messages to ivecojeff:
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from meganwaits :
Waterboys? I've actually heard Fisherman's blues. I messed up my Mom's tape when I was little so she had to keep buying it so naturally she made me listen to it again and again. And I guess it stuck. I think they're a cool band now. But I don't really know why I kept messing that cassette up. I was little. I don't guess she ever got them on cd though. She keeps saying she's going to get a World Party cd, but she hasn't done that, either. She told me the lead singer of that band used to be a Waterboy.
from molu4 :
Dagnabbit. I been trying to re-sign your guestbook but of course I can't. So I'm leaving you a note, my friend, and I see I'm the first to do so. What's going on? Well. Shoot. I'm a dumbhead this evening. Too many beers. You're talking about Johnny Cash with the Orange Blossom Trail (that's the name of a rather shamefully infamous road in Orlando Florida) and Jackson. I'm listening to him now. He's singing that Bruce Springsteen song, the one about the brothers from Nebraska--Highway Patrolman, right? Bye Jeff, have a good night.

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