messages to ladyvaduva:
(click here to add new message):

from jonathan :
Best wishes from England. I've found a few 'buddies' have done something similar - six months or a year offline. Getting the measure of things. I've missed this so will try to keep up. XXX
from jonathan :
Just to say 'Hi!2 After an absence of a yaer or so I've renewed my Gold Membership and will make the time to post several hundred entries to cover 2006/2007
from raisedblinds :
from jonathan :
Thanks for looking in but finding me all locked up! Why the password restriction? 1) Using my real name could (or is) exposing me to potential embarrassment as I'm googled by friends and enemies alike 2)A career move to support my writing requires me to be more discrete - they may not employ me if they enter my head! 3) I'm not writing anything online (though I should still keep a dairy) 4) I've finished one piece of fiction and am working on the next and I find it is best if I give this all my effort - I should wake up in the morning thinking about the fiction, not worrying about my next diary entry or the mumber of hits I'm getting which used to be the case. Keep in touch, best wishes and I'll send you the password!
from idlehopes :
garsh, I hate that need to know. and the hummingbird syndrome that makes you buzz between the who cares declarations and the headlong flights for the answer through the swamps. yep.
from mixedup- :
I loathe "the waiting" too.
from idlehopes :
It's too bad that you're almost compelled, no, forced, to be honest with an honor system. I mean, it's your honor. crap. and your pocket. and, they're probably watching anyway. double crap.
from lethalpickle :
i'm good, and i've been along for a long time
from msmuffet :
i did that thing with a toothpick once.. it went in one place and out another place. freakin nasty! hah.. hope you're ok. we need to hang out soon!
from shortcake30 :
that is a magical idea! way to og my friend. imagine how much fun that would be with junior high, if i was a teacher, i would take time out of the class just to do that..i love it!
from idlehopes :
It was only the dam breaking, damn dams, not you.
from beauzombie :
My boobs aren�t big enough� so if you�re looking to get rid of yours (since you don�t like them and all) I�ll be glad to take them off your hands�or chest whatever..
from thejibblies :
Cathyfresk, remember that when it rains it is like the sky is giving the earth a really sexy bathing experience. =O That is because the sky is all like, "Earth, I really wants to STEEPLE CHASE with you!"
from thejibblies :
Oh cathyfresk, I miss you so. I agree with your assessment of the city at night - it is marvelous!
from thejibblies :
oh yeahs!
from thejibblies :
i am glad to hear that you are back safe and sound from your adventures in the wilderness. i was afraid that you would be carried off by delicious gypsies!
from thejibblies :
LOL good show, good show! the drabble-matic is much fun, and I knew I could not keep its secret safe for long. my robust pamplemousse!
from thejibblies :
ha, well at least i'm not the one bearing dick pound's secret lovechild. child bearing is HARD WORK!
from onewetleg :
you! where have you been? what did you buy with the bday money, i'm dying to know!!!
from thejibblies :
winning at steeplechase is very complicated and involves ice cream cake and other strange pursuits
from shortcake30 :
Wow girl! You've got skills! I am so glad that things worked out for the best. You are so talented, I knew you could do it! Best of luck with your upcoming events!
from idlehopes :
pffffft. Mwa hahah! cheap smiles all around!!!
from thejibblies :
thank you for the kind thoughts. i am done in the next few days and hopefully after that we can meet up for an adventure
from idlehopes :
I'm not sure that ink is romantic for anyone who doesn't have any, but this melts for me. so strange...
from thejibblies :
cathyfresk, that was a most lovely sonnet and i salute you with the one gun salute!! many of the best things in life are strange and beautiful, like tubesocks and thunderstorms
from thejibblies :
from shortcake30 :
mmmm.cookies! thanks for the words of wisdom! miss you and big hugs!
from thejibblies :
cathyfresk: I miss ye terribly. First, I am glad to hear that your concert has gone well!! Second of all, I am sad to hear of your troubles de l'amour! Third, have you heard of a composer named Philip Glass... you should check out "Metamorphosis One" by him. It is totally haunting and one of my favourite pieces of music at the moment.
from shortcake30 :
Hi there sunny day! All will work out and all youhave to remember to do is just breathe! I love ya a lot! You are the best!
from idlehopes :
try to breathe. close your eyes. look in the spaces between beats. (beauty you're not supposed to find while you drive--dangerous, duh;))
from shortcake30 :
well, well, well... if it isn't Cathyfresk. we meet again........................bwabababababababababbabb!
from thejibblies :
lol, cathyfresk, i feel like for the supermajority of the time your presence is inoffensive and very welcome
from idlehopes :
sneer in your smile. nice. it's a good thing I'm okay with my bed, the places I rest my forehead. keep the words coming.
