messages to jeskasentari:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
20 May 08... You are missed.
from raven72d :
I miss you.
from raven72d :
I hope you're still alive out there.
from raven72d :
I miss you.
from raven72d :
21 july 06... I love the match image.
from raven72d :
Always treasure memories and the scent of rain.
from raven72d :
09 March 06: such a sad and lovely entry.
from raven72d :
09 March 06: such a sad and lovely entry.
from raven72d :
I hope you'll find someone whose words mean something.
from raven72d :
Jeska-- I'm glad you see you're back. I have missed you.
from raven72d :
I hope Christmas went well.
from raven72d :
I'm glad you're back... You are one of the vur' first diaries I ever read at D-Land, and you're someone I've treasured reading since the lost summer of 2002...
from raven72d :
I'm always glad when you write...
from raven72d :
Do update soon!
from raven72d :
I so hope that your're having a romantic and lovely late Spring...
from raven72d :
Poor doggie! I hope it was all quiet and peaceful, and that he knew he was loved.
from raven72d :
What is the back story here?
from raven72d :
I'm glad your voice is there.
from raven72d :
I think of the things I should have said or done during the day... I think that I'm there alone in the dark with no one to ever talk to or hold.
from raven72d :
Jeska-- do get back in touch. You were perhaps the first person at D-Land to correspond with me... I miss hearing from you...
from raven72d :
08 April 05-- lovely entry...
from raven72d :
You were the first diary I really read here... And reading back over your entries, I do know why...
from raven72d :
you don't know how glad i am to see you back. you were vur' nearly the first D-Land diary I ever read, and I didn't want you to vanish.
from raven72d :
Post more...and do e-mail...
from raven72d :
Merry Christmas, lovely one.
from raven72d :
Jeska... please do write.
from raven72d :
Happy Turkey Day... And do send me a p/w...
from raven72d :
do send a password...
from raven72d :
you were one of the vur' first diaries I ever read here... i don't want you to vanish.
from raven72d :
Do write. I miss you. And do send a p/w...
from raven72d :
Write soon... A small hedgehog misses you.
from candoor :
buy more easy cheese.
from raven72d :
Thank'ee... And your Year Four must go well, too!
from raven72d :
Wuff! I hope you have a most pettable Xmas!
from raven72d :
As a small hedgehog, I do think you're a vur' nice person, and that you don't need to be judged.
from raven72d :
The last entry confuses small hedgehogs. Do tell me more...
from raven72d :
Butterflies are nice.
from raven72d :
wuff! I'm glad you're doing well.
from raven72d :
As a small hedgehog, I don't want you to be miserable or unhappy.
from raven72d :
I do like obscurity...
from raven72d :
I would go anywhere with you!
from raven72d :
Where *are* you, Jeska??
from raven72d :
Jeska, Jeska... Update!!
from kbubba :
Hey long time no talk, remember me? I know i locked my diary and i was wondering if you wanted me to send you my password so you can still read my diary. I will need your e-mail address so i can perhaps add you to my list since my diary is locked. Btw what is your yahoo screen name? How are you doing? ok well i'm going to let you go Buh Bye :0)
from raven72d :
Never let your hopes, however fragile, be less than high.
from raven72d :
same address-- at Yahoo... Write soon!
from raven72d :
The World's Most Comfortable Chair... I love that. Depression can be so comfortable-- that much I do know. Jeska-- do write. I miss talking with you.
from raven72d :
I miss you...
from raven72d :
Jeska,Jeska... update! e-mail me!
from raven72d :
Write me, Jeska... I miss you.
from raven72d :
Tell me what you thought of Audition...
from raven72d :
I enjoyed it quite a lot!
from wild-one183 :
hey! i just noticed u have my old username on ur buddy list and i thought that u mite want to know the new address of my absolutely crazy life. sugaplum867 is now wild-one183. and i wanted to add taht i still read ur diary, and it continues to inspire and amaze me. thanks for all.
from raven72d :
E-mail me soon, Jeska...
from murphies :
I noticed you like Moulin Rouge and Kafka. Thanks for not making me feel alone. :)
from raven72d :
"Dr. Strangelove" is such a brilliant film!
from raven72d :
I will always be Three Years Old, lovely Jeska!
from raven72d :
You're a lovely person, Jeska. I always hope things are going well for you.
from raven72d :
I hope there are new colors on your palette.
from raven72d :
I hope you'll find a street where the houses are welcoming and not shadowed and menacing.
from raven72d :
Happy endings... Just remember Hemingway: "All true stories end in death."
