messages to jaredphillip:
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from fumblinglust :
Diaryland has become overrun with 14 year olds complaining about their parents. We old people have to stick together.
from fumblinglust :
I feel your pain.
from mishmayla :
Hi Jared, Thanks for being such a great person, a joy and encouragement to talk with! I have enjoyed working with you the last month and I wish I could have known you better. I did want to give you my email so that you can stay in touch as I move to the "great state of Texas", it's [email protected]. Catch you on the flip side ;) TTFN Oh and by the way, I completely agree with Requiam for a Dream being the feel bad movie of the year. But for me the sadness was too much and I only made it through maybe 2/3 of it
from sunstargirl :
I like what you had to say. Thanks.
from fatalsway :
At this point in the conversation, I have given in to the influences of my environment: me? drunk? Absobloodlylutely. And what says I, then, in this intoxicated, less inhibited state? I says this: you are one fine man, JPH. you remember that. I'll put you in my will, and carve a little branch with your initials until it bleeds sap. mmmm... my kind of romance.
from goldyntouch :
Hey babe. :) I miss you and I hope everything is well with you. Seems like you might be going through some rough and tough times right now. Please remember that if you ever need a shoulder or an ear, I've got both and I'm happy to be here for you. Best, Arianne
from kilowatt :
I agree with you comletely. I am saddened and sickened that this is the outcome that a majority of the American people chose. I feel completely disenfranchised and disorientated.
from kilowatt :
"A compliment is a gift, not to be thrown away carelessly unless you want to hurt the giver." ~ Eleanor Hamilton ~ I am honored by your words of esteem for my diary and you are more than welcome for the notes that I left you. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. May you endure these days of loss and arrive at a place of peace and understanding.
from kilowatt :
With sincere concern for you and your grandmother, I believe that tears can heal, that memories can comfort, that love lives on forever. There is a quiet place somewhere beyond tomorrow where your heart will find peace and the mist of grief will begin to clear away. May these few inarticulate words of mine express my sincere sympathy to you and your family.
from kilowatt :
In a random twist of fate, I discovered your dairy and I lingered to read your words. The poet, Ruiz says every human is an artist, "and the supreme art is the expression of the beauty of our spirit." There is an effortless elegance emanating from your writing of your latest entry, "When You Wish Upon A Star" that I cannot help but admire and adore, so much so that I was compelled to add your diary to my list of favorites. "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ I hope that your day will be a delightful adventure of bliss, laughter, discovery, satisfaction and inspiration. I thank you again for the pleasure of reading the expression of your "beautiful spirit."
from jennibeth :
Another pondering for you ... Do you believe that unconditional love exists? If so what do you think brings it about? Do you believe it is possible to find unconditional love outside of your family relations? Hmm.....
from jennibeth :
Ok. I can't think of any other way to get in touch with you, and I have no idea how you are going to respond to me because I don't have a super spiffy "Gold" membership, but I have to ask you. In light of all that I have been dealing with today, and some huge revelations, I want to know if you believe that people are inherently good, or evil? Do you always try and look for the good and people, and find it? Or do you find that people let you down quite often. If you can find some way of letting me know what you think. You could write it on paper and leave it at work if you can't work out a way to leave your answers on the website. But any feedback you can offer would be awesome! Thanks!
from orthodox :
p.s. i.m too damn casual.
from orthodox :
hey jared: pistols at high noon? kthxbye love DANIELLE
from sugrl26 :
Hey Sweetie! I miss you already. My email address is [email protected]. Let me know how you're doing. Also, when am i gonna get my letter? =) Hope Italy is fun. Bye
from musicland :
you have such a way with words... you dont think you merit all the kind words...ha thats a laugh speaking of laughs want to hear a joke did you hear about those new courdoroy pillows? they are making headlines haha.. yeah its fun to be dumb at times
from musicland :
from musicland :
you write so well... im happy i came across your diary
from musicland :
you are amazing
from revisitingme :
The color of the rainbow is 7, how profound.
from jennyliz :
hi jaredphillip. i am jennyliz. i liked your profile. i enjoy chuck "palahniuk" books too...i put the quotes up cause you spelled his name wrong, yo. where do you think we go when we die?
from fumblinglust :
Oh yes, I recently discovered DNTEL. It's all about the static - amazing stuff.
from cdghost :
good validity in sigur ros being a great great band... ()
from goldyntouch :
Jared: I really like your journal. It keeps me interested and your writing style is smooth. :) If you'd like to chit-chat sometime drop me a line: [email protected] or my aim name: GoldynTouch It could be fun! :)
from fumblinglust :
Random note: 5'6" is tall to me - I'm a meager 5'2"

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