from heelandlass :
Spoken like a true romantic! You're so right. If you love someone, one day a year isn't enough. I've been meaning to say for ages, I'm totally loving your new template. Really cool. Just like you! Smoochies xxxxx
from thejibblies :
kylish may have a point. plus, you would have an automatic edge with the shrink because you have taken a shitload of psych and the wazz hasn't. you gotta work it and stand up for you. i hope things get better. ps its taken ten minutes for me to write this because there is a parrotlet occupying my qwerty keys and she isn't going to give them up without some massive cuddles
from thejibblies :
ps. wazzy is wading into the territory of indictable offence by controlling your monetary resources... do you want me to threaten the old felonius buzzard with a trip to the pokey? i seen 'em on campus the other day :)
from thejibblies :
beautiful new template!!! ps. be careful you don't think too hard on the bus because sometimes when i'm on the lrt and i'm thinking really intensely i miss my stop or fall up the stairs :)
from bindyree :
I just had to leave you a note and tell you that I'm very glad you're on my Buddy List, and to have a great 2006. Happy new year! ♥
from heelandlass :
Hello my lovely munchie. Thanks for the blissful notes and congratulations on the 3 years!! In case I don't get a chance to say this again - have a great festive season. And a very very happy new year. Talk to you upon my return! Heeland Lass xxx
from thejibblies :
They say you might be crazy and sometimes I agree You and I know that's not all that you are.
from heelandlass :
Hello lovely one! Thanks for filling out my survey missy. We've not chatted for ages - we must rectify this soon! xxx
from shortcake30 :
i love you!
from thejibblies :
its pretty hard for pineapples to run, silly billy
from thejibblies :
the trump fired everybody from his trump show i think we require the services of a prophet to understand what this means. are you somebody's gypsy?
from shortcake30 :
Holy carp there woman! I am with you all the way! Do not give up! It always turns out in the end! Keep that chin up doll face! Love ya!
from thejibblies :
you are like "high noon to a drunkard" as they say
from krugerpak007 :
Hi Cathy! I would be happy to send you a Hebrew favorite songs so be warned... ;-)). Just drop me an email at [email protected], with your postal details and walla! Have a good week! xoxox Kathy
from thejibblies :
thank you muchly my friend, and for you... here is some change for your 'pants' ehe ehe ehe! how much echanges to put in them for some poutine?!
from thejibblies :
vive le quackers libre!
from eggswildride :
i have updated again. please add me as a favorite. i need the publicity. peace, love and anarchy, egg
from heelandlass :
1 1/2 years will whizz by - just you watch xxx
from eggswildride :
thanx 4 readin i've got plenty more in store oh and watch out 4 those parrots they leave some pretty foul turds on clothing
from thejibblies :
i've always thought of you as a pianist! :P
from clarity25 :
Hi! thanks for your note and compliment on my journal! I just started reading yours, I really like your list about yourself. We have a lot of little things in common, I also want to get another tattoo, love roadtrips, do dumb things and I'm an insomniac. I worked as a mural artist in an alzheimers ward of a hospital. That really changed me, it was so sad and yet I have a lot of lasting memories from that time. (for 5 months) Oh yeah..and I can't stand hoochies either! LOL.
from msmuffet :
well since you're free you should give me a ring ;D
from f-i-n :
funny stuff!
from thejibblies :
LOL! And what would I have said to him, had I stopped to talk. "Excuse me, Cathy's dad, but confirmed reports indicate that you uneffectively employing the totalitarian style of parenting? No, the government didn't send me." ;) I'm sorry about your NAIT app, but I know it happens. Good luck in the next round. Peace be with you, my broccoli!
from thejibblies :
I think I saw your old man "spraying down" the steps of Chemistry West today!
from thejibblies :
Other songs with communist implications: Share the Land - The Guess Who Milder communist implications: This Land is Your Land - Guthrie
from thejibblies :
But your eyes is teh sexy! Happy belated birthday... to think, so many years ago you were launched from a catapult and caught by a stork in mid-flight.
from stofolies :
Will this sexy present be video taped by any chance:p
from msmuffet :
happy belated birthday, sexy! when i see you next i'll have to give you a sexy birthday present. hehehe. sounds naughty, doesn't it? i actually have an idea of something i'm getting you from california, but you'll have to wait! :p
from heelandlass :
aha! I've just discovered that your the person I nearly hooked up with on MSN or something - invite me again, i'll sign up I promise (sorry, am complete mongo when it comes to techno stuff)! xxx
from thejibblies :
RE: Carhumping. If I didn't know you better, I would be concerned about your personal life. :)
from thejibblies :
Tanktacular and bowserlicious! Too bad my curses are so easily broken.. but that is what happens when they are made out of peanut butter! :)
from thejibblies :
WW, I also long for your koala hugs!
from thejibblies :
mmm cathy in a wet t, that is even better than a sweaty cowboy seriously, i miss ye WW :)
from thejibblies :
i will buy you a sweaty cowboy for your birthday, unless you tell me not to.
