messages to iws2:
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from visitlife :
*big hugs* from prowlingleo...I can't even imagine. What's this cup you speak of?? I'll have to look into that.
from alayah :
oof.. wow bad one. hugs for you. seems like you're picking on yourself an awful lot there hon. you're probably not in any mood for advice but try to move past your anger and find the hurt... sit with it and nurture it. there is nobody better than you who can do that. fighting upstream makes things more difficult in bouncing out of this phase. i think you know what i mean by that. it's okay if things are not perfect all of the time. it's okay to make mistakes. give yourself permission to do so. i could go on and on, but i don't think it's the right time. just know i'm around.... and i care.
from pinky77 :
my god -i just read the letter your --- wrote-im so sorry you had to go threw that .im not sure whats all shes talking about or you are cause im new but i wish i could just give you the biggest hug ,the longest hug in the world .my heart broke and its still breaking .im just in tears ,god -for once in my life -i really dont know what to say .i just want to get a hold of you and tell you its ok .i know what your going threw ,and im just broken for you .big hug with a thousand wonderful words behind it to you .your such a strong women -thank you for allowing me to have the pw .your sooooooo sweet .you've touched me soooooooo much today .thank you love,jenny
from pinky77 :
i know i barley know you but i would love to see your journal .can i have the pw ? if not thats ok ,but if so my address is [email protected] . love, jenny
from chordchild :
::hug:: and what I wish were helpful words... you don't deserve this pain.
from chordchild :
ooh, watch me take over your notes... but seriously: if there's someone in the world who doesn't jump to the conclusion that a session went poorly because their therapist has stopped liking them, it isn't me. and it isn't someone I've met. and well, sometimes it *is* the therapist's fault. and as much as it "shouldn't" matter if they like us, the truth is, we're sharing a hell of a lot of very personal, vulnerable information with them. and if we don't feel connected and safe and all that, how are we going to survive? bah. go find a hug, ok?
from chordchild :
p.s. is it ok to link you as a favorite, or would that hurt the privacy issue?
from chordchild :
I think perhaps I made up that line about gills. I also think it's my new motto. :) You are so wonderful. I was all bubbly from your note, and then to be *mentioned*...well, I'm doubly bubbly. (oh, dear.) And I love both your new layouts, by the way. Glad this one is no longer white. Take care, you!

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