences. If it makes you feel better, I know how you feel. In fact, if you open up, it turns out that a lot of people do. I hope you find your way through life again.
from safari-youth :
i'm altogether pretty pleased with acid too i have to say
from opiumbath :
i think, perhaps, you have died of the norwalk virus. this is unfortunate, as you make mel smile. if you're not dead, continue to rock my socks, yo. ~Mel.
from theearthfish :
Hello,well I don't ever type to people on the outside world, but I especially like your journals and I want you to know that it is a privelage getting this from me,I have been underground for so long, I mean, I am listening to Joy Division and I liked your stuff, I like that you are not afraid to be who you are. Maybe when I get back we can talk sometime in a quiet park, or empty library hall. Theearthfish
from and :
dude, all I do at school is fart around the library. i choose a desk next to the window and fall asleep like a cat in the sun.
from vogonical :
Toronto is great, acid is great, that tree is really neat, and things will get better with time. And talking. And fantasizing about raunchy blonde men is ok. That's why we have imagination. Livin' vicariously baby, it's the only way.
from laineyducks :
I just really love your layout. It's wonderful.
from verystar :
oh man! whenever i see people have added me to their favourites list, i can't believe it's true! i guess sometimes i forget that the stuff i post actually is on display, and random people actually are reading it sometimes. so wow, thanks, you did mean to add ME, right? anyway, i read some of your entries and i added you back, you seem to be too cool for school, and thus, worthy of such acclaim. i'm a goof.
from waterstain :
what lovely hands. yes, that's all.
from pleasureable :
fall...into...the......GAP! lol :)

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