from thejibblies :
i hop that someone puts easter eggs in your pants for a change
from thejibblies :
hoppy easter to you, grasshopper now spell cucumber!
from thejibblies :
"One day God walked on old Mount Royal Just to dream up the human form Threw stones and cans and comic books in a kettle And you came out like a shining goddess heavy metal Say it�s just too bad some hearts don�t settle And the pipes are leaking and you feel like leaving Yeah, we heard this one before I said, �Dear God, buddy, now don�t you meddle� 'Cause I�ve got my own little twisted ways of showing you that I do Yes I do I love you in my own twisted ways "
from stylishkyle :
Celery green is, like, so HOT right now!
from thejibblies :
You are the bestest, most beautifulest polyhedron in the world!
from thejibblies :
Oh, saucy companion, thou remindest me of a champion. Thy aroma is most smoky, art thou a wee pokey? I will follow you, my leader. Thou smellest like burnt cedar!
from shortcake30 :
I love you a lot! Thank-you for promoting unfertility.
from thejibblies :
"My boyfriend's back, he's gonna save my reputation (Hey-la, hey-la, my boyfriend's back) If I were you, I'd take a permanent vacation (Hey-la, hey-la, my boyfriend's back)"
from thejibblies :
you are an animal... in the sack
from thejibblies :
"Ain't nothin' but a muffin We gotta lotta butter 2 go (Y'say aye, an' I like ya 'way, but don't come now)And if it break when it bend U better not put it in - uh"
from shortcake30 :
Oh my God! I am so glad you came over too! God I am so happy that you did. It truly made my day! Spice Girls 4eva!LOL.
from hissandtell :
HA - just read your 105 list about the little sausage-roll fingers! Hilarious. And you collect chili pepper lights? Hey, me too! I have them strung all over my living room and kitchen. You're too wonderful for words, you naughty girl. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Hi - I just saw your name on my buddies' list, so I've been having fun reading some of your diary. I love your piercings - I have a "feature ear" with seven holes and I'd love to get a few more, although it would get pretty squishy and crowded in there. Anyway, back to reading your older entries now - and thanks! Love, R xxx
from thejibblies :
"Don't worry, I won't hurt U I only want U 2 have some fun I was dreamin' when I wrote this Forgive me if it goes astray But when I woke up this mornin' Coulda sworn it was judgment day The sky was all purple, there were people runnin' everywhere Tryin' 2 run from the destruction, U know I didn't even care 'Cuz they say two thousand zero zero party over,oops out of time So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999"
from shortcake30 :
Lol! I cannot tell you how greatly amusing it is to see you and Holly volley back and forth with song lyrics and quotes! I love it! :)
from thejibblies :
"I don't care if you won't Talk to me You know I'm not that kind of girl. And I don't care if you won't Walk with me It don't give me such a thrill. And I don't care about the way you look You should know I'm not impressed 'Cause there's just one thing That I'm looking for And he don't wear a dress."
from thejibblies :
"Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you honey? Now would I say something that wasn't true? I'm asking you sugar Would I lie to you?"
from thejibblies :
"Well I was born an original sinner. I was borne from original sin. And if I had a dollar bill For all the things I've done There'd be a mountain of money Piled up to my chin..."
from thejibblies :
get better soon, cheesebot
from thejibblies :
I'm listening to *our* song! Controversy by Prince! :P
from thejibblies :
make the love, paint the picture, write the song
from shortcake30 :
Go Mercury Go!
from stofolies :
I can read it again! Weeeeeeeeeee
from thejibblies :
Bwa ha ha ha! Is it pleasant to the touch?
from shortcake30 :
Did your dreams ever at one point involve a unicycle? They are so cool!
from thejibblies :
from shortcake30 :
You are doing an awesome job Cathy! Thumbs up to you for everything that will be going on in the next few weeks! I know you can do anything and I hope you know that too! Love Ya!
from shortcake30 :
Happy New Year Cathy! New Years was so much fun! I had a great time at the party and I got super drunk at that. Tee hee. Boy, who knew 1 and 1/2 coolers is enough to generate such sillyness! LOL!
from shortcake30 :
I am so glad you got the card! Yay for mail! And I am so sorry I wasn't at home to get your phone call! My mom told me you called and I was very excited! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Did you see Shelley on boxing day?)
from idlehopes :
thanks for the back pat. I hope you kicked your exams asses all over the canadian prairie! Also, you couldn't have ruined christmas. Putting mailboxes out of their misery is great holiday fun and it sounds as if you gave a friendly nudge to several! I hope that, before long, you'll find this becomes just a really good subject for the family to tease you unmercifully about...
from thejibblies :
nice people make the world go 'round and are responsible for gravity... without 'em, we'd all fly off the damn globe
from shortcake30 :
I'm sorry to have made you cry! Was it a good cry or a bad cry? I am glad that you received the note :) Smiles!
