messages to kitchenlite:
(click here to add new message):

from forty-plus :
How is Buzz?
from irisheyes70 :
Dude. You gave me the password. And thank you very much. It's hella good. Heh.
from mahvalicious :
Hi Kitchenlite - just noticed that you've added me as one of your favorites. I'd love to read your diary also if you are willing to give me the password.
from hissandtell :
Ooh, yes please - I'd most certainly love the password. [email protected] should reach me. Thanks! Love, R xxx
from dietingjenn :
password changed?
from irisheyes70 :
I would love a password, if you'd like me to have it. :)
from junkmel1 :
Hello! I see you added me as a favorite, and I wanted to thank you. I'd love to have your password so I can check out your journal, too.
from rdhdprincess :
Me. me! Password please! [email protected]
from dandydandy :
I'd like the password!
from erlenweg6 :
Can I have the password pretty please? :-)
from chaosdaily :
me@, please?? im begging, here...
from poolagirl :
[email protected] please please please
from forty-plus :
May I come in? [email protected]
from renovatingme :
You locked now?
from dietingjenn :
let me know what you discover, ok? (signmyguestbook won't work)
from blogofitness :
So yeah, you are locked. If you feel like sharing, I am at [email protected]. IF you don't, no sweat. I understand :)
from dietingjenn :
you locked?
from dietingjenn :
I heart you!
from alure :
would i be able to get your password?? my email is [email protected] thanks!!
from marilynnv :
Welcome back!
from dietingjenn :
you biatch!
from dietingjenn :
where are you???
from rican-girl :
plz check out my diary and leave me a note tellin me if its good or not. thank u.
from diet-riot :
You are finding what works for you. I say "hurrah!" to you for recognizing what doesn't work and moving on. You will find your fit. Just stay healthy.
from diet-riot :
Great strategies! Hm...putting food in the hallway closet. I might just have to try that. I broke down and made something for my hubby this past weekend. PB&J pancakes. Regular pancakes with peanut butter chips in them with jelly spread on top. We did have sugar free jelly. Thing is, now we have a bag of peanut butter chips sitting in the kitchen. ARG! I couldn't do what you are doing. Great job on maintaining the 10 pound loss! If it's working, keep it up!
from diet-riot : sugar. Sounds HARD! But, you seem to be doing okay. Pushing through the hurty tummy. Good for you! And I LOVE your new template! So bright and cheerful! The oranges are a nice touch!
from diet-riot :
I have nothing to say about the SB diet. I am doing WW and I love it! I want to know how it goes. I hope it is easy to stick to so you don't feel deprived.
from diet-riot :
he he he...loud cereal. I like loud cereal too! I too get hungry at 3:00. Myabe because I don't have a very big lunch and then I don't have a snack handy. Excellent planning! Don't let yourself get hungry.
from diet-riot :
We love em and we hate em. I need someone to keep me in shape, but it is so damned hard. Trainers really push you to your limits. And it looks like you found yours! It was wise for you to say "no more".
from diet-riot :
Hey, I can't talk. It's been awhile since I updated too! I am glad the gym is going well for you. I need to get back there. The comment about your back fat made me think about my own body and how I need to get it in shape. I am glad you are seeing the fat melt away!
from diet-riot :
3/9/04 I'm glad you're eating what you love. I should learn to do that. I end up just eating the boring stuff cause I know the point value. It makes for a pretty hum-drum diet.
from diet-riot :
3/5/04 3 POUNDS! WOOO! Hmmm...something to think about. Maybe that's my problem. I need to make it a point to have fruits and veggies at every meal. I wish they weren't so damned expensive. I am glad it worked for you. Maybe it will work for me too. We'll see.
from diet-riot :
Ahhh...chocolate birthday cake. Chocolate is a red light food for me too. I was successful recently. I proved it can be done. Chocolate is sooo tempting though.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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