from raven72d :
Our small hyrax friends just may be called Simon. They're the Small Messenger Capybaras of the Desert...or perhaps the Marmots of the Kalahari.
from raven72d :
I do wish you a morning of peace and soft moments curled up in your sheets with winter outside...
from raven72d :
Joyeux Noel... And I hope you find eyes to look at you with admiration and love...
from raven72d :
Miracle/Curse... vur' lovely entry! I hope life is full of good things for you in 2003!
from raven72d :
Don't vanish again... I miss your writing.
from raven72d :
I hope the season is going well for you...
from raven72d :
Don't over-analyze. It'll destroy any belief you have in anything. Sometimes it's only the *un*-examined life that *bears* living.
from raven72d :
I found a copy of the "Jabberwocky" in Latin last night... I read it aloud to the stufflings. They seemed to like it. And on Xmas Eve, I'll read (as always!) "A Christmas Carol" aloud to my stufflings...
from raven72d :
I've never been able to think that the image in the mirror could be *me*...
from raven72d :
There are whole worlds held inside small objects...
from raven72d :
There's a beauty to looking at a single puzzle piece and constructing a puzzle around it.
from raven72d :
There's that very film noir moment when you put a hand into the pocket of your jacket or jeans and discover there under your hand some small object that sums up your whole life and all that you've lost...
from raven72d :
And a piece of vur' good news: has hedgehog e-cards!
from raven72d :
Thank you, Jeska... You made me smile and pull down a copy of Lewis Carroll and read "Walrus and the Carpenter" aloud to my stufflings...
from raven72d :
Today is 07 November 02... I'm just glad you're back and updating...
from raven72d :
I wish I could sit and watch on Showtime and talk to you.
from raven72d :
Do you ever drive or walk alone through the city late at night?
from raven72d :
I miss making paper boats and sailing them on the stream.
from raven72d :
There's a Japanese phrase-- ato no matsuri: "too late for the festival". I spend my life like that, standing in a black raincoat at corners or outside windows or doors, always too late-- my own hesitation --for the festival.
from raven72d :
I've missed hearing from you... What have you been doing? How is life?
from tirellius :
from brokenwords- :
yes, vanilla sky =) i absolutely loved that movie, one of the best. i'm doing alright .. you still write great <3
from tirellius :
Not today. Maybe tomorrow :)
from raven72d :
Nabokov, I'm told, wrote his stories and novels using-- *always* --a Ticonderoga Nr.2 pencil... I must get myself a box.
from brokenwords- :
dear, how have you been?
from raven72d :
The RedJellyFish webpage does look vur' interesting...
from raven72d :
from myhappiness :
Cool layout. You're really in content.
from raven72d :
Chimney Rock and Asheville and Cape Hatteras cards are always good...
from raven72d :
i hope you'll update soon. i miss hearing from you.
from raven72d :
Summer heat always provides a false clarity...
from raven72d :
Everyone needs a small invisible kangaroo friend named Pontouf.
from comfortably :
hi there <3 i'm putting a password on this diary just for a little bit. lemme know if you want the password kay? xoxo.
from raven72d :
Curve is a delight... So I'll pick up a Kidney Thieves disc and just take a chance...
from raven72d :
Industrial-dance bands with female vocalists (e.g., Curve, This Ascension, Xymox, My Scarlet Life) have always appealed to me...
from raven72d :
Kidney Thieves. What can you tell me about a band called Kidney Thieves?
from raven72d :
The girl at has a small hedgehog named Spree. Jenny's small hedgehog friend convinced me that Small Hedgehogs are Our Friends. And of course they speak Volapuk.
from raven72d :
One day when we have money... feel free to join me and the ghosts in New Orleans for drinks... Send a Small Messenger Capybara with a note...
from pretty-punk :
Thanks. Yep, it's Smallville/Superman sorta. Well for starters, Chloe isn't in the Superman canon, and isn't romantically involved with Lex (yet) *lol*, but there is some definite sparkage between the two ;) Lex in the series is actually pretty down to earth, as much as a Luthor can be. Plus Lex is just really sexy in the show and stuff ... glad you read it, it made me happy :D toodles
from raven72d :
you should have e-mail...
from raven72d :
I grew up in and around New Orleans. There is something haunted about the old city.
from raven72d :
I've read through the Effemy diary entries... They were painful and beautiful and sad. Did she die in New Orleans? She was very much une etoile qui tombee. I of course never knew her, never knew of her. But someone like her, with her clarity and talents...she leaves an empty place in the world.
from raven72d :
There are things I might ask you. I've come late to the fair, so I'll apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge. What is "emo"? And who was Effemy?