from shortcake30 :
Cathy, as a friend, I just wanted to let you know that you are an awesome person and that I believe that you posess more strength of character and spirit than anyone I know, and that means something. I just hope you know how much you matter to me, and to all the people who love you. I know it is hard to see sometimes, but I thought I would just let you know that you matter to me. Love you always!
from shortcake30 :
You are so right about your dairyland entries. It is your place to express yourself and that alone is reason enough for you to continue writing it in, no matter what anyone says. Cuz really, reading it is going inside your head and getting an idea of what you are thinking and if people can't respect that, then there is no hope for understanding. Love you to pieces my dear friend!
from completeliar :
the world will crumble under your might
from thejibblies :
Bleep bleep bleep! Boop boop boop!
from omnipre5ence :
Well, thanks for the compliment. =) I appreciate it.
from omnipre5ence :
from thejibblies :
cathyfresk, i'd say that i was surprised upon hearing of your recent troubles with the law... but i knew you would run afoul of the postal service someday! :)
from thejibblies :
Your masturbation is uniting this divided nation! If only the vegetation would accept your self-pleasuring libation! Then lusty imagination may well liberate flora from decimation!
from heelandlass :
At the risk of sounding like a patronising old hag, I have to say something right now - you have to be a bit patient, Lady. Once you move out of the parental place you will immediately start feeling better about your life, things click into place a lot more and (horror of horror) your parents actually become slightly less horrendous when you don't live with them anymore. That aside though, it takes a bit of proper planning and organising to get out the first time, don't just leap into the first thing that comes along because that could be a disaster, and if you think living with your parents is awful at the moment, think how bad it is having to go back to them a 2nd time because you made some bad decisions. It's hellish. Everybody feels the way that you do, that's a promise. You're not alone and the way you're feeling just proves that you are ready to move into the big bad world and be yourself. You'll get there, and you'll end up feeling so much better about, well, EVERYTHING. But you just have to be patient, you will get there in the end though. Okay - patronising rant now officially over. xxx
from thejibblies :
Ho! Ho! Ho! That was my impression of jabba the hutt, I can tell that you are impressed of my impression, you impotent impressor! gar, i need coffee
from shortcake30 :
Oh my god! Total breakfast club! I doubt Titi has stopped shitting her pants after that car ride. She still cannot believe her piercings. LMAO. It was a wonderful adventure!
from shortcake30 :
Hey there LadyVaduva! Thank you so much for the lovely convo the other day. Tthe release was extraordinary. My appreciation and admiration for you has just doubled!
from heelandlass :
Hey always leave such lovely notes over at my place. thank you toots xxx
from thejibblies :
i wish it had been the sex train!
from thejibblies :
hey ww, thanks again for driving out to stohny plain twice, i really regret that i couldn't contact ya earlier. if you ever need a place to stay because things with your parental units get too intense, you are welcome to come out here.
from thejibblies :
cakes fall apart on me all the time... you can interpret that however you want
from stofolies :
and that is all.
from heelandlass :
Hey Chicka! Thanks for the welcome home. It's good and bad to be home - usual story of all good things must come to an end and all that crap! I am going to get my account sorted out really soon and then will look at posting some photos, so hang in there, you might get to see them by, oh I don't know, sometime anyway! xxx
from shortcake30 :
Humana Humana. Guy meat is so good! I am so glad that you got to see some. I haven't really seen any lately, so I envy you! I am still waiting for a pile of my own drool to clean up! Yay! Hot guys!
from thejibblies :
I think you should trade tallulah in for a shaggin' hippy wagon. You could call it "Tallulah II" or "Tallulah Returns" or "Fred"!
from shortcake30 :
Hewow! WAKA, WAKA,WAKA. Woot! Muahers! Choir and paintings in the oil canvas. That's Onion!
from parlance :
I agree -- thanks for the compliment.
from parlance :
Thank you, ma'am.
from heelandlass :
Thank you Vaduva. I will have a great holiday and many beers - I'll toast ya. I am hoping to upgrade my account when I get back so that I can post photos and do other things, so you might get to see some photos after all. Byeeee xxx
from msmuffet :
lol your brother cracks me up, he should get a diaryland haha
from msmuffet :
tell jessie to go fak herself!
from thejibblies :
Somewhere in southern alberta, a small hick town is missing right-wing extremist nerd. But I know where he is... in my Political Parties class! :P
from onewetleg :
hey, lady, how ya doin? i like your new template. did you make it yourself? oh, and yeah, MOVE OUT OF THERE! love,
from onewetleg :
dee-yamn. idiot reveiws really wrote you up, didn't they? you know i agree with the spelling thing. i think they had some good things to say to you. i will still love you no matter what. love, jj
from idiotreviews :
Your review is up! Thanks for being so patient!
from shortcake30 :
Hey yo! Read your last entry! You are doing great! I am happy for you. Take care eh? Pudding is good. The ground is soft underneath my feet. Don't grovel too much at the scientists can get ugly down there. Smile!
