Marketable Emotion

I'm 5'6. Many of you are probably deterred at this point, so I'll stop.

My favorite diaries:

j-marcil profile - diary
comments: My Chicago-occupying cohort in writing and life. Poet and sexy man.
flowergirlie profile - diary
comments: Friends through this website, she has the most horribly difficult classes ever. But she still takes time out to talk to me. Thanks.
allmydreams profile - diary
comments: She still thinks I'm gay. heh. But she has damn fine music taste, so it's a moot point.

My favorite music:

Soul Coughing
comments: A smattering of old jazz samples, excellent poetic lyrics, and tounge-in-cheek that'll knock ye on your doubting ass.
M. Doughty
comments: Offspring of the 'Cough, an equally enjoyable musician.
Sigur Ros
comments: Unique Icelandic melodies that float like an iceburg, and stay with you with cold, aching beauty.
Course of Empire
comments: TWO drummers? Yes. Two. Because they kick twice as much ass as you.
comments: I think they might of broken up at this point. Emo/Rock/Math Geek music.

My favorite movies:

I'm not really
comments: a movie watcher, although
Requiem For a Dream
comments: was the feel-bad movie of the year.
Fight Club
comments: was great, until I stopped trying to embrace the wank philosophy.
comments: EXCELLENT. Please go see it. Do it for the children.

My favorite authors:

Tom Robbins
comments: Because even cowgirls get the blues.
Chuck Phalinuck
comments: Because even blue-collar workers need to beat the shit out of eachother.
Clive Barker
comments: Because even lovers can exist in a quasi-dreamworld/Biblical fantasy. ...hmm. This isn't as smooth anymore.
Douglas Adams
comments: A master of wit. RIP.
Kurt Vonnegut
comments: Satirical wit that bites, and then chews.

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last updated: 2021-05-24 21:34:03
this user's total entries: 374
user since: 2001-07-09

AOL IM name: JTao500
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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