from raven72d :
I know what you mean... I'd love to see the paintings up close, in full detail and size... I'd love to have framed prints of them on my walls.
from raven72d :
Thanks for the kind words... I hope you visited the Burnet site...
from raven72d :
What lovely, lovely writing!
from jes38 :
how you look at life is so amazing, and how u write is so cool. i liked the 4th of july entry, it was so descriptive. i hope you dont miss your bf to much! have a good one
from pretty-punk :
Hi you sent me a note and I just wanted to reply and say thanks. Your layout is wicked, I love the picture, I don't remember the title, but I'm positive it's by Van Gogh. Anyways, your diary is awesome, and I'll be checking it out more. :) toodle-lou
from pieceofme :
hi jes, i moved to the above addy. rebe is no longer active. hope all is well with you
from lost-warrior :
you signed my Notes once... I really dont know if you read it much or anything... but, its been awhile since I locked it, to keep someone I didnt want reading it out, since they found out about it, and I just now thought about this. If you did read it, and want back in... drop an email to [email protected] I'll give you the access password and username. My apologies for not doing this before.
from brokenwords- :
you're right .. thank you so much :*) i saw "life or something like it" .. it was a great movie, the kind-of movie that makes you think, ya' know? thanks for the love, <3
from untough :
thank you. times forty. times ten. thank you.
from hiddentears- :
thanks :) you have no idea how much compliments like that mean to me. i'm suprised that my writing gets to people..sometimes i wonder if i'm unique, just like everyone else. you really made me feel like i have a talent. thanks again! Love Always, Natalie
from brokenwords- :
i hate how ghosts of them have to keep us company. xox.
from livingletter :
from seraphim77 :
SO pretty. I listed you as a fave so I can keep up with you.
from brokenwords- :
aww thank you. i love yours too.. you go girl :)
from brokenwords- :
van gogh is so beautiful.
from heartshaped :
thank you for the lovely note. <3
from stolen-rain :
Read emokid09 its another diary of mine you might enjoy. Thanks... -Rain
from cherrypit :
thank you ever so much. :)
from teaeyegagaer :
Nice to here from you... I have knot been on this site in some time... Glad to know that some thing I wrote made some one smile... Take care...
from feeorin :
Thank you. :)
from brokenwords- :
thank you so much. every little thing helps, <3
from brokenwords- :
elevator music, i love it.
from lacorneille :
Welcome to the Sandman diaryring!
from thisisjohn :
thanks. =) stop by again sometime.
from lil-cathy :
=) i see you share my love for moulin rouge!
from cheeriochick :
Hello, I hear you are a good writer! I'm sure you are. But unfortuntly, I have no time to look @ your stuff. But I'll take a look tomorrow, or someday! -lol- (Http://
from miazapatarip :
Well, here I am, adding to your impressive collection of notes! :) I was finally able to access your diary, who knew that by simply switching to Internet Explorer (I am a fan a Netscape) I would be exposed to such a floodgate? You are a very talented writer.
from brokenwords- :
you write so beautiful.
from sleepylilazn :
Poerty - good stuff!! ... heh, thanks for the note!! "Shibby!!" heh, my new word =) ... "dumb movie" recommendation of today - "Dude! Where's my car" gonna be a classic one day =)
from miazapatarip :
*read *LOL*
from miazapatarip :
Thank You, I didn't know that I had any readers (besides Justin and Katherine, whom I already know of.) Yes, I am excited about starting a graditude journal. :) I tried to head your diary, but it wouldn't open; do you have it locked?
from blueyes11282 :
when the dreams just seem so real u cant help but think the worst
from untough :
thank you.
from hotsexydork :
thank you so much!! lol i downloaded the song right after i read your note...hehez thanx again
from teaeyegagaer :
Thanks for your notes... I must admit I am a little behind in my thank yous...LOL Enjoy the day...
from her0ine :
hey bud. thanks for leaving a note. i always wanted to know if anyone was reading me but they never speak up.
from brokenwords- :
i hope you have a wonderful new years :)
from lunaraura :
12.16.2001- Right on to your entry. My parents want to get rid of my cats because they're suddenly allergic. Bah. I've been planning on moving out in February. Hopefully they can *survive* that long.
from teaeyegagaer :
Once more a thank you... I wander upon others places and I smile for there is much magic in words... In their thoughts... Keep the magic... share it...
from teaeyegagaer :
Thanks for the note... This is my lost space... a place to ramble on about nothing or something... witch ever comes first... lol...
from emlo :
Hey. I saw you left me a note. What song is it that you like? And believe me, i hope those dreams don't mean anything ethier! Don't mind me, im just very superstitious.

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