from shortcake30 :
I think you are doing a great job in your road to academic success! I have faith and always will! I am sorry for totally maing your agenda upset. The color silver is totally awesome! Love you!
from thejibblies :
'Tis such a glorious day, Cathyfresk! We hail our new sovereign, Captain Chastity-- Queene of the Scientists! Mmm, sweet mercury!
from thejibblies :
captain chastity or was it old nipple threw that damn token at me as i was going in there. i guess it just sort of rolled in and landed on the counter top
from shortcake30 :
No matter what, no matter what time, nor what day nor what hour, I am here and I am there beside you, always telling you that no matter how hard things get or how ugly things may seem ,I am here always and forever. You are not just a friend, you are a part of my soul and that is what keeps me going. I am here. With you always. Love you my dear friend.
from lethalpickle :
forgot your me thursday (tommorow) at 12 or early, just to leave your number on the call display or leave it with whoever answers... (later)
from heelandlass :
Next time I promise I'll have some smokes and drinks in your honour (I don't need much encouragement! haha). Thanks for always writing me nice notes - you're a wee gem xxx
from onewetleg :
kick 'em in the face! punch 'em in the throat! stab 'em with the horn of an old billy goat! gooooo! ladyvaduva! *jumps in the air with pom-poms over head* love! jj
from onewetleg :
yay! raggedy ann! she's my favorite unsung cartoon character! thanks for taking my survey, love. love, jj
from onewetleg :
no, no, no, no nonononono. you may remove yourself from their choices, but you don't remove their choice to choose. um. yeah. i stand by that statement, as non-sensical as it may be. 'put a cork on someone's freedom?' no way. i could choose to be homeless, and i have, rather than put up with someone else's shitty-ness. i choose now to put up. and shut up. everyone has a choice. where am i going with this? i don't know. i think i need another beer. great topic of discussion, though. love,
from blindessence :
Thank you!
from parlance :
The only place decent around here is Toronto. And that's at night if you're lucky enough to not get raped.
from blindessence :
Bonjour. I just found you and I don't know how, but maybe it's a good thing I did because I found you to be rather humourous. Ha...Ha. But seriously. I added you to my favourites, hope you don't mind. I'd also like to tell you that the way you made your "older" names are hilarious. What I mean is: Janvier est froid, instead of January. They'll all funny and way to speak en fran�ais as well! I can't speak much french but tend to throw in a couple words here and there... because I am fucked up! Anyways, that's all I got! Merci!
from parlance :
Yeah, East. Near Toronto.
from msmuffet :
it's for foliage boy :p lol
from thejibblies :
all hands on deck
from msmuffet :
methinks the lung will hold up.. for now :p lol i blame it on cleaning my room all day.. i guess it just doesn't like me cleaning, lol!
from heelandlass :
Fighting over pasta?! It's not so uncommon, me & Bandito once had a cracking argument over frozen chicken. We went at it for ages and it ended with me opening our front door and throwing the frozen chicken across the road. Ridiculous.
from msmuffet :
yep i'm ok :) my neck was real sore yesterday but it's feeling better today... damn dickless rear-ender dillhole :p lol
from onewetleg :
very nice review. mommaviews done me good too. i didn't know you had tattoos! and 12 piercings! my goodness! i had no idea. tell me where they are? do you got any you sit on? hehe. love,
from mommaviews :
Your review is complete. Thanks for stopping by! "Rose"
from heelandlass :
Thanks for your note - you made me grin from ear to ear, I will try to keep you as entertained as is humanely possible AND you added me as a favourite so I will dedicate the next song in my juke box to you! xxx
from onewetleg :
i love this template! and credit was even given to the artist! although they probably don't know it's being used. sort of like stealing a car and saying it's ok because you put a bumper-sticker on it saying 'i stole this car from fred jones,' or whoever. anyway, i love it. love,
from thejibblies :
also, i forgot to mention, i miss you too because you are a chocolate covered rainbow. ps. the farmer's day parade of stony plain is june 5th, if you want to see me dressed like a dorkus... voila!
from thejibblies :
i was rifling through some jumbles when i really found that your back button isn't working and i found some rice krispy squares so i ate them. as well, on my way to work this morning i spied an old lady and a crow--TWICE! the significance of this is not lost on me... i have read enough magic-realist novels
from thejibblies :
dearwest murgatroid, your back button ne fuctionionne pas how fore now cruel maoist? marxists make the best menage troises, so please leave some pancake for me. dapple my apple, smackle crackle mackeral. am i to believe without to see that a lusty thief stole your washboard in the night? these times... unto into and onto a giant asteroid?
from thejibblies :
i am total confuzion! you temp late change!!! ALLAAALUUAAAH! (brring brring...)
from thejibblies :
my heart is with you, ww
from swingerdiary :
Thanks for the note. Hope you keep reading. :-)
from over25revue :
sorry, lady, you must be over 25 to join this one. if you want i can review you at b0b0reviews. thanks for the note, i am feeling much better. love, jj
from thejibblies :
wowza, that really is a fuck room! cheers!
from onewetleg :
omg, girl. great pics, but what the fuck happened with all the scrolling? we need to get you a better template. love you much.
from thejibblies :
it's april 22 and fuck, i'm drunk
from thejibblies :
cathyfresk stop how dost thou type with gentlemen's sporting gloves stop do you know any good bar tricks stop you need to get laid stop i hear that kylish is easy stop and that he will work for pennies stop end of massage
from thejibblies :
now spell cucumber
from thejibblies :
cathyfresk, keep on keepin' on. you are a schwoopy person in my books and you deserve better. and also, um, sometimes when we touch the honesty is too much
from b0b0 :
thank you for the note bout my tats. Its so hard to get a good picture of some of them! Do you have any pics of your tattoos? as soon as diaryland gets those public diarys working I wanna get one and make it where people could submit their tats and write a bit about what they paid, if the spot hurt, how long it took..ect... When and if those get going, would you want to submit your tats?
from thejibblies :
mr. briner kicked me out of class on numerous occasions for drawing cartoons. just thought i'd add that
from thejibblies :
one time in mr. briner's grade nine math class i leaned backwards to pick up my pen which had fallen, and i leaned too far and fell over backwards and hit my head on the desk behind me and then was hit by my falling desk and i think i blacked out and mr. briner was like "holly quit horsing around" until he realized that i had, in my quest to retrieve my pen, given myself a minor concussion. and then there was the time i hit my head on the gym floor during basketball and got a mild concussion and i was feeling awful and woozy but no one took me to the hospital right away so i wrote an english exam and felt terrible and dizzy the whole time. it's not worth the headache... but i did get 95%.. but the concussion made me an emotional wreck and when i got home and looked terrible my dad asked me how i was and i started to blubber incoherently. a trip to the hospital ensued. :P
from b0b0 :
Thank you much for adding me...on both counts. Interesting template ya got there. I like it, but what does it mean. I have been staring at it, running little sayings that may be illistrated there, through me head. I have come up with bubcus. Anyhooo, thanks again for the adds!
from thejibblies :
Cathyfresk, I muchly enjoyed your 105 things, it was most edumacational! I still maintain that the owner of a ballerina music box is the owner of a disturbed mind. Playmo rules the fricking world!
from lunchladies :
M'lady your note tickled us pinkish. Oh how we miss fermented grains but the brewery shall be back up to speed soon. mmm beer... Snugs, Pimmi and Pati! The Lunch Ladies of Mordor.
from kitty-kaboom :
Holy jesus fetus, your template ROCKS SOCKS! much much much love! ♥ Kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!
from parlance :
I think I'd rather not..
from parlance :
Could be...?
from parlance :
I know they have feelings for me, actually, and they're definitely not a jerk.......I just don't want to admit it, so I guess that makes me one.
from thejibblies :
cathyfresk, thou art a commendabobble to the dds of the world. but weren't you tempted to tell those drunks "fuck you and the pineapple you rode in on!" remind me to call someone a polyhexagon the next time i am wasted :P
from parlance :
My parents do it a lot when they're asking about the opposite sex. "So what's going on with you and [insert person's name here]?"
from advice-4-you :
need advice? visit my profile to see how i can help you!
from thejibblies :
cathyfresk, you should have learnt from the mistakes of the league of nations and the fateful architects of an unwieldy and unrealistic peace at Versailles
from parlance :
Thanks again.
from parlance :
I suppose it's fair to say that.
from parlance :
Haha! No problem. Take your time.
from parlance :
Thank you kindly =)
from parlance :
Rejected - Undenyingly one of the most amusing miniature movies on the internet.
from thejibblies :
ww/rear admiral cathyfresk some guy seriously asked me au Quebec... Avez-vous besoin d'un ananas. Je lui dit, "Tombez dans un lac froid." ptchoooooooooooooooooooo
from thejibblies :
swedish balls swedish balls ooooooo swedish ballllls!
from thejibblies :
the jibblies and the entire united nations are proud of you for learning the technologies of posting pictures of betty page and 'jerking it' hooooray for cathyfresk!
from thejibblies :
The Head of the Delegation of the Philippines made interesting comments this morning on the recommendations contained in the Secretary General's report, drawing our attention to the complementariness between the work of the Security Council and that of the General Assembly on this issue, and on the need for consultations on this point between the Presidents of those Organs. The solution to the problem of small arms requires the commitment of all States and the assistance of civil society, besides the necessary input of international, regional and sub-regional organisms. Alone, the Council is not able to meet the challenge. It is positive, however, that it is discussing the matter and listening to the opinion of member States regarding expectations for its actions. This open debate assures all of the members of the Council�s renewed commitment to work together and contribute to collective efforts towards eradicating the illegal flow of small arms.
from thejibblies :
Can I ride your motorbike? Karaoke nights by the sea Bomber jacket hyperspace -A little BV3000 wisdom.
from thejibblies :
cathyfresh, thou art crazy for men
from thejibblies :
we can have a picnic in the park behind my house if you want. it would be snowy though :)
from thejibblies :
you are a sexy turkey though, 9/10 dental hygienists agree Cathyfresh... it's a toothpaste, for your mouth! Turkey!
from c-king :
Har har I feel bad for never leaving you a note despite your constant approval for my scribblings. But I like your journal and its like talking to you when you're not even there....whoa trippy
from thejibblies :
iiiiiiiiiii'mh the capTain of tha graaaavy train!
from thejibblies :
for a euphemism, you are a humdinger. as well, i am confused by your desire to eat paper. is not your house constructed of paper? where will you live? with what will you shield your heart? at least only eat the high grade paper. papyrus.
from thejibblies :
hello ww. thou art a broken valuable and a potate soup. but for shame, where art thy petticoats anonymous? defeat ye the moon only to bequest the next moon as a boon? zoom zoom zoom zoom the world is in a mess... politics and taxes and people gridin' axes.. there's no happiness
from thejibblies :
cathy, you are like teh ripened cantaloupe that is ready to be plucked from teh jungle and integrated into civil society by a civil cheese grater. Isn't thet grate?
from thejibblies :
personally, i find gonch to be sexy gonch makes me feel like a sexy bird mmmm gonch can you drive me to the gonch store?
from thejibblies :
it's neat that you choose song lyrics as entries sometimes.. i find that songs are very powerful in reminding you of a certain place, time, or incident in the past. they express our emotions so well
from thejibblies :
cathy, both you and the metrosexual had an entry about chips today? is hell freezing over? is there a pie flying in my direction?
from jonathan :
Thanks for coming over. Happy New Year!
from thejibblies :
i am teh peace dove cooo cooo cooo i bestow peaces upon ye nations cooo cooo
from onewetleg :
thank you for the note. i have run away so many times. it's fun. my mom doesn't know where i am now. i haven't seen her in almost 7 years. what a relief. take care and remember i'm here. email me, im me whatever. love,
from onewetleg :
but it is broke. i have been struggling with this 'template problem' for over a year now. i like the input. it's practically perfect. i still do little tweaks everyday. 'change your template' is one of my favorite clicks. *sigh* i have problems. lol. love,
from onewetleg :
well, thank you for the prompt reply. and thanks for the support. i darkend-down the bg and text color a notch and i actually like it alot. so some good came out of it. i love getting reviews even if they are bad. that was one of the better ones, actually. i can't believe she complained about my scrollbar! hehe. i like a scrollbar i can see, so i think it will stay that way. love,
from onewetleg :
all right. one question. who is this wazzy character. your entry was cryptic and obviously directed toward this 'mwanda' person. i have no problem with that. but wazzy? tell me who wazzy is. i am never typing the word wazzy ever a...d'oh!
from onewetleg :
i don't know how many hours. i've been at it about ten years and spent about a thou. wonderful fun. love,
from onewetleg :
cool. copy away. it's way more satifying than cutting. but it costs so much. bah! love,
from onewetleg :
don't let anybody beat you. i know that sounds impossible. i've been there before. do some careful cutting. it's always fun to smear cigarette ashes in them. and,
from onewetleg :
thanks. i have decided to channel my depression into anger. it's working so far. we'll see. love,
from idlehopes :
thanks for the encouragement. i've not been so good about updating these past couple months. rhetorical sex, thankfully, turned to actual sex...else you would find all my subsequent entries bitching about the lack. let us all rejoice, eh?
from onewetleg :
mmm, panic attacks. i'm starting to look forward to them. now that i have learned to understand what they are about i find them a fun addition to the otherwise boring life i lead. :) love,
from msmuffet :
you bet your ass i scored! ;) lol
from onewetleg :
here i am, bugging you again. thanks for the notes. it's boring here tonight. even wench77 isn't updating. wtf? love,
from onewetleg :
and i tink i'm gonna love you for a long, long time
from onewetleg :
yeeah. but you have to get a hold of that diamond before you can turn it. if you can't hold it you can only see one side of it. maybe two. but never the whole thing. love,
from onewetleg :
amen to that. i know i am good. i just wonder... what would they think if they really knew me..
from onewetleg :
beautiful entry. i want to cut myself. but i sew instead. i get to cut stuff and create stuff. it's not quite the same. but i love it. love,
from onewetleg :
isn't canada part of europe. just kidding :) i love your diary and you seem so smart maybe you could think about the spelling *ducks* sorry. it's just hard to read. but i will continue to read even if you don't. *ducks again* love,
from onewetleg :
very good entry. you have summed up the human condition nicely. don't give up, it gets harder. love,
from onewetleg :
i don't understand people who have never watched the simpsons. did you like it? i've been watching it for years and have seen most every episode. it's very multi-layered comedy. don't get me started. oh, and go canada! love,
from jonathan :
If I get your comment on the back of a book I'll be happy! In fact I might make sure the publisher's add 'absolutely honest, and blunt and real.. and I love it... ' anyway! 'Amelie' is a favourite film too; if you like the music you should check out all the film scores by Michael Nyman from which I am sure the music is derived. Bonne Chance. A bientot. xxx
from msmuffet :
LOL yes i can imagine me freaking out was funny.. but i'm good for now. ;)
from onewetleg :
aw. i miss the toilet. but i'm still glad to read you. 'blah, blah, it's not about the images, it's about the writing.' bah. love,
from onewetleg :
thank you for adding me as a favorite. turn down the suck is something i would yell at shows when i got too drunk. i got to be a bit of a local legend here in san francisco. ha! love, jj
from msmuffet :
hehe, i was talking to holly! :)
from msmuffet :
haha ok.. too many men this year, i confused you i think.. there's the guy i always want to talk to that we thought might be in your stats class? that you said looked like a hardcore computer wizard? haha i dunno i doubt that's this kid.. because he doesn't look REALLY nerdy.. but yeah like i see him tons and tons all over campus. and then there's 'beb'.. who is completely different.. sooooo adorable, i don't think you've seen him yet. sometime. :)
from squirrelx :
Thank you for the note! I think I could use some 'charmed catsup' myself right about now. The situation with Stephanie is really stressin' David to the max, and I have to bite my tongue to keep from puttin' my two cents in. I truly appreciate your support. With affection and gratitude, Xtine
from bleed-it-out :
Whaa password! Crazy
from msmuffet :
from minstrelite :
I've been lax in responding to notes lately. You left me a great note some days ago, and I want to thank you for that. Thanks especially for encouraging me to "face the music." (It's not always easy.) Be well.
from stephen-a :
Good news. My diary's up and running once again. it's a sad, bitter and all around depressing look into the recesses of my sullen and somewhat un-usual mind. Enjoy!
from bleed-it-out :
Allo allo there! Danke for visiting me website again. Just got a diaryland thinger not too long ago. Shortly after the roof incident at my house, hehe. I think yer one of the only people left that visit my site. Thanks again, yer diary is awesome, I always love reading it.
from idlehopes :
thanks for the words of encouragement. they're appreciated.
from veggiedog :
it disturbs me that you think being gay is a choice. it may be someone's choice to let others know about their sexuality, but it is definitely not a choice to be gay. people's sexuality is determined by biological, chemical, and psychological (subconscious) factors. you say you don't want your parents' influences, but it appears they've already made their mark (which is inevitable, really).
from thetap :
i love the layout you have. my mind is empty...i so yeah. i'm gonna go do more reading. later tator.
from wishing-that :
im not sure how you would change your rings link to work for that page, but you can create a new page just by adding an entry, and pasting all your rings on there and putting it as rings.html, then make your link the same. if you need any more help with it or if that made no sense, just let me know and im happy to help! -wt
from squirrelx :
I want to thank you for the lovely note you left me a couple days back. I'm way behind the eight ball in respondin' to e-mail, notes, and all forms of communication. Please forgive my rudeness, and know that your kind words were truly appreciated. As ever, Xtine
from wishing-that :
hey dude, just a note to let you know that the link you have for 'my rings' isnt right. it'll show up correct for you, but not for anybody else. oops!
from ladyfrodo :
from idlehopes :
thanks for adding me. your diary is a new haunt.
from diaryreviews :
Your review is up at ~Vicky
from tornlace :
oh i know that update thing- having to go back ick! i once did all that stuff and then they had the server thing and all my changes were lost! AH! anyway I made an update on the page because of the thing you asked, because other people may wonder too.. :)
from californican :
Actually, kiddo, Bowling for Soup is a Texas born band. When our radio station was good, we got to hear them occasionally. That has changed, so it's mp3 time to find them. Thanks for the props!
from stephen-a :
Damnit Cathy! I told u not to tell anyone that I have a heart! Blast your insolence... now it's plastered all over the internet. Thanx, really... Anywhoo, enjoyed u'r entry about our 'mini adventure.' the part about the guy falling out of the car still makes me laugh... Guess who has a diary now. ME! Theres only one entry on account that I'm lazy, but, check it out. Regards, Princess
from ghostlight :
Thanks for the wonderful note, it made my whole day! You are too kind. You're right too, maybe things will work out.
from leslieirene :
Thanks! Blessings Always, Leslie Irene :)
from tornlace :
ouch- yeah that antarctica lady- pretty wild being there to begin with and then having people drop medical equipment out there and having to do all that by herself (somewhat) painful to watch!
from jonathan :
Thanks for coming my way. Writing can be addictive, theraputic ... and profitable. I'll chjeck out what you're up to (is it true?)

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